sees the Famous Five grown up


After their success in catching Blackbeard and the Foreign-Looking Man at Smuggler’s Cove, the Five found they had been posted to the Anti-Terrorist Squad in London.

‘Poo-ee,’ said Anne on their first afternoon in the office. ‘Let’s have a jolly good tidy up, shall we? I’ll do the washing up.’

‘Shut it,’ barked Julian, who had picked up the new office talk. ‘You can’t wash up a styrofoam cup.’

‘Well I’ve had enough takeaway chips,’ said Dick. ‘I vote we have a proper picnic with apples and cherry cakes and lemonade.’

Julian was lighting a Benson and Hedges as the phone rang. ‘I’ve got you,’ he said grimly into the receiver. 12.05, Westminster Bridge.’ He put the receiver down glumly. ‘It’s a bomb warning,’ he elaborated. ‘Where’s the dog?’

‘But, J—Julian,’ George stammered, ‘Timmy’s not trained for this Semtex stuff. I vote—’

‘There’s no votes any more,’ Dick confided. ‘But Julian, how do you know it’s not a bluff? How do you know it’s really them?’

‘Because he used the right code,’ Julian explained.

‘But, Julian,’ sobbed Anne, setting to work with a J-cloth on the Flying Squad divisional ashtray, ‘why don’t we just arrest their leader?’

Julian banged the table. ‘Because’, he exploded, ‘he’s the Minister for Education in Belfast.’

‘I say,’ expostulated Dick. ‘That’s a pretty rum show.’
