The goal is to obviously succeed in accomplishing all of your goals in the timeframe you have chosen. This can look like a lot of work each day and each goal will seem to be competing for your time. This is not true if you have a clear picture of what goals are most important to you. Your strategic planning will also allow you the ability to have most goals on autopilot, which we discuss in the daily habits of success chapter.
I know if I could accomplish my goal of retiring with a million dollars a year in passive income tomorrow by doing one extra step today I sure would. That does not mean I sacrifice all of my goals to make that one happen, I simply make sure all of my daily habits and actions keep this goal first in mind at all times.
I will continue to work on my health goals but may prioritize a million dollar making seminar I feel will give me the knowledge I need instead of my nightly workout. If I planned properly, I most likely would have already made plans to exercise at a different time or accept that I will not be exercising that day.
Do not feel guilty when you need to prioritize one goal over another. This comes back to our state of mind and how it can greatly affect our success. If you constantly feel guilty about working on one goal vs. another, you will eventually not work on any of them. Goals are not meant to stress you out, they are meant to relieve you of stress. Feel great about whatever goal you are working on in the moment.
There is a good chance you will not be physically working on each goal every day. Focus your energy on completing the tasks each day for the goal that makes the most sense. When you are at the gym be at the gym, when you are at the office be at the office, and when you are at home be at home. Don’t waste energy focusing on another goal while trying to physically work on a different one. Let your subconscious keep doing all the work and focus on the goal at hand.
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen R. Covey
Take Action Request:
Organize your one-year goals into priority order by deciding which goal would create the biggest change for you if you completed it tomorrow. Then prioritize the rest.