
This book was the combined effort of many people. Special thanks to my family, who always believed me when I said I would write a book someday: my sisters, Ande and Gemma—the coolest women I know. Cam, my first best friend, Caroline, Jack, Auntie Marcy, Peter, Auntie Sue, Brett (I couldn’t have navigated all of those book contracts without you), Auntie Linda. My Papa Seymour, for so much more than I can say here—your unfaltering kindness and positivity, your stories, your warmth, your history. Thank you for teaching me about meat and hard work and generosity. To Lentil, for changing my whole world. To Grandy, I wish you could have seen this. To Emily, for being the bosom friend I always wanted and the sister I chose. Juddy, my sweet, my biggest supporter—thank you for your patience and your love and your fancy dance moves. My Meat Hook family: Ben, Tom, Brent, Sara, Maddy, James, Mike, David, Gil—I never thought I could love my job or my coworkers so dang much. Harry and Taylor and the Brooklyn Kitchen crew for your knowledge and your willingness to lend me props. To Marion—I am in awe of your talent, thank you for making this book infinitely better. Thank you to all the owners of the various places in the neighborhood who let me make offices in your establishments when I couldn’t be in my apartment any longer: the West Café, the Grand, the Second Chance Saloon, Burnside, the Anchored Inn. To Max and Arlo, for letting me watch you grow up and for reminding me what it’s like to fall in love with reading. To my Yummy Books readers, who made this book possible—especially you, Elizabeth, my first Internet friend. Kari—super-agent, and Michael—super-editor. To every chef I’ve worked for, even those of you who threw things at my head and made me feel worthless, you still taught me something. To the people I have toiled beside and for in kitchens and coffee shops throughout NYC: Jason, Willa, Erin, T-shirt, and Mo. To my favorite English teachers, Ms. Jacoby and Mr. Mitchell. To everyone who helped me test these recipes—Mallory and Michelle, my amazing book club girl gang, and so many others. And lastly, to the writers who inspire me every single day and the characters who were my first friends—this book quite literally could not have happened without you.