Chapter 30

Praise God, I’m glad it’s over,” Carla said with profound relief in her voice as she hung up the telephone. Amber had called to tell her about Brandy’s ordeal with Jolene Bradford and to let her know that Brandy was okay.

“Is everything all right?”

Carla looked over and met Jesse’s concerned gaze. He stood in the middle of the kitchen doorway, his eyes glued to her. For a brief moment she had forgotten he was still there. He had dropped by earlier to spend time with Craig before his bedtime. Craig had fallen asleep while his father had been reading him a story and Jesse had been the one to tuck him in.

“Yes, everything is fine. A good friend of mine was being stalked and I just got word that the stalker was caught.”

Jesse nodded. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“Yes, so am I. I’ve been worried about Brandy and when I go to bed tonight, I’ll definitely be able to rest better.”

Jesse swallowed deeply. He didn’t want to think of her in bed but was having a hard time not doing so. Every time he entered her home, which had been on a daily basis lately, to see his son, he would have a physical reaction the moment he saw her. And tonight it was worse than ever. He crossed his legs so the lust that was ripping through him and settling dead center in his midsection wouldn’t be too obvious. Carla had begun getting comfortable around him, he could tell. She had started letting her guard down more and more. Whenever he dropped by, he enjoyed seeing her as much as he enjoyed seeing his son. And although every cell in his body screamed for him to make a move, he had decided to be patient and take one day at a time, and he could see the results.

He could also feel the need of his frustrations.

He wanted her and wanted to rediscover all those feminine secrets he had uncovered the last time. He wanted to sink his hard shaft into her while kissing her to oblivion. He wanted to—


He blinked upon realizing she’d been talking to him. “Sorry, what did you say?”

She smiled. “I said that I talked to Sonya today. She’s decided to stay in town for Thanksgiving and came up with an idea.”

“What idea is that?”

“She offered to help me with dinner if you can get your friend Mike Kelly to join us.”

Jesse lifted a brow. “She wants to invite Mike?” he asked surprised.

“Yes, evidently they’ve run into each other a few times and she thinks he’s a nice guy.”

Jesse nodded. “How do you feel about an extra person coming for dinner?”

“I don’t have a problem with it and she wanted to know if you would ask him.”

Jesse nodded again as he took a couple of steps into her kitchen. “Yes, I’ll ask him although I’m not sure he’ll come. Mike is somewhat of a loner during the holidays.”

Like you, Carla wanted to say but decided not to. This past week had been busy with a lot of legal matters. Craig’s last name had officially been changed to Devereau and when she’d seen the name written on the legal document for the first time, she had felt a profound sense of pride that the man who had fathered her child had wanted to claim him. She knew that in addition to the transfer of Osborne Computer Network stock, Jesse had also established a very hefty trust fund for his son. There was no doubt about it, Craig was a blessed little boy and she intended to make sure he grew up knowing it.

“I’m sure Sonya would like it if he were to come,” she added when the kitchen became quiet. Seeing him standing in the middle of the floor suddenly made her feel incredibly hot, aroused. Those things were constant whenever he came over for a visit. It didn’t take much for her to remember that one night they had spent together, and how easily he had fit between her legs, how tender and caring he’d been upon realizing that she was still a virgin. And his lovemaking had sent the both of them soaring, not knowing at the time that they were in the process of creating a very beautiful little boy. She would never forget how it felt when the weight of his body had pressed hers down into the mattress while he smoothly and rhythmically thrust into her over and over again while making love to her mouth at the same time.


She blinked and swallowed deeply, quickly composing herself when he recaptured her attention. “Yes?”

“I said it’s time for me to leave.”

She noticed he already had his jacket in his hand and was putting it on. “I’ll walk you to the door.”

When they reached the door he stopped and turned to her. “It still may be too early yet, but do you have any idea what Craig wants for Christmas?”

She laughed and when she did a disarming smile curved the corners of his mouth. “Trust me I have plenty ideas of what he wants,” she said.

“Then maybe the two of us can go shopping after Thanksgiving.”

Her stomach fluttered at the thought of spending time with him without Craig as a buffer. He had suggested that they go out once but she had flatly refused. But now, a part of her wanted to spend time with him. “Yes, I’d like that.”

“All right. You can let me know when. I’m sure it will benefit the both of us to get an early start.”

“Yes, I agree.” Carla cleared her throat and looked at him, her gaze searching his in the foyer’s dim lightning. He wasn’t making any attempt to leave but at the same she hadn’t opened the door for him to leave either. She swallowed deeply when he took a step closer to her.

“I’m glad we agree on that,” he said huskily.

“Yeah, me too,” she said taking her own step toward him and automatically reaching out and smoothing her hand beneath his jacket, her palm coming to rest on his chest. The contact sent an immediate shudder through him, one that went straight to her. Ultimate awareness, sexual attraction, chemistry reaction…all the things she had tried downplaying, ignoring and avoiding over the past weeks hit them dead center—right in his midsection and right between her legs.

“Have I ever told you how incredibly beautiful you look each and every time I come to see Craig?” he asked huskily.

Carla licked at her mouth and couldn’t help noticing how Jesse’s gaze was focused on her tongue that she was using to wet her lips. “No, you’ve never told me that.”

A sensual smile curved his lips. “Then I’m telling you now. Every time I drop by you look incredibly beautiful.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

“You deserve it.” She saw his face lowering to hers and of their own accord, her lashes began drifting shut and her lips parted. And then she felt his mouth on hers, taking it with a hunger which was the same hunger she felt, tangling his tongue with hers. He was determined to recapture the intensity of the kiss they had shared three years ago. Even if that was impossible, it appeared that he intended to die trying.

She moaned as his tongue took her mouth on a joy ride through Pleasure Park. A part of her needed to experience this, needed to relive this. And he was giving her everything she needed in full force. And when the palm of his hands touched her backside, bringing her body right smack to his hard erection, she was suddenly overpowered with such an erotic sensation that she felt her body move against him.

In the back of her mind she wanted to pull away. She wanted to think that they were moving too fast, too soon. But then she remembered that it had been almost three years for her. Almost three years without this. And her body was responding to the one person it remembered as giving it ultimate satisfaction.

She finally pulled her mouth from his and groaned deep within her throat when he tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her head back to taste her throat and neck before recapturing her mouth again. Their tongues tangled, mated, as she continued to come unraveled in his arms and with his kiss.

Jesse sealed the moment between them the only way he knew how— the only way that seemed appropriate—with a kiss that would open some doors for them while at the same time permanently closing others. The bad memories of the past were behind those closed doors where they belonged, and where he intended for them to stay.

He released her mouth and continued to hold her in his arms. Tonight the depth of their feelings had thrown them and there was no turning back.