Faith stepped out of Incantation Café just as snowflakes started to dust the ground. She held her hands palms up and twirled in delight.
“Who knew it snowed in Keating Hollow?” a familiar male voice asked from behind her.
She turned around, finding Brian strolling toward her, his face lit up in an amused smile. “It’s not normal, but it’s been known to happen now and then.” She returned his smile. “What are you doing out here? Headed for coffee?”
He shook his head. “No, I was coming to see you, actually.”
“Oh? At the spa?”
“Yep. Is that where you’re headed?” he asked.
She narrowed her eyes and studied him. “Is it your back? Do you need another massage?”
“I’d love one, actually, but only because it was amazing.” He reached out and grabbed one of her hands. “You’re a miracle worker. It’s like there was never a problem. I woke up this morning with more energy than I’ve had in months.”
All of the stress of the morning seemed to vanish with his praise. That was the reason why she’d chosen massage therapy as a profession. She loved that she could vastly improve another person’s quality of life with just a little bit of care and attention. Magic too, she reminded herself, but she hadn’t known that when she’d chosen her career. “That’s what I like to hear. Call Lena for another appointment, even if it’s just for maintenance. Building a house is no joke.”
“I will. But later. Right now I need your help picking out flooring.” He tugged her along Main Street, away from the café and her spa.
“What?” she laughed. “Why? Can’t you just pick something yourself?”
He shook his head. “No. I can’t. And that spa of yours… it’s beautiful, Faith. I need your help. Come on, help a guy out before I pick a patchwork vinyl faux stone that will clash with everything from my kitchen counters to the red leather couch.”
“Red leather?” She raised both her eyebrows. “Are you going for the ultimate bachelor pad?”
“See, I need serious help. Save me from myself, Faith. Save me from eternal bachelorhood due to poor decorating.”
She rolled her eyes but was seriously amused by his antics. “Fine. Let’s go pick your floors. But no arguing, got it? If you pick something not on my approved list, I’m out of there.”
“Really? I don’t get to have an opinion?” he asked, sounding skeptical.
“Sure you do. But if you’re not interested in my advice, then why do I have to be there?”
He laughed. “Fair enough. Let’s do this then.”
“Let’s,” she said, her mood lifted. Is this what it’s supposed to feel like when you start dating someone? Comfortable? Fun? Easy? She had to admit, it didn’t suck. The wind picked up and she slipped her arm through his, snuggling into him for his warmth.
He glanced down at her, his lips curved into a small self-satisfied smile. “I like this.”
“Yeah?” She tightened her hold on his arm. “You know what, Brian? So do I.”

Faith sat at her desk back at the spa, going over the monthly numbers. Revenue was up. Their appointments were up twenty-five percent. If they continued to grow at the current rate, she was going to need to hire another therapist. Wouldn’t that be nice, she thought. Then her schedule could be a little more flexible. She’d have more time to spend with Brian if she wanted to.
The only problem was she wasn’t sure if she did. It wasn’t that she didn’t like him. She did, very much. It was just that he seemed to be more into her than she was into him. They’d had a really good time picking out his flooring and then some tiles and paint colors. They’d been silly and shared plenty of laughs, while mostly agreeing on what would look best in his house.
After they were finished, Brian walked her back to the spa. As they stood out front, he’d pulled her close to him and bent his head for a kiss. But before his lips could land on hers, she’d instinctively jerked her head to the side, and he’d awkwardly planted a kiss on her jaw. He’d laughed it off, but she hadn’t. She’d been embarrassed and frustrated that she hadn’t wanted to kiss him. What was wrong with her? He was gorgeous and fun and a real catch.
The man ran a successful online spa supply business. It was something he fell into after helping his ex-girlfriend shutter her luxury spa business over six months ago. She’d gotten sick and had to let it go, but while it was up and running, he’d done most of the day to day management. He’d learned a lot during his time there, and in what seemed like no time at all, he got his wholesale supply store online. It was already thriving.
She just couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t attracted to him. Was there something wrong with her? She sighed and put her pen down. They were still on for dinner on Friday, but she was seriously considering cancelling. She didn’t want to lead him on if she was never going to reciprocate his obvious feelings for her.
