Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein always put their left shoe on first. This occurs to you as a clerk in the shoe store brings you the right shoe of the pair you are considering. Sorry, you say, but Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein always put their left shoe on first and I always do the same. It is written that Jesus always put his left sandal on first. He also advised his disciples to put their left sandal on first. He said, Verily, if your message is not received, leave that village and shake its dust off your sandals. I assume he meant to shake the left sandal first. Putting your left shoe on first sends a message to your brain. Message to brain: Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein always put their left shoe on first. And you, whoever you are, technician, employee, wife, lover, friend, you who dress me for the last time, please, put my left shoe on first.