Readers Guide

1. Have you ever done the hula? Details, please!

2. With your friend, have you ever felt the way Hope did when Laurie came to visit and Hope hid behind the curtains wondering what they would talk about?

3. What is it in a friendship that makes two women feel instantly reconnected after years of not seeing each other?

4. Would you have gone in the ocean your first night like the bobbing Betties? Why or why not?

5. How do you see yourself changing as you get older? Are you more adventuresome or less?

6. Is there a maven in your mirror? What sass-and-slash comments has she been feeding you? How do you overcome the negative messages she dishes out?

7. Have you ever rented a convertible? How did it make you feel when you were riding in it? Do you drive like Lead Foot Laurie, Reluctant Hot Rod Hope, or Slowpoke Sally?

8. What is the wildest adventure you and your sisterchick have ever experienced? The most moving?

9. Do you or your sisterchick have a 259-pound baby that’s yearning to be born? How can you serve as midwife-encourager for her? What do you wish she would do for you?

10. According to Laurie’s definition, are you in a season of beauty, contentment, or dignity? How do you see this concept being played out in your life?

11. Hope rode high on the blessed-art-thou-among-women cloud when she found out she was pregnant with Emilee Rose. If you’ve been pregnant, how was your experience similar or different from Hope’s?

12. When was the last time you were overwhelmed with the beautiful artistry of God’s creation? How did you respond?

13. In what ways have you experienced the “unforced rhythms of grace” lately?