Chapter 31
Shutting off the shower, Amber dried off with a huge velour towel. After lotioning her body and applying some of her favorite perfume, she quickly dressed in a bra and panties then wiggled into one of her favorite dresses.
Deciding not to put on any pantyhose, she slipped into a pair of comfortable flats. A few minutes after applying makeup, she smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Although she had spent the last twenty minutes making herself look pretty damn good, she didn’t have a single place to go.
Brandy had given her tickets earlier that week for the Florida Classic’s Battle of the Bands, where the bands from the two rival universities would be competing on the football field tonight.
She had attended the event the prior two years and had enjoyed herself immensely, but she didn’t want to go there tonight. She’d thought about going to see the new Halle Berry movie but decided it was a chick flick, one she would enjoy seeing with Brandy and Carla, or with her sisters when she went home next month for Christmas.
She also ruled out the thought of going to dinner alone since she wasn’t in the mood. She had spoken to Brandy earlier and she was in just as dismal a mood since her bodyguard had left yesterday. Although Brandy hadn’t said much about the guy, Amber had a feeling that the relationship had ended up being more than a business one. That thought kicked off an idea in Amber’s mind and she quickly decided that instead of finding someplace to go, she would visit the nearest Blockbuster and rent one of her favorite movies, The Bodyguard.
Leaving her bedroom she picked up her purse and grabbed her car keys off the counter. Her evening seemed a little brighter now that she would be spending it with Kevin Costner.
A half hour later Amber sat in the driveway and listened to the smooth humming of her car engine. After leaving Blockbuster it seemed her hands had a mind of their own and instead of heading back home, she had gotten on Interstate 4 and within minutes she’d found herself pulling into Cord’s yard.
It had been a week since he had come to her store, a week since he had delivered his ultimatum. Either she was willing to move in the same direction he was headed or she wasn’t. She still wasn’t sure what her position was on that. Every time she thought of getting serious with him she got scared and remembered how things had been with Gary. All she knew was that she had to see Cord tonight, and talk to him.
After shutting off her car’s engine she began having doubts that she’d made the right decision about coming, at least without calling first. What if he had company? What if he was asleep, since the house looked pretty dark? What if he was still royally pissed with her and didn’t want to see her?
Refusing to sit outside in her car any longer, Amber decided to face whatever Cord dished out. She opened her car door and got out. Sauntering up his walkway seemed like the longest stroll of her life and it didn’t help matters that her heart was beating a thousand beats a minute. But she was determined to see him. And then?
She didn’t have a clue.
Cord lay in bed, listening to the sound of Brook Benton croon about a rainy night in Georgia. The music was playing on the radio and having nothing else better to do, he had turned it on the moment he had gotten into bed.
He tried to think of a number of things, especially Dev’s announcement earlier that he intended to ask Briana to marry him and had purchased the engagement ring that day. Dev wanted a short engagement, in fact he was pushing for them to marry New Year’s Eve day so they could ring in the new year as man and wife.
Cord was definitely in agreement with that and had told Dev that marrying Briana before the year’s end would definitely be a tax advantage. But Cord knew income taxes were the last thing on his best friend’s mind. Dev was in love, undeniably so. He had found the woman of his dreams and wanted to make things forever.
Cord didn’t see anything wrong with forever with the right woman and immediately thought of Amber. Amber with the beautiful eyes, voluptuous hips, and full curves.
Although she wasn’t ready to accept anything serious between them, he knew in his heart that she was the right woman for him. It didn’t matter that he had known her for a little more than a month. What did matter was that there was something between them and it was something he refused to dismiss even if she wanted to.
He shifted in bed to find another comfortable position when he heard the doorbell ring. Deciding that it couldn’t possibly be Dev and Briana since Dev had driven down to Daytona to propose to her on the beach, Cord wondered if it was another buddy of his, a fellow accountant, who dropped by occasionally to shoot the bull and drink beer.
Getting out of bed, he slipped into his pajama bottoms and made his way toward his living room. Whoever it was, he hoped they didn’t intend to stay long because he definitely was not in the best of moods.
Cord had breathed in her scent the moment he opened the door. “Amber? What are you doing here?” he asked, totally surprised to see her. His breath caught on a surge of pure happiness at the very thought that she was here, standing in his doorway and looking as sexy as any woman had a right to look. He swallowed deeply as he waited for her response. He had never been unsure of himself with any woman but with Amber he felt an emotional vulnerability that he’d never felt before. Before him stood everything he’d ever wanted and everything he needed, but he knew he had to convince her of that. Her ex-husband had done a number on her and he had the job of making things right. He knew at that very moment that his life would not be fulfilled until she was a part of it.
