Writing a book does not happen in a vacuum. There is a whole team of people who help with the gear, edit the words, model for the photos, design the layout, and help keep me sane.
First and foremost is my very understanding wife, Nadra. She puts up with the crazy hours and with me turning the living room into a studio to photograph people and products for weeks at a time. With this book, I actually turned the family room into the spot where I photographed all the product images and gear groupings. Her patience with this process was amazing.
My wonderful parents for all their love and support, even though they are not sure what a Speedlight is or what it does.
Scott Diussa and the rest of the great folks at Nikon Professional Services (NPS). Scott was always ready to help with gear and technology questions and was a great sounding board for my ideas. As a professional photographer who happens to also write books, I rely on the NPS team to keep me informed about new Nikon products and services and to keep my gear in working order, and they do it all with a smile.
Joe McNally and Annie Cahill for the inspiration and friendship. Joe is one of the reasons I picked up a Speedlight in the first place, and I am forever in his debt. Joe and the images that he creates are both inspiration and motivation to go out there and create photographs that speak to people.
Nicole, Glenn, and Sam Melero for always being available for my crazy ideas and last-minute photo shoots.
Erika Thornes for happily providing a constant stream of willing models for me to photograph no matter what the subject. Thank you so much for all the help. This book would not be filled with so many great faces without you, your wonderful family, and your friends.
Jennifer Curry Wingrove for her amazing ability as a dancer and silk aerialist and for allowing me to use her Pilates studio, Pilates on Park, as a photo studio (www.pilatesonpark.com ). Jennifer is an amazing combination of strength, grace, and beauty, and when that is combined with her fearlessness, it results in fantastic images.
Cody Lovaas for taking time out of his crazy musician schedule to spend an evening creating images. You can find more of Cody at www.codylovaas.com .
Ted Waitt for his belief in me and help in getting this project off the ground.
Valerie Witte, Linda Laflamme, Tracey Croom, Kim Wimpsett, Mimi Heft, Kim Scott, Sheila Lease, Sara Todd, and the rest of the team at Peachpit for their hard work on this book. As I mentioned before, a book like this takes a team, and I have the best of the best.
Iron Mike Savoia for putting the SB-500 through some real-world testing and returning it to me in one piece.
Glyn Dewis and Dave Clayton for their support, friendship, and ability to make me laugh, usually at the most inappropriate time.
Theresa Jackson for introducing me to her dad, a true gentleman cowboy.
All the subjects in this book are my family, friends, and friends of friends. I can’t thank you all enough for taking time out of your lives to help me with this project. Alex Mest, Alex Sinclair, Allen Pasalaqua, Andy Fons, Anna, Ashley Anton, Calum Worden, Chance Jimenez, Cody Lovaas, David Baron, Don McLellan, Eleanor Thornes, Emery Thornes, Emma Clark, Erika Thornes, Freddy King, Glenn Melero, Greg Torwick, Ivan Randall, Izzy Thornes, Jennifer Curry Wingrove, Jessica Lerner, John Ginty, Josh Thornes, Kaitlin Harvey, Kasey Harvey, Kevin La Rue, Mia Beck, Nadra Farina-Hess, Nicole Melero, Noah Thornes, Olivia Groves, Paige Teague, Rebecca, Rileigh Worden, Robin Harris, Sam Melero, Sierra Kriss, Stella Thornes, Ted Washington, Terry Sanchez, and Tim Faasse.