Words from the Rock
Soon you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right side of God All-Powerful and coming on the clouds of heaven.
Matthew 26:64 CEV
Everyone enjoys a rags-to-riches story. Like when a homeless guy wins the lottery. Or someone rises up from the projects to stardom. Experiences like that get our attention and warm our hearts.
Jesus’s life is the ultimate rags-to-riches tale. Actually, it’s more like a riches-to-rags-to-riches story. First of all, he leaves all the riches and wonders and beauty of heaven to come to earth as a helpless baby. And he’s not born in a hospital or even a house—no, Jesus is born in a lowly stable with farm animals watching.
Then, after Jesus spends his whole life serving others and doing God’s will, he is captured and beaten and ridiculed and subjected to a brutal execution. Really, can a man’s life end more miserably than that? Nailed to a cross between a couple of thieves while his executioners throw dice for his clothing, Jesus reaches an all-time low. Even though he trusts his Father, it must be difficult . . . and excruciatingly painful. And then he dies.
But here’s the good part—the happy twist in the story that Jesus tells his disciples to anticipate. He wants them to realize that shortly after his death, he’ll be alive again, and he’ll be reunited with his Father. Jesus will have beaten death, and he will sit at God’s right side. He will emerge from the depths of despair and rise up to join all the glories of heaven. There Jesus will rule and reign with his Father God. From rags to riches. And because of him, you will experience the same thing—your relationship with Jesus will transform your life from rags to riches!
My Prayer
Dear God,
I’m so thankful that no one and nothing could hold Jesus down. I know that his victory is my victory; his story is mine. I can go from rags to riches too.
Final Word
Could it be any clearer? Our old way of life was nailed to the cross with Christ, a decisive end to that sin-miserable life—no longer at sin’s every beck and call!
Romans 6:6 Message
Stone for the Journey
God can turn my life around.