Trust Administration Checklist

Name of trust: __________________________

Date of trust: __________________________




Telephone Number

Estimated Completion or Due Date

Date Completed

Obtain pertinent documents:

  Trust document and all amendments

  Copy of will



  Insurance policies


  List of trust assets

  Death certificate

  Copy of pension, profit-sharing, IRA plan documents

  Copy of income & gift tax returns


Gather information:

  Names, addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, and tax brackets of all current beneficiaries

  List of remaindermen

  Obtain bank and brokerage account statements

  Trust accounting reports, if any

  Family tree

  Copy of federal estate tax return (From 706)

Initial Set-Up Steps:

  Prepare inventory

  List debts and encumbrances

  Obtain an appraisal/valuation of all trust property as of settlor’s date of death or inception date of trust

  Take possession/control of all trust assets

  Apply for Employer Identification Number (EIN)

  Reregister all bank and brokerage accounts and other assets into the name of the trustee

  Collect life insurance proceeds

  Collect employee benefits payable to trusts

  Notify all payors to mail future payments to trustee

If specific bequest is income-producing

  Property, separate into segregated account

  Review terms of the trust with beneficiaries

  Accrue income to date of death, if applicable

Retain advisors:



  Investment advisor


  Insurance agent

  Trust company, bank


Initial administration steps:

  Determine income needs of the beneficiaries

  Exercise tax elections

  File final tax returns (estate and decedent’s final return)

  File Form 5495, Request for Discharge from Personal Liability

  Perform initial review of trust investments

  Estimate initial cash requirements (estate taxes, specific bequests, debts, final expenses, etc.)

  Raise needed cash

  Fund marital, credit shelter, and generation-skipping trusts, if applicable

  Distribute/pay specific bequests

  Review the terms of the trust and clarify provisions that are ambiguous or misleading

  Review the Uniform Principal and Income Act

  Review the Prudent Investor Act

  Develop an investment policy and strategy

  Obtain fee-sharing agreement from co-trustee(s)

Ongoing administration:

Principal distributions? Yes ___ No ___

Income distributions:

Discretionary? ___ Nondiscretionary?

Frequency of investment reviews:

Quarterly ____________ Semiannual ____________ Annual ____________

Frequency of accounting reports:

Monthly ____________ Quarterly ____________ Annual ____________

Event that triggers termination of the trust:

Termination date of trust: