List of Illustrations

Flight Lieutenant Letford (IWM)
Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Harris and Lady Harris (IWM)
Flight Engineer — Lancaster Bomber (IWM)
Dingy Drill
Bomber Command HQ Operation Room (IWM)
‘Window Dropping’ (IWM)
Mid Upper Gunner (IWM)
Briefing Berlin — November 1943 — 460 Sqdn(Wing Commander Cairns)
A meal before the operation (IWM)
Crew room (IWM)
Waiting for the off (IWM)
Lancaster waiting for off signal (IWM)
FW 190 German Fighter (IWM)
Squadron Leader Marshall’s crew — 101 Sqdn(Ken Maun)
101 Squadron ABC Aircraft dropping leaflets(IWM)
Lancaster ‘S’ for sugar(Alan Cooper)
207 Squadron Lancaster on return from Berlin(W. Baker)
Stirling being bombed up(IWM)
F/O Beetham and crew 50 Sqdn(les Bartlett)
P/O McClelland and crew 467 Sqdn (Steve Bethenall)
Night photography on the bombing run(Public Records Office)
Crashed Halifax(IWM)
Crashed Lancaster (IWM)
Jimmy Flynn (Jimmy Flynn)
De-briefing after Berlin raid
A 78 Squadron crew (B. Downes)
Lancaster bombing up with 4,000 cookie and incendiaries(Wing Commander Cairns)
Ernie Cummings’ scarf(Alan Cooper)
Navigator at work(IWM)
619 Squadron crew (Nick Knilans)
Control tower Waddington awaiting returning aircraft(IWM)
JU 88 German Fighter(IWM)
A message for the enemy (IWM)
Winter 1944(IWM)
Bomber Command fights the snow
‘Keep them flying at all costs’(IWM)
Take off for Berlin Flight Sergeant Schuman and crew(Syd Waller)
RAF Driffield — Flight Sergeant Schuman and crew, and groundcrew (Syd Waller)
Y-Yorker 466 Squadron running up (Syd Waller)
Unexploded bombs, Berlin (IWM)
Berlin under attack(IWM)
Me 109 German fighter (IWM)
‘Did we hit it, or not ?’(IWM)
A welcome drink(IWM)
Gordon Ritchie — 429 Squadron before Berlin raid March 44(Gordon Ritchie)
Norman Storey — 103 Squadron and crew(Norman Storey)
Ken Maun — 101 Squadron(Ken Maun)
Bombing up a Lancaster (IWM)
Ground crews, a welcome break
Return from Berlin — 78 Squadron (B. Downes)
Halifax 76 Squadron in flight(IWM)
Bob Thomas, killed hours later, March 1944(Jack Spark)
Fred Brownings and crew(Jack Spark)
550 Squadron Lancaster damaged over Berlin(IWM)
‘One of our aircraft is missing’(IWM)
‘A missing Lancaster’ (IWM)
4,000 cookie being loaded into a Mosquito(Dan Skillman)
Siemens Berlin(IWM)
Lancaster DV 372-F crew and groundcrew(IWM)
DV 372-F today — IWM(Alan Cooper)
Winston Churchill and daughter, Berlin 1945(IWM)
Remains of Berlin
Berlin War Cemetery(Commonwealth War Graves)
Air Vice Marshal Don Bennett, G/Capt Hamish Mahaddie 1983(Alan Cooper)
Les Bartlett in Berlin(Bartlett)
Bomber Command Association — 1983(Alan Cooper)
‘View from the Cockpit’ by Alf Huberman (Alan Cooper)