“Like some perfect fusion of Clifford Simak’s Ring Around the Sun and Robert Heinlein’s Tunnel in the Sky, David Gerrold’s Child of Earth depicts a vivid, alluring future of limitless possibilities, where world upon world awaits human exploration and colonization. His adolescent narrator, Kaer, offers a charming and wise-beyond-her-years perspective on the thrilling events of what I predict will be a landmark trilogy.”
—PAUL DI FILIPPO, author of Neutrino Drag
Child of Earth provides further evidence that David Gerrold has to be a clone: his genome clearly includes genetic material from Robert A. Heinlein, Theodore Sturgeon, Ursula K. LeGuin, Anne McCaffrey, Roger Zelazny, Edgar Pangborn, Frederik Pohl, and James Tiptree, Jr., at a minimum. For newcomers to sf, that means he is better than as good as it gets, and this is one of his very best novels.”
—SPIDER ROBINSON, author of The Crazy Years
“David Gerrold is one of the most original thinkers and fluent writers in contemporary science fiction.”
“Gerrold bores easily—that’s why you’ll never see him using the same idea or angle of attack twice. Hold on for the ride!”
—GREGORY BENFORD, author of Timescape
“Without question, David Gerrold is one of the most talented and creative writers of this generation and always fun to read.”
—JOHN C. DVORAK, columnist, PC Magazine and CBS Marketwatch