Words from the Rock
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.
John 15:9 NIV
Human beings have some basic needs, including air, food, water . . . and love. It’s true, love is as necessary as the air we breathe. As sad as it is, there’s actual medical testimony about orphaned infants who’ve declined physically and even died for lack of love from their caregivers. Love is essential to life. But not only human love. We are created with a natural longing for another kind of love too. Our souls are designed to crave a deeper sort of love—a life-giving, spiritual love that comes only from God.
Jesus is the conduit of that love. God’s love pours through Jesus to us. The only condition is that we stay linked to Jesus. He asks us to remain in his love. The word remain means “to stay put,” “to linger,” “to wait,” “to hang about,” “to stick around.” It’s something we automatically want to do when we love someone—we want to be with them.
What if someone gave you the latest, greatest video game console and every game and accessory that came with it? You get all set up and ready to play when you realize there’s no power cord, so you have absolutely no way to connect this console to electricity. No other power cord will work, and consequently, the console won’t work and you can’t play a single game. Talk about frustration.
That missing power cord is kind of like Jesus. Without him, there’s no connection to God. God’s love (like power to the console) is transmitted when you are plugged into Jesus—when you remain in his love. So how’s your connection? Are you plugged in?
My Prayer
Dear God,
I want to stay linked to Jesus so that your love will pour through him into me. Please show me everyday ways to keep myself plugged in.
Final Word
If we believe that Jesus is truly Christ, we are God’s children. Everyone who loves the Father will also love his children.
1 John 5:1 CEV
Stone for the Journey
Jesus is the conduit of God’s love to me.