A faint knock sounded at her door, and she stood, fully expecting to be summoned for a late-afternoon appointment. It wasn’t unusual for clients to drop in after work, and she’d made a point of being available as she tried to build their client list. She walked over to the door and pulled it open.
“You’re not Lena,” she said breathlessly as she stared at Hunter and tried not to drool. Holy witches on a broom. The man was scorching hot in his low-slung jeans, black T-shirt that was molded to his muscular chest, and the well-used tool belt around his waist.
“No, I’m definitely not. Got a minute?” he asked as he stepped inside, forcing her back into the depths of her office.
“Sure.” She sucked in a calming breath and leaned against her desk, trying to act like she hadn’t just been hit over the head with a lust hammer. “What’s up?”
He raised his hand and showed her a couple of stone tiles she hadn’t noticed he’d been holding. “I need to know which one of these you prefer.”
“Oh, right.” She took them from him and laid them on her desk. One was slate gray with a marble of lighter gray running through it while the other was a dark brick red with shades of orange and yellow. “Is this for the patio?”
He shook his head. “It’s for the bench and fire pit. I thought we’d use something a little subtler for the patio for contrast, but I want you to pick the fire pit first since it will be the showcase of the space.”
“Right.” She stared down at the tiles, already knowing which one she liked best but wanting his input. On more than one occasion, he’d saved her from making a mistake when he pointed out potential issues with her design choices. “Which do you like?”
He moved to stand next to her and placed his hand on the red tile. “This one compliments the redwoods, but it isn’t quite as modern as the classic slate. It depends on who your target audience is. Artsy, nature lovers or city folks who prefer clean lines and minimal distraction.”
She smiled up at him. “That’s not an opinion, Hunter.”
He chuckled. “You’re right. It’s not.”
They stared into each other’s eyes, and for Faith time seemed to stop. Electric energy crackled between them, and before she knew what she was doing, she pressed her hand to his stubbled jaw and leaned in.
Her lips brushed over his, and he whispered, “Faith,” just before his arms came around her waist and he pulled her into him.
She was lost. His heat, his touch, the scruff of his unshaven jaw, it all overwhelmed her, and desire took over. This was what she’d been waiting for since the night he’d left Keating Hollow five months ago. All she’d wanted was to be in his arms and feel this again.
The kiss was tentative, gentle at first, but then she parted her lips, inviting him in. Passion took over as he deepened the kiss, bowing her back slightly, tasting, teasing, and devouring.
“Faith! Someone named Vivian is here to see you,” Lena called just as the door swung open. “Oh! Oops. Sorry, I’ll come back.”
The door slammed shut, and Faith, still in Hunter’s arms, stared up at him, shock rendering her speechless.
He grinned down at her. “That was unexpected.”
The sound of his voice snapped her out of her silence, and she gently pushed him back, needing to reclaim her personal space. “I’m sorry. That was… I shouldn’t have done that.”
He frowned. “Why not?”
She waved a hand at the door then between them. “You’re working for me and… what about Vivian? And why is she here to see me?”
Hunter glanced once at the closed door then turned his attention back to her. “First of all, I’m not working for you. I’m just doing a friend a favor. Second, what about Vivian? It’s none of her business who I choose to spend my time with. And it’s really none of her business who I’m kissing.” His lips twitched into a tiny smile as he gazed down at her. “As for why she’s here, I’d guess she’s looking to see if you need a sales rep of any kind. She’s out pounding the pavement, looking to build her client base.”
Faith sat down on the edge of her desk, trying to get her bearings. That kiss had seriously rattled her brain. And she couldn’t even blame him. She’d been the one to make the first move. What had she been thinking? Nothing. She hadn’t been thinking at all. That was the problem. She cleared her throat. “How can it not be any of her business? You’re living together.”
He pressed his lips into a tight line and shook his head. “We’re sharing a house, sleeping in separate bedrooms. Faith, she was my best friend’s wife. I’m just helping them until Vivian gets back on her feet. There’s nothing going on there. I swear.”
Relief flooded through her, making her slightly light headed. Thank the gods she hadn’t just become the other woman. Faith wasn’t interested in sharing anyone’s man. But then she remembered the fight she’d witnessed on the street earlier in the day and the kiss. Although, the kiss had just been on the cheek. “You’re sure? I um… I saw you two this morning outside of Incantation Café. It looked like you were fighting and then making up.”
