We, the authors of All-in-One Guide to CSSLP, have many individuals who we need to acknowledge—individuals without whom this effort would not have been successful. This project would not have been possible without Tim Green, who navigated a myriad of problems, put up with delays and setbacks, and made life easier for the author team. He brought together an all-star production team that made this book possible.
The list needs to start with those folks at McGraw-Hill who worked tirelessly with the project’s authors and led us successfully through the minefield that is a book schedule, and who took our rough chapters and drawings and turned them into a final, professional product we can be proud of. We thank all the good people from the Acquisitions team, Tim Green, Stephanie Evans, and Mary Demery; from the Editorial Services team, Jody McKenzie, Rachel Gunn, and LeeAnn Pickrell; from the Illustration and Production teams, Jim Kussow; and the composition team at Cenveo. We also thank the technical editor, Brian Barta; the copyeditor, Lisa McCoy; the proofreader, Susie Elkind; and the indexer, Ted Laux, for all their attention to detail that made this a finer work after they finished with it.
We would also like to thank Joe Jarzombek, who led the efforts of the Software Assurance Forum through Department of Homeland Security. His efforts have moved many to believe in the need for software assurance. Mary Ann Davidson, from Oracle Corporation, provided inspiration as to the importance of getting software right and the real challenges of doing it in the real world, with business and technical considerations at every turn. She championed the cause of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of patching” while reminding us of the challenges of regression testing and the customer value of doing the right thing. The software development world needs more champions like her.