Maddock immediately recognized the man who shouldered through the line of Sons of Republic minions to stand beside Edmonia Jennings Wright. He stood six feet tall, narrow of shoulder and thick around the middle. He wore his graying, curly hair cut short, emphasizing his widow’s peak. The instant his face became clear in the light, Maddock knew two things. First, that Sterling had been telling the truth.

Second, they were totally screwed.

The man standing in front of him was Morgan Renko. Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Bones apparently recognized him, too. “Judge Wapner, I presume?”

Renko scowled. “Sandra, disarm these men and put all the weapons on the ground. Yours too.” He waited for Sterling to obey and then turned to Bones. “Give me the crown, or this not only ends badly for the three of you, but for the little girl, too.”

“You wouldn’t kill your own granddaughter,” Bones said.

Ransom’s smile turned Maddock’s stomach.

“It would be a wrench, that’s for certain, but some things are more important than any single life. Not mine, not Edmonia’s, not even my granddaughter’s. Now, hand me the box.”

He held out a hand, smooth and supple, probably never having seen an honest day’s work.

“Do it,” Maddock said.

Bones handed the box to Renko, who took it carefully. He looked at Maddock. “Do you know how long people have been searching for this?”

Maddock couldn’t hold back. “I know how long people have been killing to find artifacts associated with the greatest messenger of peace the world has ever known. You’re just the latest in a long line of hypocritical thugs.”

“On the contrary, Maddock. The difference is that I’ve actually found it. And I will use it for good, to restore America to her former greatness. This will inspire millions to return to their Christian roots. To be more ethical. To be less interested in what’s in it for them and more interested in their fellows. We’ll put the proper people on the bench, in Congress, even in the White House, and the people will thank us for it.”

Bones whistled. “Dude, you sound like a twelve step program. Which part of America’s former greatness do you want to return to? Is slavery on that list? Or you could slaughter my people again, but there aren’t enough of us left for that to even be worth it.”


When Renko yelled, Maddock recognized the temper which had made him legendary on the bench of the Supreme Court. He had been a surprise nominee, a political independent who never failed to speak his mind. The Senate leadership had been girding for a battle with a president who was a member the opposite party, and Renko had sailed through confirmation before they knew what hit them. The half a dozen years since had seen him dominate the court’s proceedings like no other justice in history, tearing apart the attorneys unfortunate enough to argue before him, and revealing some decidedly authoritarian positions.

Bones had already picked the lock. Renko’s hands trembled as he removed it, loosened the latch, and slowly opened the top. The triumphant look on his face made Maddock want to puke. Until the look transformed into one of immense anger. “What the hell is this?”

“What is it?” Wright asked, turning to peer inside the box.

“Look for yourself.” Renko held the box out so everyone could see inside.

The box was lined with mold-specked felt, and in the center, secured by a bit of copper wire, was a rusted metal spike.

“Where is the Crown of Thorns?” Renko took a step toward Maddock. “What have you done with it?”

“Done with it? We followed the clues to Blackbeard’s Treasure and that box is what we found.”

“But the clues,” Renko stammered. “Pierced the flesh of the savior... this isn’t...”

Maddock couldn’t suppress a laugh. “It’s just a relic. Catholic churches all over Europe used them to impress and even control their congregants. At one time there were enough pieces of the alleged true cross and nails that pierced Jesus’ palms out there to build an ark. I’m guessing this is one of those alleged nails.”

“This could be the real thing,” Renko said, a faint trace of hope in his voice.

Maddock shrugged. “Maybe, but probably not. How would you prove it?”

“This can’t be,” Wright fumed.

“You know, that was the problem with your plan all along. Even if you found the real Crown of Thorns, how would you prove to the masses that it wasn’t a fake? At best it would be another Shroud of Turin—some would believe, but most would think it a curiosity or a forgery.”

“That thing is legit,” Bones said. “So is the Yeti.”

