How to Use This Guide
Twenty hikes are detailed in this guide. The overview map at the beginning of this guide shows the location of each hike in the area by hike number, keyed to the table of contents.
Each hike is accompanied by a route map that shows all the accessible roads and trails, points of interest, access to water, towns, landmarks, and geographical features. It also distinguishes trails from roads and paved roads from unpaved roads. The selected route is highlighted, and directional arrows point the way.
To aid in quick decision making, each hike begins with a summary to give you a taste of the hiking adventure to follow. You’ll learn about the trail terrain and what surprises the route has to offer.
Next you’ll find the quick, nitty-gritty details of the hike: hike length, approximate hiking time, difficulty rating, type of trail surface, best time of year to hike the trail, other trail users, canine compatibility, land status, fees and permits, trail hours, map resources, trail contacts, and other information that will help you on your trek.
Finding the trailhead provides directions from a nearby city or town right to where you’ll want to park your car.
The Hike is the meat of the chapter. Detailed and honest, it’s a carefully researched impression of the trail. While it’s impossible to cover everything, you can rest assured that you won’t miss what’s important.
Miles and Directions provides mileage cues that identify all turns and trail name changes, as well as points of interest.
Don’t feel restricted to the routes and trails mapped in this guide. Be adventurous and use the book as a platform to discover new routes for yourself, but do stick to designated trails. One of the simplest ways to begin is to turn the map upside down and hike the trail in reverse. The change in perspective can make the hike feel quite different; it’s like getting two hikes for one.
You may wish to copy the directions for the course onto a small sheet to help you while hiking, or photocopy the map and cue sheet to take with you. Otherwise, just slip the whole book in your pocket and take it with you. Enjoy your time in the outdoors, and remember: Pack out what you pack in.