Your State of Mind
Your state of mind dictates all of your choices. When you are in a positive state of mind, problems don’t seem so big anymore, you enjoy your surroundings more, and generally you act happier. As you know, when you are in a state of mind that feels negative or draining you tend to overreact to small events, be described as grumpy, and generally have a poor outlook for the day. Then that crappy day you envisioned not wanting becomes your reality by the choices you made.
Your state of mind determines a lot of your successes before you even start. It works with or against everything you do. When you wake up in the morning with the state of mind that you are a bad parent, employee, spouse, or whatever, you will be exactly that the entire day. If you wake up with a state of mind that you will be the best you that you can be, you will be just that. You might still make mistakes, but they will not be self-inflicted like the ones a negative state of mind will create.
Where you set your goals from emotionally will determine the success of those goals. If you want to be rich to spite someone you may accomplish it, but you will not be happy. If you want to be rich to create a future for you and your family and help others, you will feel a great sense of fulfillment. Goals set from places of jealousy, envy, anger, fear or any other negative feelings will set you up for failure. Goals need to come from a positive state of mind.
You also need to believe that you need your goal. If you don’t believe being in shape is something you need no matter what health goals you set, you will fail at them. If you don’t believe you need to be rich then you can set different financial goals to be successful. You have to believe you are capable of being the person you need to be to accomplish the goal at hand.
If you believe anything is possible you will pursue what people perceive as the impossible. We can get stuck in a place of believing all we have is all we will ever have. It can be a heavy burden on us as well as be mentally draining. Know right now that realistically you can have whatever you desire to have.
Gratitude is a great state of mind. If you are grateful for what you have, no matter how little it may seem, you will get much more than that in return. You will act grateful every time you receive an opportunity to get closer to your goal, and then you will attract more of the right opportunities.
Even when we fail we want to be grateful for the chance to have tried. This state of mind can be tough to maintain, as we all have a tendency to take what we have for granted. Wake up each day and be grateful for your career, spouse, family and home regardless of your situation. Practice the attitude of gratitude.
Is your state of mind ready to accept what your goals could give you? You are not ready for a thing until you believe you can acquire it. Your state of mind needs to be one of true belief, and not one of mere hopes and wants. You will need to get out of your own way so you can receive your success.
“The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.” – Dennis S Brown
Take Action Request:
Repeat this statement out loud twice a day every day until you honestly believe it: I am aware that I am solely responsible for creating my life. I am worthy of living a life I love.