Chapter 27

Mommy, Daddy says that big boys don’t wet their pants.” Carla tried to hide her smile as she glanced at her son over her glass of milk. “He did?”

“Yes, and he said I should try not to do it.”

“And will you?”

Craig nodded his head up and down before his attention was again drawn to the cereal box in front of him. Carla sighed deeply. Jesse had managed to do in less than a week what she’d almost given up as a losing battle—Craig and his potty training. Mrs. Boston had reported that there had not been wet or soiled training pants since Jesse had talked with his son.

His son.

The words seemed to hover in the air around her. It had been over a week since Jesse had made the decision to not only let her keep her company, but had made sure it could never be taken away from her. Her employees were ecstatic to know they would be keeping their jobs, and so far none of them had mentioned or questioned Jesse being Craig’s father. These days they only had nice words to say about the man who only a week ago had all of them sweating bullets.

“Mommy, will Daddy come here today?”

Carla met her son’s intense gaze. She knew that Jesse had not missed a day coming to visit Craig, although the majority of time he came while she was at work. Whether that time was more convenient for him or whether he was avoiding her she wasn’t sure. But still, his presence was there in her home even when he wasn’t. When she got home in the afternoon she had to contend with Craig’s relentless babbling of all the things he and his daddy had done that day. Then there were the reminders that a man had been in her home.

The scent of him would linger in the air long after he left.


She blinked, realizing she hadn’t answered Craig’s question. Although she wasn’t privy to Jesse’s schedule, she didn’t see where this day would be any different than the others. A part of her wondered just how long Jesse would stay in Orlando since she knew he had a business waiting for him in Los Angeles.

“Yes, Craig, I’m sure he’ll come, but you can’t expect him to come visit you every day.”


“Because he has work to do.”

Craig vigorously shook his head. “No. My daddy said he loves me before work.”

Carla smiled. “Yes, but Mommy loves you before work, too, but she still goes every day, doesn’t she?”

He nodded. “Yes.”

“Then you’ll understand when your daddy has to go to work.”

The doorbell rang and she saw Craig’s eyes lit up. “That’s my daddy.”

Carla lifted a brow, wondering if what Craig said was true and Jesse was at the door. Mrs. Boston had a doctor’s appointment and wouldn’t be coming until noon, so Carla had cleared her calendar this morning to stay home with her son.

She hoped it wasn’t Jesse since she was still wearing her bathrobe, but before she could stop him, Craig had raced away from the table toward the door. She caught up with him in the living room and her heart tugged at the excitement she saw in his face.

He peeped out the window and saw Jesse. “It is him,Mommy.It is my daddy!”

Carla pulled her robe tightly together as she opened the door.



She stepped aside. “Please come in. There’s someone here who’s excited about seeing you.”

She watched as Jesse’s eyes lit up the moment he saw his son and she couldn’t help the fluttering that touched her heart. A little over a month ago Jesse Devereau had not known his son existed and now the love he had shining for Craig was blatantly clear for anyone to see. His acceptance, his love had been just that easy, simple and heartfelt. And Carla knew it was love. No matter what type of relationship the two of them had, their son would always enjoy the love of both his parents. Together they would look out for his well-being and best interest.

It was one of those rare days in late fall where a coat was needed and Craig had given Jesse barely enough time to shrug out of it before he had jumped into his arms. “Daddy, Daddy, you came today!”

“Of course I came,” he said hugging his son to him. Then he lifted a brow and pulled back somewhat. “And how’s the potty training going?”

“Good,” Craig said eagerly and proudly. “Isn’t it, Mommy?”

Carla chuckled. “Yes, it’s going good.”

Craig worked his way out of Jesse’s arms. “I’m going to get my coloring books and colors.” And before Carla could remind him he still had cereal left in his bowl to eat, he had taken off.

Jesse chuckled as he watched. “I remember when I use to have energy like that.”