“I’m sorry, I should have called first, Cord, but—”
“Nonsense, you didn’t have to call first. Please come in.”
Her gaze left his face and moved to his naked chest. “You were in bed?”
“Yes,” he said hoarsely. “But I wasn’t asleep. I was listening to music.”
“Oh.” Amber’s gaze stayed glued to his chest. This was not the first time she had seen him without a shirt but every time she saw him she couldn’t help but appreciate just how beautifully made he was; dark chocolate coloring, muscled chest and shoulders, flat stomach, patch of hair that tapered down past the waistband of his pajamas…
“Would you like to come in?”
Amber swallowed and lifted her gaze back up to his.“Yes,if you sure you don’t mind the company.”
“No, I don’t mind at all.” When she was completely inside he closed the door softly behind her and leaned against it and looked her up and down. She was wearing a very sexy looking dress and it showed all her voluptuous curves. Sighing deeply, he left his place against the door and
strolled across the room to her. “Would you like something to drink?”
“Uh, no, but thanks anyway.”
He nodded. He looked into her eyes and what he saw left him completely breathless. She had that flushed look, that aroused look, that “take me to bed” look. At least he thought she did but decided that he needed to make sure.
“Let’s go into the living room and sit down,” he said softly, taking her hand in his. “There is something I want to talk to you about anyway.”
Amber lifted a brow but didn’t say anything as he led her into the living room. She sat down in the first chair she came to, a leather loveseat. “So what is it that you want to talk to me about?”
Cord sat down on the sofa and faced her. He wanted to talk about sex but decided it wouldn’t do good to rush into that kind of topic. Sex was something you eased into, in more ways that one. So he decided to throw her off base, mess with her mind, then later work his way to her body. He was tired of playing fair. He loved her and by the end of the evening she would know it and accept it. She would also realize that he wasn’t going to give up on her.
“I want to talk to you about Tax Tips,” he finally said.
Amber blinked. “Tax tips?”
“Yes, now is the time for you to think about ways to save your tax dollars for this year before it’s too late.”
Amber blinked again. Saving tax dollars was the last thing on her mind. In fact she frowned at the thought that Cord even wanted to talk about taxes. It was bad enough that she had the hots for him tonight and what made it worse was that he appeared oblivious to that fact.
“Have you paid your property tax bill yet?”
Amber lifted a brow. “Yes, why?”
“That’s good. That way you can claim it on this year’s tax return,” Cord said with a smile.
Amber raised her eyes upward. Whoop-dee-doo.
“And I suggest that you make any charitable contributions before the end of this year. Clean out your closets and donate anything you no longer want or need to a nonprofit thrift store—and get receipts for those non-cash contributions or for cash contributions of two-hundred and fifty dollars or more.”
Amber stared at him wondering if he was serious—not about the information he was telling her, since she believed it was true—but the mere fact that he was spending time even discussing such things with her. They were alone. He was half naked. She was fully clothed but she was getting hotter by slow degrees. Maybe she needed to get his attention or if nothing else, take his mind off the subject of taxes.
“And what about stocks, Amber?”
She shrugged a shoulder. “What about them?”
“Do you own any?”
“Yes,” she responded, slipping out of her shoes.
“If any of them decreased in value this year, you might want to sell them before December 31, and use the loss to offset other capital gains.”
Capital gains? She would show him the ultimate in capital gains, she thought. “It’s rather hot in here, Cord. I think I want something to drink after all. May I have a cold glass of water?”
“Sure,” he said standing. “I’ll be right back.”
By the time he returned with her glass of water, Amber had the three top buttons of her dress undone and was sitting back in the chair looking all innocent and serene. He brought the water over to her and she eagerly took it out of his hands and took a huge gulp. He sat down next to her in the loveseat and she looked at him with a soft smile after drinking the entire glass. “Boy, I needed that,” she said, handing the glass back to him.
He placed it on the table beside them. “And what else do you need, Amber?” he asked, tempted to lick away the excess water that was left on her lips.
“What I don’t need is more tax tips, Cord. That’s not why I’m here.”
He nodded, inwardly pleased with the approach he had taken. Now they were getting down to the real nitty-gritty. He leaned back in the seat. “And why are you here, Amber?”
She quickly looked away for a moment. He had asked her that very thing when she’d first arrived but she had avoided answering him. “I think we still need to clear up some things?”
Cord shrugged. “What is there to clear up? You made yourself pretty clear the other day. Just because I told you that I wanted more than sex you pretty much freaked out.”
“I didn’t freak out.”
Cord smiled. He thought she looked pretty damn sexy agitated. “Yes, you did. So I reached the conclusion that you enjoyed living in the past and weren’t ready for a future with any man, and that you liked living a solitary life. Is that true, Amber?”
