Words from the Rock
When that happens, remember this: Servants don’t get better treatment than their masters. If they beat on me, they will certainly beat on you. If they did what I told them, they will do what you tell them.
John 15:20 Message
The unknown can be scary. Whether it’s an imagined monster that lurked beneath your bed when you were seven, or the first day at a new high school in a new town, something about not knowing what’s around the next corner can be a little freaky. Maybe that’s why Jesus spent so many of his last days with his disciples preparing them for what was coming. He knew that his friends were going to face challenges unlike anything they ever had before. He wanted them to be informed and ready.
One of the warnings Jesus gave is in regard to how his followers would be treated. It’s kind of like having a big brother who tips you off about the bullies who live down the street, cautioning that he got attacked by them and that you should be on your guard too. He’s our example. In other words, if someone doesn’t like Jesus, they probably won’t like you either.
On the other hand, if people respect Jesus, you can expect them to respect you too. His friends are your friends. Jesus has a lot of friends, which means you do too. He knows that when times get tough—and they will—you’ll be comforted by having these kinds of friends around you. And by the same token, Jesus wants you to be the kind of friend that others can lean on during their hard times. He wants you to follow his example and to be as loyal and kind and loving to your friends as he has been to you.
My Prayer
Dear God,
Thanks for giving me a heads-up sometimes. Please teach me to be the kind of friend that others can trust to stand by them.
Final Word
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.
1 John 3:16 NIV
Stone for the Journey
Jesus shows me how to love others.