He slumped down into a chair opposite her and ran a hand through his thick dark hair. The frustration rolling off him filled the room, making her shift uncomfortably. He hung his head for a moment. When he finally met her gaze again, he had a look of pure determination and said, “Listen, normally I wouldn’t air any of this drama, because on my end it’s nothing. Really. But there’s something going on here between us, and I don’t want to sabotage it by not being completely honest.”
Fear coiled deep in her belly. This was it. This was where he was going to tell her that he and Vivian were just friends with benefits, or they had an open relationship, or some other thing that was going to make this a deal breaker for her. She couldn’t get involved with someone who was already involved with someone else, no matter how they defined it.
He reached out and took one of her hands in his. She wanted to pull away, but his gentleness combined with the roughness of his calloused hands send a shiver of desire down her spine, and she couldn’t bring herself to reject him. Not yet. She could at least hear what he had to say, couldn’t she?
“Vivian is really vulnerable right now,” he started.
She stiffened, prepared for some song and dance about how he’d just been trying to comfort her and one thing had led to another.
“Faith,” he said, squeezing her hand, “it’s nothing like what you’re thinking right now.”
She let out a huff of laughter. “Oh, and what am I thinking?”
“It’s written all over your face. You think I’m involved with her. I’m not.”
“Have you ever been?”
Hunter glanced away, focusing on the window behind her.
Her heart sank. “You were, weren’t you? I guess I can’t blame you. It happens a lot, people finding comfort with those they’re closest to when grieving. How long ago did it end?”
“Over seven years ago,” Hunter said, this time holding her gaze. “We dated for a short time before she got together with Craig. It lasted maybe a month, then it was over. The fight this morning was because Vivian seems to think we should pick back up where we left off all those years ago. She thinks it will be easier on Zoey. I keep telling her it isn’t going to happen.”
Faith sat up straight and blinked, trying to take in the new information. “You… used to date her?”
He nodded. “For a short period of time, years ago.”
“And now you’re just… watching over them for your friend?” she asked, wondering why he’d felt the need to bring his ex back to Keating Hollow. Didn’t she have family somewhere?
“Sort of.” He leaned forward, his hands clasped. “Craig asked me to be Zoey’s godfather about a year after she was born. So in that sense, I am watching over Zoey. I’m just being a friend to Vivian. Her family’s not real stable right now. She wanted to get out of Vegas, so when I mentioned I was planning on coming back here, she and Zoey came with me. That’s it, Faith. Other than Vivian having unrealistic expectations, there’s really nothing to be concerned about. I’m free to date who I want to. And I’m hoping like hell that you’ll let me take you out on Friday night.”
“Friday?” Gods, she wanted to say yes. There was no reason not to believe his explanation. She’d grown to trust him over the time he’d worked for her and hadn’t known him to be anything other than honest. If he was lying, she’d find out soon enough. Secrets were impossible to keep in the small town of Keating Hollow. If he was seeing Vivian and dating Faith, the rumor mill would be working overtime.
“Yes, Friday. How about dinner? I could take you to the Cozy Cave, or we could go into Eureka if you prefer.”
There was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind about Friday. She was forgetting something. Did she already have plans? The bridal shower wasn’t until the following week. Was there a family dinner? Plans with Hanna? “I think I—oh!” She grimaced, remembering her date with Brian. “I already have plans on Friday.”
He gave her a curious look. “A date?”
She nodded, not willing to start whatever this was with him on a lie. “With Jacob’s friend Brian. But I’m free Saturday.”
“Saturday it is then,” he said, sounding amused. “I’ll pick you up at seven. And this time, Faith, nothing is going to keep me away. Count on it.”
“I will. But if you stand me up again… I’ll start to take it personally.” She grinned at him, her reservations about his relationship with Vivian settled. Yes, their situation was a little out of the ordinary, but she admired him for watching over his friend’s family. It was just the sort of stand-up thing she’d expect out of him.
He stood and gently tugged her up off the desk. “Faith, one way or another, I’ll be there.” Hunter dipped his head and brushed his lips over hers again then murmured, “Make sure you tell your date he has competition.”