She bit her bottom lip, wondering how she intended to answer him. At one time she had thought that, but now seeing him again was helping put a lot of things in perspective. “Yes, I thought it was true but I’m not sure about anything anymore.”
Cord nodded. “There’s a saying that the foolish person seeks happiness in the distance and the wise person grows it under their feet. I want us to grow happiness under our feet, starting now. What do you say about that?”
She sighed deeply. “I think that maybe you’re right and we should give things a try.”
Cord’s mouth creased into a smile. “I agree.” He looked at her and the three buttons she had undone. “So, instead of giving you tax tips, I’m going to give you sex tips.”
She stared at him. “You know some?”
“Yes,” he said huskily. “I happen to know a few.”
“Really? What are they?”
He reached out and began undoing the rest of the buttons on her dress. “Always take advantage of opportunities.”
“Okay,” she said softly. “I can agree with that one. What else?”
He met her gaze and smile. “Always make sure you have plenty of condoms on hand.”
She chuckled at that one. “And do you?”
“Yes, plenty.”
She nodded. “Is there another tip you want to pass on?”
“Yes.” He stood and she watched as he went back to the door and checked it. He then returned to her. “Never get naked unless you have a chain latch on the door, especially if someone else has entrance to your home, and it just so happens Dev has a key.”
Amber nodded again. “Are you planning to get naked, Cord?”
“Yes.” He then offered his hand to her, helping her to stand. “And I plan to get you naked, too.”
She watched as he undid the strings of his pajama bottom, letting them ease down his leg over his enormous erection. Amber swallowed. He was fully aroused and his shaft protruded boldly, proudly, and valiantly from the apex of his thighs.
Cord smiled when he saw she was checking him out. “Now it’s your time.”
Amber had never stripped for a man and didn’t know how she felt about doing such a thing. But the look in Cord’s eyes was reassuring. He wanted her; all of her and he wanted her just as she was. She slipped the dress from her shoulders then shimmied it down the rest of the way until it lay in a pool at her feet. Then came her bra and panties.
Sighing deeply she stood in front of him like he was standing in front of her, stark naked. “Any more tips, Cord?”
“Yes.” He reached out and took her hand in his. “When the situation warrants it, establish the fact that there is a difference in making love and having sex. Tonight I will be making love to you, Amber, and not having sex.”
Before she could say anything, he led her into the bedroom and beckoned her to the bed. Joining her there he leaned down and kissed her, sampling her taste and making her ache in the same way she was making him ache. He only stopped kissing her long enough to put on a condom. When his weight settled upon hers she began moving rest
lessly, passionately beneath him.
“Cord, I need you.”
“And I need you, too, sweetheart.”
He nuzzled her neck, he plied small bites at her throat, nipping and branding her his. And when he checked to see if her body was ready for him, he smiled. She was definitely ready. He nudged her legs apart with his knee. He met her gaze, knowing she may be doubtful of his true feelings now but in time she would see just what she meant to him.
“I love you, Amber.”
“And I love you, Cord. I really do love you.”
“Ah, Amber.” And then he eased into her, a slow process that made him feel the heat of her all the way to his toes. Her words had sounded wonderful to his ears and he went deeper inside of her, almost to the hilt, needing the connection and then he slowly withdrew, and then slid into her again. He kept up the process, the rhythm, the torture, over and over again, each stroke adding more meaning to the one before it, releasing a flood of sensations that the both of them shared.
“This is happiness.” He said the words, a whispery rumble from deep within his throat. He was determined to go slow even if it killed him and decided he was definitely dying a prolonged death. The pleasure was powerful, intense, and strong and he kept going until he couldn’t go anymore. When the explosion happened it ripped out both of their souls, their hearts and their bodies.
Amber’s fingers sank deep into Cord’s shoulders and she let out a huge scream, before Cord could cover her mouth with his. The sound was earthshakingly, painstakingly sensual. Anyone hearing it would know it was a scream of sexual pleasure and not of pain. And Cord decided to let her rip. It was the first orgasm she’d had in over two years and she deserved to blow out her vocal cords. Her scream tore threw him; it gave him intense joy hearing it, and he held on as her body writhed beneath him in intense pleasure as he penetrated deep, again and again. Their bodies vibrated uncontrollably with the force of their climax.
Moments later they lay locked into each other’s arms, not able to move, barely able to breathe. Cord pulled her into his arms and in a forced whisper with a smile tilting his lips, he said. “The last sexual tip, the one I failed to mention, is to try and keep the noise down when making love in consideration of the neighbors.”
And then he kissed her, sealing the love they had both pledged.