Words from the Rock
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” . . .
[A thief on the cross next to Jesus] said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”
Luke 23:34, 42–43 NIV
Who would appreciate a hot meal more—a guy who just polished off a super-sized dinner or a guy on the street who hasn’t eaten for days? The answer is obvious. By the same token, which person would appreciate being tossed a life preserver—the one standing onshore or the one drowning in the surf? Again, it’s obvious. The ones who know they are in need of help are the ones who most appreciate it.
Now consider the two criminals nailed to the crosses on either side of Jesus. Both are being executed because they are guilty of serious crimes. Which one of these men appreciates Jesus’s forgiveness? One man, despite being put to death, is still arrogant, and he dismisses and mocks Jesus. The other man knows he’s being executed because he’s a criminal, but he also knows who Jesus is. He understands that Jesus is the Son of God, and he respects that Jesus has the power to forgive sin. He’s the man who knows he’s in need, and he’s the man Jesus promises to take to paradise with him.
Can you imagine how amazed the thief must have been in that moment? What had started out as a dark day suddenly turned promising—he received a second chance and an invitation to a brand-new life. All because he knew that he was a sinner and that Jesus was a forgiver—he understood that he had a need Jesus could meet.
How do you respond to Jesus’s grace? Do you see your need of forgiveness? Do you welcome God’s mercy like the guy on the cross did? Or do you think you’re such a good person you don’t need it?
My Prayer
Dear God,
I’m so thankful for your mercy and forgiveness. Help me to always be amazed by your grace toward me. I never want to take it for granted or push it away.
Final Word
His Spirit lets us know that together with Christ we will be given what God has promised. We will also share in the glory of Christ, because we have suffered with him.
Romans 8:17 CEV
Stone for the Journey
I need God’s grace 24-7.