For some reason a moment in time came to mind when she’d thought he’d had a lot of energy—the night they’d made love. He had taken her with a vitality that took her breath away just thinking about it. Once he had gotten over the shock that she was a virgin, he had pro

ceeded to give her the best sex of her life.

The only sex of her life.

She blinked when she suddenly realized that Jesse had been saying something. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

Jesse smiled as he put both hands in his pockets. “I said I’m glad the potty training has improved.”

Carla returned his smile. “Yes, I’m glad too, and I really appreciate your help.”

Jesse nodded and then his smile vanished. “I was a late starter myself. In fact I can vividly remember getting brutally whipped every time I did something in my underpants. That’s the reason the first family didn’t keep me.”

“Oh, Jesse, I’m sorry,” she said, wondering what type of people would not recognize that some kids were slower to learn than others.

“Thanks but I learned to survive.”

She nodded. Yes, he had. And along the way he had also learned not to become attached to anyone or anything. People had hurt him. They had let him down. He had grown up depending on and believing in no one. She couldn’t help but wonder what had compelled him to let his guard down with her that night they’d met at Sonya’s birthday party. Why had he trusted her enough to reach out? To let go? And for a rare moment, to share himself? Her vivid memories—and she still had plenty—reminded her of how he had shared himself with her, his time and his body.

At that moment Craig raced back into the room and any further thoughts of Jesse and that Thanksgiving night slowly dissolved from her mind.

Carla received a call around eleven from Mrs. Boston advising her the doctor’s office was running late in appointments and it would be after two before she could get there. Carla had told her not to concern herself with coming over to take care of Craig today because she would be staying at home the remainder of the day. She had placed a call to the office and Michelle had passed her messages on to her and had cleared her calendar for the remainder of the afternoon. Michelle had told her that Brandy and Amber had called, as well as Sonya.

Carla glanced across the room. Jesse and Craig had finished coloring an hour or so ago and were now building something out of Craig’s LEGO blocks. She had been sitting quietly on the sofa reading and every so often she would glance up and look at them, their heads together, father and son, as they tackled what appeared to be an interesting project.

“You want to help, Mommy?”

She blinked. Craig had caught her watching. She shifted her gaze from Craig to Jesse. So had he. “Uh, no thanks, although it looks like fun, Mommy will just continue to sit here and read her book.”

“What are you reading?” Jessie asked.

She shifted her gaze to Jesse and for a minute wished she hadn’t. He looked so good lying on her floor, so comfortable, so at home and so damn masculine. He had worn his jeans and a T-shirt and the clothes fit him like a second layer of skin.

She cleared her throat. “There’s some new software out on the market and I thought I’d become familiar with it.”

He nodded. “What’s it called?”

Carla noticed he hadn’t stopped what he was doing with Craig and couldn’t help but wonder how his attention could be focused on two things at once. “It’s called Cybernate Plus and is supposed to be able to combine a lot of computer applications in one program. Ever heard of it?”

“Yes, and I’ve already checked it out and it’s not as good as they claim. One of my companies is working on something similar that will be better. We hope to have it on the market within a few months.”

Carla nodded. She was tempted to ask him just how many companies he had and decided it wasn’t any of her business. She switched her gaze from him to Craig. Their son was fighting hard not to fall asleep. Instead of saying anything out loud, she tilted her gaze to Craig and

Jesse’s gaze followed. He smiled in understanding.

“Hey, big guy, it’s time for your nap.”

Of course Craig decided to be difficult. “But I don’t want to take a nap. I want to stay here with you and Mommy.”

“All big guys need naps, Craig.”

“Even you?”

Jesse chuckled. “Yes, even me. Now, come on let’s get that nap over with.”

“Will you be here when I wake up?”

Jesse glanced quickly over at Carla and lifted a brow. She read his question and at her nod, he said to his son. “Yes, I’ll still be here.”

Satisfied with his father’s answer, Craig placed his hand in his and allowed himself to be led to his bedroom. By the time Jesse returned, Carla was in the kitchen making another pot of coffee. “I can leave if you want me to, Carla.”