“You might have used the treasure to advance your agenda, but Washington spent that. So all you’re left with is a useless spike.”

Renko flung the box to the ground in disgust. He appeared to think for a moment before settling on something. When his gaze focused on Maddock again, the anger had disappeared. “Unfortunately, I believe you.”

Maddock tensed. Renko must have noticed because he chuckled. “Worried about what I’ll do next? You can relax Maddock. I’m not going to kill you.”

He looked at Sterling. “You failed, Sandra. I don’t think it’s wise for your daughter to see you again.”

Sterling tried to jump toward him, but Jamison fired a shot at her feet, stopping her in her tracks.

“Farewell,” Renko said. “Forever.”

“Don’t bet on it,” Bones said. “I don’t forgive and I don’t forget.”

“You misunderstand. I am not going to kill you, but you are going to die. You’re going to be crushed beneath several tons of earth and stone when Edmonia’s men set off the charges they’ve rigged up above. Nice and clean. Just another of those pesky underground caverns finally giving way. Nothing the good people at Mount Vernon would ever bother to investigate.” Renko paused. “You’re thinking of your lady friend who will wonder where you’ve gone.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Bring her in.”

Maddock’s stomach lurched. If Renko had Melissa, Maddock would fight them all with his bare hands if necessary. Whatever it took to get her free. He glanced at the floor where their weapons lay at Wright’s feet. The old woman’s gaze met his, and a fierce challenge glinted in her eyes.

Try it, she mouthed.

Maddock saw movement behind Wright’s men, and a familiar face appeared.

But it wasn’t Melissa.

The new arrival was an attractive woman with olive skin, dark hair, and arresting green eyes. She wore dark, form-fitting clothing, body armor, and a badge draped around her neck. She held an automatic pistol. Behind her came a line of men in full combat regalia.

Wright’s men turned about but immediately lowered their weapons at the sight of half a dozen automatic rifles trained on them. 

“Sorry to break up this party, but you’re all under arrest.”

“Who are you?” Renko spat.

“Alex Vaccaro. FBI.” She glanced at Wright. “Don’t expect your men on the grounds to save you. We’ve taken them all into custody. Some of them are already offering to tell all they know about you.”

“Thank God,” Renko said. “These people are part of a terrorist organization called the Sons of the Republic. They kidnapped me and brought me here. They’ve been manipulating me and my daughter-in-law. They’ve even infiltrated the Navy SEALs.” He pointed at Maddock and Bones.

Sterling began to protest but Vaccaro raised a hand to forestall her.

“Justice Renko, one of my men will escort you out. You’ll need to tell us all you know about these Sons of the Republic.” Renko hurried out, assuring her that he would do all he could to help.

Bones looked from Alex to Maddock, an incredulous smile painting his face. “You called Vaccaro?”

Formerly of Naval Intelligence, Vaccaro had once joined Maddock and Bones on a search for a different treasure. She had since moved on to the FBI, and she and Maddock had kept in touch.

Maddock nodded. “Back in the cave, when you mentioned the Templars, it brought her to mind. Sorry I didn’t tell you, but Sterling was sticking so close to us I was lucky I got away long enough to make the call. As soon as Edmonia admitted she had a major government player on her team, I knew we’d never be free unless we could bring these guys down, and for that we needed help.” He reached inside his jacket and took out a digital recorder. “And evidence.”

“So you got it?” Alex asked as her men took Wright’s minions into custody.

“Everything. By the way, how long were you going to wait?”

“I was right around the corner the whole time. I heard everything. Between this tape, our combined testimony, and whatever details Renko spills, we should be able to put him and Ms. Wright here away for a long time.”

Wright, who had been standing quietly in the center of the room, sprang into action. Even expecting it, Maddock was surprised at the speed of her attack. She struck him on the wrist, sending the recorder flying. Bones caught it in mid-air and tossed it to Alex before it could be damaged.

Maddock blocked the flurry of kicks and punches Wright threw at him and countered with a punch that she easily dodged.

