Many people have helped me through various stages of this book. Special thanks to my parents, Lila and Alex, who suffered through strange smells coming out of the “test” kitchen. My mother passed away before this project came to fruition, but I can still hear her encouraging words. My father was probably my biggest fan—he tasted, tested, critiqued, and encouraged. He, too, passed away before this book was published. I dedicate this book to them.
Bob Graham’s calls that he had located something else for my book were always exciting. He schlepped me here and there, always on the hunt for “one more thing” for the book. My sister, Marcia Mogelonsky, helped research, faxed me clippings and new ideas, and read and reread the manuscript. Peggi Calder answered all my e-mails, helped me sort through various wild edible confusions, proofread the manuscript, and went on wild-food forays into the countryside. Carol Downing at the Glengarry Bookstore helped me locate reference materials. And a big thank you to Peter Finney, who designed the cover.
Others helped in many ways. Thanks to all for tasting my experiments, lending or giving me books, picking me things from the backyard or the back forty, proofreading copy, and encouraging me, including: Barbara and Don Adeles, Amelia Ayre, Brigitte Beriault, Lynne Bowker, Bill and Dawn Bradford, Ken and Janet Brown, Francinna Collard, Frank and Anne Marie Collard, Rejean Duval, Sylvia Easdown, Nancy Flynn, Bill Gilsdorf, Herb and Sheba Goldstein, Jim and Janet Graham, Dodo and Norman Hecht, Susan Joiner, Judah and Wendy Katz, Brenda Kennedy, Norm Konlup, Barry and Kathy Lucking, Dieter and Astrid Meng, Larry and Maureen Mogelonsky, Claude Paquette, Yvon Paquette, Marlene Quesnel, Elisabeth Reboux, AI and Riva Regenstreif, Anne Schneider, Lis Skelly, Brian Smith, Steve Stober, Barry Strauss, Odile Têtu, Debbie Wightman, and Mac Williamson. Also thanks to Denis, Pauline, and Helen (the “Xerox Queen”) at Alexandria Stationery.
I also want to thank two of my inspired and inspiring art teachers: Carole Irgo and Tib Beament. And my wonderful editor, PJ Dempsey, who made the whole experience a lot of fun.
And I can’t forget my cats Domino, Cinnamon, and Nutmeg, who kept me company late at night while I was working on this book.