She turned around and met Jesse’s gaze. “No, you’re welcome to stay. I just don’t want you to feel obligated to spend every waking moment with Craig. I know you probably have other things to do.”

Jesse shook his head. “No, not really. I have people in place to run things so I’m fine. Besides, it’s important to me that I build a strong, solid relationship with Craig. I want him to know and understand the role I intend to play in his life. I think that’s very important, given the fact that we aren’t married. It will be a challenge but I want him to know he can count on me just as much as he can count on you.”

Carla nodded, wondering why a lot more men didn’t think that way. The world would be a better place if they did. There were too many children who didn’t know their fathers, and fathers who didn’t want to know their children. They were men who had enjoyed their time in the bedroom but didn’t want the responsibility of being a father to the child they had created.

“Thank you.”

Jesse lifted a brow. “For what?”

“For having that attitude.”

He shrugged. “For me it’s more than an attitude, Carla. It’s who I am. Craig has brought something special into my life. He has given me purpose, direction. He has made me look deep into who I am and what I am. Being with him, spending time with him has helped me to see the mistakes I’ve made and to be there to encourage him, to teach him and show him how not to make those same mistakes.”

Carla nodded. “I’m about to have a cup of coffee, would you like one?”

“Yes, I’d also like to talk to you about something.”

“All right. Go ahead and sit at the table and I’ll bring the coffee on over.” Carla’s kitchen was a compact place and she could feel Jesse’s presence like a tangible thing. He suddenly made her kitchen feel warm and intimate. She watched him sit down at the table and could tell something important was on his mind and couldn’t help wondering what it was.

After pouring two cups of coffee she brought them over to the table and sat down across from him. Earlier, while he had kept Craig occupied, she had gone into her bedroom and changed into a pair of slacks and a loose-fitting top. It was one of her favorite outfits for lounging around the house.

“What do you want to talk to me about, Jesse?” she couldn’t help asking before he’d taken his first sip.

He met her gaze. “Thanksgiving. If you don’t have any plans for that day I’d like to take you and Craig to dinner.”

Surprised, Carla lifted a brow. “You would?”


Carla inwardly sighed as she recalled another Thanksgiving that the two of them had spent together. He had remarked more than once during the course of that evening how special she’d made that day for him. She leaned back in her chair. “Thanks for the invitation,” she said grateful and appreciative. “But I’d made plans to prepare Thanksgiving Dinner here for me and Craig.”


For the past two years it had been just her and Craig. Both Brandy and Amber usually traveled home to be with their families and it had become a tradition for Sonya to visit her grandparents who lived in South Florida on Thanksgiving. When Craig was born Carla had started her own tradition with the two of them getting up and saying a prayer to thank God for all of his blessings, eating breakfast, then settling down to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. Then, a little after two o’clock they would eat the dinner she’d prepared the night before.

“If you’re not doing anything that day, Jesse, you are more than welcome to eat dinner with us.”

He met her gaze. “Are you sure?”

She smiled. The expression on his face reminded her so much of Craig’s when he was excited about something. “Yes, I’m positive, and I know Craig would want you here.”

He didn’t say anything for a long moment then asked, “What about you, Carla? How would you feel about having me here?”

His question jolted her although it shouldn’t have. For the past couple of weeks she had done a lot of thinking and had to admit that she had provoked him to go the extremes that he had. They had both made mistakes. “I’m fine with it.”

He nodded slowly. “And would you go out with me sometime if I were to ask?”

Carla shook her head. “No, not now. I believe your main focus should be on getting to know your son, which you’ve been doing. Don’t think about adding me in the mix because it won’t work.”

His gaze raked her features, frowning. “Why not?”

“Because I’m not interested in having a man in my life right now.” In that moment, she decided to share something with him that he really didn’t have a right to know but maybe then he would understand. “In fact, Jesse, I haven’t been romantically involved with anyone since that night I spent with you.”

