You send a gorilla out in the jungle, he’s gonna come back with bananas.
Madonna Battagno usually slept well on the nights her husband, Joey, didn’t come home. And when he did decide to spend the night in their Hanover Park home, she had learned to tolerate his surly, barking, cigar-smoking, wind-breaking presence. Like all men, Joey was at his best when he was away from home earning money or, if not that, off exercising his vices on more tolerant companions. His amorous and otherwise undignified attentions had been unwelcomed by Madonna since the birth of their third son, which was the exact number she had promised him at their betrothal. Madonna had children to raise, a household to manage, and shopping to perform. Her husband’s occasional stints on the home front did nothing to enrich her life.
On this night she was finding him particularly difficult to tolerate. Two o'clock in the morning, and he was lying in his bed, cursing. Every time she started to drift off to sleep, he would mumble some obscenity.
“Fucking Freddy.”
And, a few minutes later, “Those fuckers.”
Madonna didn’t say anything at first. She didn’t want to touch him off, and the mood he was in, it wouldn’t take much at all to get him throwing the furniture around.
“Goddamn comic books.”
“Useless piece a dog shit.”
“Goddamn motherfucking Crow.”
“Fucking leather bitch.”
That was enough. Madonna couldn’t take it anymore. It was like he waited in the dark for her to start falling asleep, then jolted her awake with some new bit of nastiness. She turned on the light by her bed and looked across the three-foot-wide no-man’s-land between them.
She asked, “What’s your problem, sweet pie? Can’t sleep? You want to talk about it?”
“No,” Joey snapped. “Turn out that goddamn light, would ya?”
“Did somebody do something bad to you? Who are you mad at, honey bunch?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Are you sure? You know what Daddy always says, don’t you?”
That got his attention. Madonna’s daddy was Carlos Bevilacqua, a former priest who now owned, directly or indirectly, most of the Chicago-area GM dealerships. Joey’s continued operation of J.C. Motors was made possible through the benign neglect of Carlos Bevilacqua.
Madonna continued, “Daddy always says that when you have a problem at work, you take care of it before you go home. Daddy always says that people who take care of their problems right away are people who can be trusted to get the job done.” She smiled sweetly.
Joey felt the dark clouds gathering inside him. He got out of bed and dressed. He had to get out of there before he broke a lamp over Carlos Bevilacqua’s daughter’s skull and cost himself a Cadillac dealership. It would be close. The woman had no mercy. She left him no slack. He made a promise to himself: When old Carlos died—the sooner the better—first thing he did, he was going to kick the shit out of her.
He needed to go for a drive, maybe have a couple drinks. He grabbed a bottle of Martell on the way out, had a quick hit in the driveway, then took the Brougham d'Elegance for a spin.
The thing was, he decided, her old man was right. Here he was sitting in Hanover Park brooding about his problems, when all the solutions were up in Minnesota. Could he rely on Freddy to take care of things? No way. Freddy was great when you could tell him exactly what to do and when to do it, but managing him from four hundred miles away was impractical, as he had been repeatedly reminded over the past weeks.
Joey looked at the car clock. Two thirty-five.
He thought some more about the Tom and Ben Show.
He thought about Joe Crow, the poker player. He took a hit off the bottle of Martell.
He thought about the little leather bitch; his back was still sore.
Lately, it seemed, everything was going wrong. He turned onto the tollway, brought the big Brougham up to seventy-five, set the cruise control, had another swallow of cognac, and settled into a controlled rage. He could feel the hot spot in his belly growing and added another ounce of Martell. The faces—Tom, Ben, Crow, the bitch—flickered in his mind. He kept returning to the game, seeing Crow’s dead-looking expression as he scooped the big one. He saw Bobby Wexler trying not to laugh when he’d ripped up the comic book. Incredible coincidence. Or was it? The image of Crow’s girlfriend, what was her name? He couldn’t remember. All that blond hair, blue eyes, like every other Minnesota girl. Why did he keep thinking of her face?
A small car, some Japanese thing, flashed by him, going like hell. Joey growled, brought the Brougham up to eighty-five, and reset the cruise control.
