Energy Factors in Love, Sex, and Compatibility
Stephen Arroyo
* By the author of Astrology, Psychology, and the Four Elements and Astrology, Karma, & Transformation (250,000 copies in combined sales)
Using a new language of energy based on the ancient “four elements” and in harmony with that used by the more advanced healing arts, renowned author Stephen Arroyo here explores how astrology as a language of energy can be astoundingly accurate and useful in illuminating individuals’ energy exchange in all close relationships. The preface, author’s note, introduction, and early chapters of Person-to-Person Astrology lay the groundwork for serious consideration of astrology as a significant discipline. The following chapters detail the influence of the four elements–Fire, Earth, Water, Air–on the 12 signs, with a particular emphasis on the rising sign (Ascendant) . The author shows readers how to experiment by comparing birth charts, and explains, through detailed descriptions, people’s psychological motivations and needs based on the positions of their Moon, Venus, and Mars. Appendices include astrological definitions, keywords, and sign tables that allow readers quick access to the basics. Written in the author’s trademark clear, accessible style, Person-to-Person Astrology presents a new approach to finding fulfillment in any kind of relationship.
“ … .a wise and wonderful book.” —The Mountain Aslrologer Magazine
“….shows how astrological knowledge can be a useful tool for those seeking more authentic ways of being….lucid and inspirational.” —Journal, UK Astrological Association
“… of the most comprehensive, explicit guides to the psychology of relationships…. Anyone interested in the astrology of relationships would be well advised to get this book before anything else.” —Horoscope Magazine
Astrology/Personal Growth
$18.95/$ 24.95 in Canada
Trade paper
ISBN: 978-1-58394-204-8
320 pp, 6 x 9
50 pages of astrological tables