The road into Confusion was downhill and coated with ice. I wondered as we slid, my foot not touching the break, if there was only one stoplight in Confusion, and if that was it at the bottom of the hill, and if it would change from red to green. Felsenfeld scrunched low in his seat, an unlit Pall Mall dangling from his lip, the visor of his cap over his eyes. If I wake up dead, he whispered, I’ll kill you. I remember reading in the guidebook that the original name of Confusion was Quandary. As we spun in circles through the intersection I noticed how quiet it was, how slowly we turned, or were we absolutely still, and Confusion was revolving all around us? This seemed like a good time for a little known fact. I said, Did you know that the first toilet seen on television was on Leave It to Beaver? Felsenfeld did not answer. He was asleep, an unlit Pall Mall dangling from his lip.