Then it hit him. He damn near drove off the freeway when he saw it, clear as anything, right between the eyes.
Crow’s girlfriend. Take away the hair, the dress, the false eyelashes. Take away the pink lipstick and make it dark red. Put her in black leather. Give her a fucking bicycle chain.
Joey moaned. The moan became a growl, the growl a scream.
He started shaking and had to bring the Brougham down to sixty. Everything was connected: the comic book guys, the leather bitch, Crow—maybe even Bubby Sharp. A conspiracy to get Joey Cadillac.
A toll plaza appeared a quarter of a mile in front of him. Joey slowed the car, found some change, threw it in the collection basket, and continued up the road. His breathing was returning to normal. He slipped the cork out of the neck of the Martell bottle and tipped another ounce down his throat..
A conspiracy. He savored the concept as he would a peperoncino, letting it burn, knowing he could swallow it at any time. A conspiracy against Joey Cadillac. He let himself fantasize for a few miles. Kicking the leather bitch to death, making Crow watch. Cutting off Crow’s dick and stuffing it in her mouth. Feeding the comic book guys to the Rottweilers. He imagined it a few different ways, some of which gave him a hard-on.
He paid two more tolls before his mind returned to the present. The clock on the dash read 3:09. Where the hell was he? On the Northwest Tollway, heading toward Rockford. Joey did some math in his head.
He could be in Minneapolis by 10:00 a.m.
The telephone was ringing. Crow awakened without opening his eyes and listened.
“Mr. Crow? Are you there? This is Ben Franklin. It is six-thirty in the morning. I'm awaiting your call.”
Crow sat up on the edge of the bed and rested his throbbing forehead in his palms. It was one of those mornings when he woke up with a raging hangover that would disappear once he recalled that he had not had to drink himself down from a coke binge the night before. He focused on his breathing and waited for the phantom pain to subside. It eased by stages, but not completely. He decided it was, in part, the half pack of cigarettes he had consumed the night before. His mouth tasted particularly foul. He decided to quit.
After what seemed like half an hour, he looked at the digital clock beside his bed. Six-forty. The phone rang again. Crow stood and made his way across the room and grabbed the receiver before the answering machine could intercept the call. It was Ben.
“Didn’t you just call a minute ago?”
“Do you have the information for me?”
“Hold on a minute.” He reviewed the timing in his head. If Ben left immediately, he would be at the cabin by nine-thirty. Too soon. With all that time to spare, he would want to look in every box. “I’ll have to get back to you, Ben. I’ve got a call in to a realtor I know up there. He promised to get back to me before nine.”
“That’s cutting it rather close.”
“Don’t worry about it. You can be there in two and a half hours if you push it.”
“I’ll be awaiting your call.”
Crow hung up the phone, then went to the bathroom and let a hot shower bring his metabolism up to speed. He watched the water trailing down his body, turning his chest hair into parallel lines. He made himself a pot of coffee, took it out onto the balcony, and drank it. Reasoning that he might as well finish the pack before quitting, he smoked three cigarettes. He ate an overripe banana and a slice of toast slathered with peanut butter.
At eight forty-five, he picked up the phone and called Ben at the Whitehall Suites and told him how to get to Sam O'Gara’s cabin.
Crow took a long, deep breath, held it, and turned the key again. The starter whined, the engine turned over. And over. Thirty seconds later, he released the key. Nothing. He allowed himself a few moments to imagine lifting the car over his head and hurling it against the side of the house. Seven thousand dollars in repairs, and now the damn thing wouldn’t start.
Ben would be on his way up north. Dicky would be close behind him. Sam was there, waiting.
Crow climbed out of the car, slammed the door, leaned against the front fender, and considered his options. Only one possibility suggested itself. Crow sighed.
The pool rushing up at him, the sensation of weightlessness, the pressure of giant hands wrapped around his ankles, the soundless screams vibrating his lips, the pool growing larger, looking up to see Freddy Wisnesky’s muscled rictus bearing down on him, the realization that they were both falling, plummeting toward the blue and white tiles.
