Words from the Rock
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. A branch cannot produce fruit alone but must remain in the vine. In the same way, you cannot produce fruit alone but must remain in me.
John 15:4 NCV
Jesus wants his connection and relationship with you to be vital and life giving. You need to cling to Jesus like a healthy branch would cling to the main trunk of a plant—like you are one with it. What’s the benefit of this connection? First of all, like a branch growing out of a tree, which receives the nutrients and water that come through the roots and the trunk, you will receive what you need from Jesus to grow and be healthy. That tight connection guarantees that his life (love, forgiveness, teaching) will flow into you. And Jesus’s life keeps you vital and hardy and makes you grow. The result of growing healthy and strong is that you’ll eventually bear fruit when the season is right.
Keep in mind that the quality of the fruit is dependent on the vitality of the branch. A wimpy, sickly branch can only produce wimpy, sickly fruit, but a healthy branch will yield top-notch fruit.
Now all this talk about fruit is fine if you’re a farmer or you’re planning to concoct a fruit salad. But what does it mean to you personally? Why do you need fruit in your life?
Fruit is a metaphor for good things. Who doesn’t want more good things in their life? Maybe you’d like to be happier—what if you had more joy? Or maybe you’d like more friends—what if you became more patient and kind? Perhaps you’d like to avoid fighting with your parents or a sibling—what if you had more self-control? Those characteristics, and more, are considered the fruit of the Spirit. They are the results of hanging tight with Jesus. Fortunately, these kinds of fruits are more substantial than grapes or apples—with a much longer shelf life too. So stay connected to Jesus, and when the season is right, you’ll be surprised and pleased to see what starts cropping up in your life. And so will the people around you.
My Prayer
Dear God,
Please help me to stay tightly connected to Jesus so that his fruit will become a normal part of my life.
Final Word
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Galatians 5:22–23 NIV
Stone for the Journey
My relationship with Jesus brings good things into my life.