The research for this book was mostly conducted through personal interviews. That was essential since much of what had been written in the past was simply inaccurate. Nevertheless, I also did a great deal of secondary research to understand how events were viewed contemporaneously to their occurrences.
Grisel, Judith. Never Enough: The Neuroscience and Experience of Addiction. New York: First Anchor Books, 2019.
Mitchell, Derek. Steve Cauthen. London: Partridge Press, 2007.
Obama, Barack. Dreams from My Father. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1995.
Phillips, Mackenzie, with Hilary Liftin. High on Arrival: A Memoir. New York: Gallery Books, 2009.
Pietila, Antero. Not in My Neighborhood: How Bigotry Shaped A Great American City. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2010.
Rogers, Marian Elizabeth. Mencken: The American Iconoclast, the Life and Times of the Bad Boy of Baltimore. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Sahadi, Lou. Affirmed: The Last Triple Crown Winner. New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2011.
Michael Anderson
Georgia Andreadakis
Carl Jackson Beckner
John Bosley
Sherene Bracho
William “Willie” Brown
Chris Campbell
Bruce Carter
Cia Carter
Steve Cauthen
Su Chung
Angel Cordero
Tony Cullum
Gerald Delp
Nancy Graham Dillon
Judith DiNatale
Richard Duncan
Janet Elliot
Alan Foreman
Carolyn Franklin
Marian Franklin
Anthony Grigsby
Judith Grisel
Alexis Harthill
Ruben Hernandez
Shirley Holthaus
Joanne Houle
Donna Hunter
Dick Jerardi
Kristin Dillon Johnson
Theodore Madfis
Sharon Maloney
Horace “Junie” Marlow Jr.
Greg McCarron
Tom Meyerhoff
Nancy Cusimano Morris
Paula Parsons
Teresa Meyerhoff Pete
Don Pistorio
Scott Regan
Mark Reid
Cathy Rosenberger
Deborah Rudacille
Jane Scuto
Bonnie Smajda
Dr. James Stewart
John Dale “J. D.” Thomas
Jacinto Vasquez
Alix White