“Mr. Rich! Wake up, Mr. Rich!” The words penetrated the nightmare. Wicky’s eyes snapped open. Freddy Wisnesky: The Nightmare Continues. “Wake up, Mr. Rich.” Giant hands gripping his shoulders, bouncing him up and down on the mattress.
“Okay, okay!” Wicky gasped.
Freddy stopped. “You was having a bad dream.”
“Okay, I'm awake now. Jesus Christ. I think you dislocated a shoulder.”
“It’s nine o'clock, Mr. Rich. We got to get going pretty quick.”
Wicky swung his legs over the edge of the bed, sat up, leaned forward, rested his head in his hands, and waited for his brain to reposition itself.
“You okay, Mr. Rich?”
“Just leave me alone a few minutes, Fred.”
“I made you some breakfast. Eggs-in-a-frame.”
Wicky felt the matter in his bowel drop a few inches at the thought of Freddy’s favorite breakfast. Since the balcony incident, Freddy had been puppyishly eager to please. He seemed genuinely sorry to have put his buddy Rich—or Mister Rich, as he had come to call him—through such an ordeal. Freddy seemed anxious for them to put the matter behind them and be buddies again. Wicky was having a little trouble with that.
He was not looking forward to this trip up north. He suspected that with Joey Cadillac involved, as represented by Freddy Wisnesky, there wouldn’t be much left for little Rich Wicky. Freddy was evasive on the matter of the instructions he had received from Mister C. When Wicky asked, Freddy told him that he was just supposed to take care of the comic book guys.
“But I can still do my deal first?” Wicky had asked.
“I just got to take care of the comic guys for Mister C.,” had been Freddy’s only reply.
This had the potential of being the worst day of his life, Wicky decided. Or, another voice in his head piped up, the best. He shook his head gingerly. You just never knew.
Freddy called from the kitchen. “Breakfast is ready, Mr. Rich!”
“Great,” Wicky muttered. “Eggs-in-a-frame.”
Wind ripped the words to unintelligible shreds, sent them careening past his ear. Crow pushed his head forward.
Debrowski turned her head. “How . . . are . . . you . . . doing?”
“Fine!” They were on Highway 10, a few miles north of Saint Cloud, moving at eighty miles per hour on Debrowski’s Kawasaki dirt bike. Crow’s ass had gone numb back at Elk River. His nylon windbreaker was flapping and cracking in the wind, his fingers were locked around the thin, frayed vinyl seat strap between his legs. He was trying not to think about it. He wouldn’t mind riding on the back of a real motorcycle. Something big and solid, like a Harley, or even one of those big Japanese touring bikes. Something with some mass to it and something to hang on to. But two and a half hours on the back of a lime-green 250 cc dirt bike was not his thing. If he didn’t have hemorrhoids before, this would almost certainly do it.
They were coming up on a small red sports car. Crow squinted into the wind. A Porsche. As Debrowski pulled out to pass, he recognized the license plate with a start and turned his face away.
What was she doing here?
When they were well in front of the Porsche, he shouted in Debrowski’s ear. “Did you see who that was?”
Debrowski nodded.
“Was she alone?”
Debrowski shook her head and yelled back, “Catfish…and…Tommy!” She lifted her left hand and pointed. “Is . . . that. . . him?”
Crow squinted into the wind. She was pointing at another vehicle, half a mile ahead. Was it yellow? His entire body was vibrating. He couldn’t focus well enough to identify the color.
They were gaining on the vehicle.
He could now see that it was yellow. A yellow Cadillac.
When he could see the license number clearly, he shouted in Debrowski’s ear, “It’s him. Pass him.”
He turned his head toward the left, resting his cheek against Debrowski’s back. He felt the little 250 cc engine winding up as Debrowski increased their speed to blow by the Cadillac as quickly as possible.
“Who?” he shouted after they had left the Cadillac behind.
“Anybody else?”
If he had not been traveling at ninety miles per hour on the back of a dirt bike, Crow might have relaxed slightly. They would get there ahead of the pack. He wondered whether Ben knew he was being followed by Catfish and Tommy. Either way, things were getting complicated.