Day 5 Always Ready

Words from the Rock

Be on your guard! You don’t know when your Lord will come. Homeowners never know when a thief is coming, and they are always on guard to keep one from breaking in. Always be ready! You don’t know when the Son of Man will come.

Matthew 24:42–44 CEV

No one ever plans to be robbed. Even if you hear that there’s a thief in the neighborhood, you can’t predict if he’ll hit your house tonight or tomorrow night or next week. In most burglaries, the victims are caught unawares and taken completely by surprise. So a lot of homeowners use home security systems for protection, because even if it’s the middle of the night and you’re sleeping and unaware of a break-in, a security system is on top of it. A security system never sleeps. That is, unless someone forgets to turn it on. Then there’s a problem.

Here Jesus is reminding you to make sure you keep your spiritual security system up and running and in good shape. That means you don’t neglect things like prayer or reading your Bible or spending time with other believers. To neglect those habits is to neglect your spiritual security system—and that leaves you vulnerable.

When you’re doing what you should—maintaining your spiritual security system—you are ready for anything. And that brings a special sense of peace—the kind of peace that lets you enjoy a good night’s sleep without worrying about a break-in. You can rest easy because you know you’ve done what needs to be done.

Jesus wants you to be ready—not just for when he comes back to get you, but for every good thing he has for you until then. Be ready!

My Prayer

Dear God,

Help me to take responsibility for maintaining my spiritual security system by obeying you. I want to be ready for everything and anything, especially for you.


Final Word

You must learn to endure everything, so that you will be completely mature and not lacking in anything.

James 1:4 CEV

Stone for the Journey

God wants me to be ready for whatever comes my way.