Faith and prayer are important elements of my belief in God. Faith is my rock, but it is also the way I align my thoughts, my heart, and my actions to realize my goals. Prayer is the way I connect with the energy of God, it is also the way I clarify to myself what I am asking for. Thus, when I enter a challenging and uncertain situation I say, “I’m putting my trust in my faith, Dear Lord, and I am stepping out on Your Word.”

I believe that each of us comes from the Creator trailing wisps of glory.

I knew that if God loved me, then I could do wonderful things, I could try great things, learn anything, achieve anything.

In all the institutions I try to be present and accountable for all I do and leave undone. I know that eventually I shall have to be present and accountable in the presence of God. I do not wish to be found wanting.

In order to survive, the ample soul needs refreshments and reminders daily of its right to be and to be wherever it finds itself.

In the silence we listen to ourselves. Then we ask questions of ourselves. We describe ourselves to ourselves, and in the quietude we may even hear the voice of God.

It is Christmas time, a halting of hate time. On this platform of peace, we can create a language to translate ourselves to ourselves and to each other. At this Holy Instant, we celebrate the Birth of Christ into the great religions of the world. We jubilate the precious advent of trust. We shout with glorious tongues the coming of hope. All the earth’s tribes loosen their voices to celebrate the promise of Peace.

It was hard enough to discover that I was a child of God, but to understand that the bigot and the murderer were also children of God was an even more difficult journey.

Not only was cleanliness next to godliness, dirtiness was the inventor of misery.

One person standing on the Word of God is the majority.

Spirit is one and is everywhere present. It never leaves me. In my ignorance I may withdraw from it, but I can realize its presence the instant I return to my senses.

Stand up straight and realize who you are, that you tower over your circumstances. You are a child of God. Stand up straight.

There is a place in you that you must keep inviolate, a place that you must keep clean. A place where you say to any intruder, “Back up, don’t you know I’m a child of God.”

When I pray something wonderful happens, not only for the person that I am praying for, but also for me.

Whenever I begin to question whether God exists, I look up to the sky and surely there, right there, between the sun and moon, stands my grandmother, singing a long meter hymn, a song somewhere between a moan and a lullaby and I know faith is the evidence of things unseen.