THIS CONTRAPTION ALLOWS YOU TO STEP away from the keyboard (AFK) while your game fishes for you until you come back. It is designed so that you can continuously right-click and restart fishing whenever you catch something. And if you fish constantly for 8 or more hours, that adds up to quite a bit of loot!
You can use this farm to really jump-start your game by getting powerful, enchanted books to use on your weapons, tools, and armor. Is it cheating? Some say so, but Minecraft is a sandbox game that’s intended for you to play as you like. And, so far, the developers haven’t nerfed the ability to make this contraption. Plenty of players use this farm to progress quickly at the start of the game. However, some find it spoils their game by getting too much without effort. You decide!
Step by Step
1. Place a building block down with a noteblock on top of it. On top of the noteblock, place another building block to mute the sound of the noteblock.
2. In front of the topmost block, place another building block.
3. In front of this pillar, place an iron door, as shown.
4. On 1 side of the iron door, place 2 blocks on the ground, as shown.
5. Add another 2 building blocks on top of these.
6. Do the same for the other side of the iron door. Add 2 blocks on the ground.
7. Now add 2 building blocks on top of these.
8. Add a 3-block-tall pillar on the left of the wall built in Steps 4 and 5.
9. Add another 3-block-tall pillar to the right of the rightmost wall (placed in Steps 6 and 7).
10. Place a double chest in front of the right front blocks, as shown.
11. Shift-right click with a hopper on the left side of the chest. This will place the hopper so that it is pointed into the chest.
12. Shift-right click with a hopper on the back side of the hopper placed in Step 11. Anything dropped into this hopper will now flow directly into the chest.
13. Place 1 redstone dust on the block to the right of the iron door, as shown.
14. Place a slab on top of the front hopper.
15. Place a slab in front of the front hopper, as shown.
16. Place a bucket of water above the back hopper.
17. Add a tripwire hook to the leftmost pillar.
18. Add a second tripwire hook to the right pillar.
19. Right-click with a piece of string on one of the hooks. This will place the string between the 2 hooks.
20. You’re all set! To fish, stand on the front slab, and with your fishing rod in hand, point your cursor just below the string, on the top visible edge of the iron door. If you see the hitbox of the string (left), you’re aiming too high. Aim lower so that the string’s hitbox isn’t highlighted (right). Keep pressing down right-click for continuous fishing.
21. When you start fishing, the tripwire will still activate, opening the iron door. The iron door will remain open while you are fishing, then close for a moment when a fish is caught and reopen when you begin fishing again. If the door is constantly opening and shutting, you’re aiming at the wrong spot.
How to AFK Fish
To AFK fish, you’ll need a way to keep right-clicking while not at your keyboard. There are several ways to do this:
• If a certain glitch is still present, you can press F11 while you right-click to fish. When you release your mouse, the game will assume you are still right-clicking.
• You can keep your right mouse button physically pressed somehow, perhaps with a rubber band or by resting a heavy object on the mouse button.
• Or you can change your controls. When you are ready to go AFK (with your fishing rod in hand and positioned), click Escape, then Options, then Controls to open up the Controls settings. Change Use Item/Place Block to Space. Now change Jump to another key, such as Q. Back in your game, press your spacebar to start fishing. When your cursor is positioned well, you can place a weight on your space bar to keep right-clicking until you come back.
If you are going to be AFK fishing for a long time, you’ll want a fishing rod that has Mending on it, so it won’t wear down and break. You’ll want Lure and Luck of the Sea as well to get the most out of the fishing drop. Don’t forget to place more chests as well, connected to each other by hoppers, so you can store the fish and stuff!
If you are playing on a server, make sure that AFK fishing is allowed!