“Your technique needs work,” she scolded. “I...”

A fist flew out of the darkness, clocking her across the temple. Wright’s eyes rolled back in her head, her legs turned to rubber, and she collapsed to the floor.

“Thanks, Bones,” Maddock said.

“Wasn’t me. I don’t hit chicks and I don’t sucker punch unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

“I think I broke my hand,” Sterling said. She looked at Maddock with pleading eyes. “I hope that, even if you can’t forgive me, you’ll at least be able to understand why I did what I did.”

“I get it,” Maddock said.

Sterling nodded and turned to Alex, who was busy handcuffing the unconscious Wright. “Is there any chance you can help me get my daughter back?”

Alex nodded. “We’ll get on it immediately.” She turned to her men. “Get everyone out of here, and then bring Melissa Moore down here. She’s eager to see Maddock. Lord knows why.” She winked at Maddock.

As the Sons of the Republic were escorted out of the chamber, Jamison scowled at Maddock. “I’ll make you pay for this. You and everyone you care about.”

“Have fun in prison,” Bones said. “Don’t drop the soap.”

When the four of them were alone, Vaccaro flashed a sad smile at Maddock. “Once again, you make it to the end of the rainbow, only to find the pot of gold is empty.”

Maddock grinned. “Not necessarily.”

The others turned triple frowns his way.

“There’s something unusual about the letter Washington left for Lafayette. Come take a look.” They returned to the alcove and huddled close together so they could see the letter. “See how, here and there, a letter is slanted in the direction opposite the others? Put them together and see what they spell.”

Sterling read the letters aloud. “u-n-d-e-r-t-h-e-g-u-a-r-d. Under the guard?”

“The guard? There was mention of a guard in Washington’s letter to Lafayette. I remember Jamison specifically mentioned it,” Bones said. “Does it mean the skeleton?”

“No, he wouldn’t want Lafayette to get skewered. I think he means this guard.” Maddock shone his light into the alcove on the carving of the soldier standing at attention. Maddock brushed away the dust and mold, revealing a large keyhole.

“If that’s the keyhole, where’s the key?” Sterling asked.

“I have a hunch,” Maddock said. “Somebody grab Edmonia’s copy of Bastille key.  It’s hanging from her belt.”

Bones unhooked it and handed it to Maddock. “Looks like a fit to me.”

“That it does,” Maddock agreed.

“Wait for me.” Melissa had arrived and ran into Maddock’s arms. After a long embrace, she drew away and gazed up at him. “Don’t you think a Mount Vernon staff member should be the one to open it?”

“Absolutely.” He handed her the key and they all watched in silent anticipation as she inserted it into hole. It clicked home but nothing happened.

“Try turning it,” Bones offered.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to break it.”

“Go for it,” Maddock said.

Slowly, Melissa gave the key a clockwise turn until a series of loud, metallic clanks filled the room. The back wall of the alcove swung forward, revealing a small wooden chest. Melissa grabbed hold of it and pulled, but it scarcely budged. “It’s heavy.”

“I got this.” With more care than he usually took with anything, Bones slid the chest out of the alcove and sat it on the floor. He deftly picked the lock and opened the lid.

“Wow!” Alex breathed.

A rainbow of colors shone on the walls and ceiling as their flashlights danced on gemstones, pearls, and gold coins.

“It’s only a fraction of the original treasure,” Maddock said, “but at least he kept something for Lafayette.”

“There’s a pouch there.” Sterling picked up a small, leather bag stuffed with gold. On the outside, someone had burned the words, “For Billy Lee.”

“So he didn’t forget Billy after all,” Bones said.

“This,” Alex said, “is amazing. And I thought busting the Chief Justice was going to be the highlight of my day.” She reached out and rested her hands on Maddock’s and Bones’ shoulders. “Boys, I have to say, you always make things interesting.”

If you enjoyed the Sons of the Republic novellas, try Primordial!

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