At the curious lift of his brow, she continued. “A couple of months after that night we spent together I found out I was pregnant and not long after that my brother died which threw me into the role of being CEO of Osborne Computer Networks. Then after Craig was born my time was taken up with him. He became my sole interest, my only interest when I wasn’t at work. I received offers for dates but I turned them down, preferring to spend my free time with my son. I did go out with Brandy, Amber, and Sonya occasionally and for me that was enough.”

Jesse stared at her and she couldn’t help wondering what he was thinking. She hoped he understood that she wasn’t ready for a man in her life and accepted that.

But Jesse wasn’t accepting anything. He looked away when he saw that he was making her nervous. He sipped his coffee, his thoughts churning furiously.

He had been the only man she’d ever slept with? She hadn’t been with anyone since?

When she got up from the table to pour another cup of coffee, he released a deep breath. Right then and there he decided he would immediately start work on his most important merger. It was the one that would make his son and the mother of his son a permanent part of his life.

Not too far away, on the other side of town, a secret meeting was taking place.

Sonya walked into the restaurant and glanced around. She smiled when she saw Mike Kelly stand up and wave her over. He was sitting at a table facing the window and she quickly walked over to join him.

She passed a table where a man and woman sat enjoying their meal. When the man glanced up he recognized her immediately. Dalton Gregory’s eyes nearly popped out of his head and he began choking on his wine. A waiter quickly crossed the room and began pounding on his back.

Sonya inwardly smiled. Dalton had learned a hard lesson that hell knew no fury like a sistah’s fury. He would think twice before using another woman again. Dismissing him from her sight as well as her thoughts, she continued walking toward Mike Kelly.

“Thanks for agreeing to meet on such short notice, Mr. Kelly.”

Mike smiled as he took the hand she offered in a handshake. “No problem, Ms. Morrison. You said something about there being an emergency?”

Sonya nodded and sat down. She waited until after the waiter took their drink orders. “Yes. But first I want to thank you. Although you may not admit it, I have a feeling that you may have helped soften Jesse up just a bit. I think what he did in the end was wonderful. Now Carla won’t ever have to worry about the possibility of losing her company again. I appreciate your help and for that I will be forever in your debt.”

Mike smiled. “In my debt?” he asked, doubting she wanted to be in his debt. The payback just might be more than she would be willing to deliver.

“Yes.” She then opened her napkin and placed it in her lap. “But what I wanted to meet with you about tonight was Carla and Jesse and what’s going on between them.”

Mike raised a curious brow. “And just what’s going on between them?”

Sonya frowned. “Nothing.”

Mike chuckled at her frustrated look. “Nothing?”

“Yes, nothing, so I thought the two of us should step in.”

Mike leaned back in his chair, intrigued. “Step in and do what?”

“Make them realize they want each other.”

“And you think that they do?”

Sonya looked at him like he was dense. “Of course. So what do you think we should do?”

Mike chuckled. “Nothing.”

Sonya blinked. “Nothing?”

“Yes, nothing. Jesse can handle things on his own.”

“Well, he couldn’t before. Without our help he’d still be making a mess of things.”

Mike shifted in his seat uneasily. She had a point there. When it came to Carla Osborne, Jesse had a tendency not to think straight. “Just what are you suggesting we do?” he asked reluctantly.

Sonya smiled and Mike thought it was the sexiest smile that he’d ever seen on a woman. “I have a plan,” she said happily.

Mike chuckled. “I figured you did.”

“And it’s going to take place on Thanksgiving night.”

Sonya leaned across the table and he couldn’t help but smell her scent. The scent of a woman. A very desirable woman. “Thanksgiving night?” he asked, barely getting the words out.

“Yes. Are you with me?”

Mike swallowed. Not as much as he would like but he intended to change things, slowly but surely. “Yes, I’m with you.”

Sonya smiled brightly. “Good.”