Charles VII’s coffers run dry
as a field of ash.
But even though the king
may lack money
and the ability to provide me with troops,
he grants me something else,
something as empowering
as a wind that sails ships—
he assigns me a coat of arms.
My entire family receives this.
Along with this honor comes
a title, du Lys, which means “of the lily.”
This title makes me,
a girl who was born a peasant,
now a noblewoman.
This is practically unheard of.
Only a king has the divine right
to turn a peasant into a nobleman.
There is no greater gift.
Also, the king grants
that my village, Domrémy,
and the nearby town of Greux
will be tax-exempt forever.
I imagine the joy
this will bring my family and friends,
especially my father.
He will have to tally the taxes no more!