I would like to extend many thanks to the wonderful people who helped me make this book great. First, I would like to thank Doug and Judy for the extraordinary way you live your lives. Your inspiration is infectious and your faith exemplary.
I would like to also thank the wonderful folks at Regnery. Thank you, Marji Ross, for your encouragement and example of how a strong woman lives. To Karen Anderson, thank you for your enthusiasm, wit, and for helping launch my writing career. To my editor, Harry Crocker, thank you for being so wise, patient, and such a good man. To Paula Currall and Kate Morse, thank you for your expertise in final editing. To Angela Phelps, thank you for your enthusiasm and thoroughness. And thanks to my terrific research assistant, Jill Pardini.
Finally, I thank my great friend Anne Mann for your dedication, amazing patience, and love.