
THE WORDS on the screen don’t make sense. They can’t.

He says: You’re an awful person.

He says: You’re a terrible friend.

He says: I know you’ve been checking out dresses for the homecoming dance.

He says: What makes you think I’d ever ask you out?

He says: I’d never be caught dead at the school dance with a loser like you.

He doesn’t say it in a private message. He posts it publicly, on my Facebook wall, where everyone can see. Twenty-five people have already liked what he wrote. Even people I thought were my friends. Why would anyone like something that mean?

A few people have posted defending me, saying that I’m not a loser, that he’s a jerk for posting that.

But my eyes keep going back to Christian’s words. I don’t understand. I thought we were friends. I thought we were more than friends.

Wasn’t he flirting with me? Did I get that wrong, too?

My fingers tremble on the keyboard as I IM him.

What did I do wrong? I don’t understand.

I wait for him to answer, so numb with hurt and panic that I can’t even cry.

When the answer comes, I wish it hadn’t.

He says: You’re a loser. The world would be a better place without you in it. GOOD-BYE, LOSER!!!

My lungs feel paralyzed. I can’t breathe. Why is he saying this? What changed from yesterday to today?

Tears roll down my cheeks as I type back.

Why? WHY?!!!!?????????

But when I press Return, it won’t let me send it. He’s blocked me.

I hit the keyboard in frustration, shaking my head. No, no, no.

I can’t ask him why. I can’t ask anyone why.

The only person left to ask is me.