Words from the Rock
All of you are equal as brothers and sisters. . . . Only God in heaven is your spiritual Father. . . . You have only one teacher, the Messiah. The greatest among you must be a servant. But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Matthew 23:8–12 NLT
Jesus evens the playing field when he says believers are all equals—brothers and sisters. Upon first hearing, it sounds good and sweet, and you can almost hear the birds singing in the trees. But then when you think about it more, you realize that brothers and sisters can start up some rather feisty family feuds. Jesus knew that from personal experience—he had some half brothers. So maybe that’s why he adds a bit more to this equalizing concept, pushing us beyond a family of squabbling siblings.
Jesus also points out that his followers must become like servants. What does that mean? And how do you do it? First of all, lose the notion that a servant is an uneducated, dull, unmotivated person—some poor loser who just goes around mopping the floors and saying, “Yes, sir.” In Jesus’s day, a good servant was smart, trustworthy, thoughtful, skillful, loyal, clever, and a real asset to his employer. In other words, he was a lot like a very devoted friend. In fact, a really good servant might be the best friend an employer ever had—maybe even closer than a sibling.
Jesus gave the example of being a servant like that. He always put the needs of others above his own. And he did practical things like healing the sick and feeding the hungry.
Now Jesus takes his teaching one step further by saying that when you refuse to be a servant and when you decide to put yourself above others, you will be knocked down and humiliated. Maybe not in this life, but eventually. On the other hand, if you put others above yourself and if you strive to be a good servant, you will eventually be lifted up and honored.
My Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for making your followers equals. Please teach me to be a good servant—smart and loyal and thoughtful. Let me follow your example.
Final Word
Love each other as brothers and sisters and honor others more than you do yourself.
Romans 12:10 CEV
Stone for the Journey
Jesus can teach me to serve others.