Words from the Rock
When the Friend I plan to send you from the Father comes—the Spirit of Truth issuing from the Father—he will confirm everything about me. You, too, from your side must give your confirming evidence, since you are in this with me from the start.
John 15:26–27 Message
Sometimes life is just plain hard. Like when everything seems to be going wrong and you’re not sure how much more you can take. Maybe your family is dysfunctional—having serious problems and just really messed up. Maybe something at school is making you crazy. Or maybe someone has broken your heart. Is there anything that can make you feel better?
How about a friend? What if you had a really good friend to turn to—someone who was a great listener and knew you better than anyone? What if this friend loved you no matter what and cared deeply about you? What if this person was ubersmart and gave excellent advice? Do you think that would help you feel better? Would it help you through a hard time?
Jesus promises you a friend like that in his Spirit—who is actually part of Jesus. God’s Spirit is ready to be an amazing friend and is able to guide you through all kinds of tough situations. Unlike human friends, who sometimes let you down, he will be loyal, sticking with you through everything.
As with human friends, this relationship is a two-way street. You need to be a friend in return. You need to invest some of yourself—your time, your energy, your attention—in order to strengthen this friendship with God’s Spirit. As with a human friendship, the payoff is worth it. With the Spirit as your constant companion, you might feel lonely sometimes, but you will never be alone.
My Prayer
Dear God,
I welcome your Spirit into my life. Please show me how I can be a better friend to your Spirit and solidify this relationship.
Final Word
His Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children. And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.
Romans 8:16–17 NLT
Stone for the Journey
God’s Spirit is an amazing friend.