Chapter Eighteen


While the latest explosion buried some things, other things it uncovered.

Left-arm Mason, half-crushed by a boulder a dozen yards from where his revenant pursuer was blown up, found himself freed with the advent of the second blast. His mind was fuzzy with separation from his main brain and something else, something slowly unfurling through his synapses like seafloss caught in a Martian tide, strove to focus.

Lefty’s battery was broken, leaking, barely functioning anymore. Most of his extensors were gone as well, and two of his fingers were broken.

Good thing he could use these other scattered body parts to help himself go. They just clicked right in, too, like they were made for him!

Lurching like a half-crushed sand crab, Lefty headed out across the rocky field, feeling his way back home.

Mason would be so happy to see him again.