Developing the ninth edition of The Musical Classroom required the help and support of friends, colleagues, and family. I have many to thank, beginning with the students of all ages with whom I have taught and shared music with over the years. It is clearly they who have taught me. I am particularly grateful to the following colleagues who have provided thoughtful and critical comments and suggestions in the preparation of this ninth edition:
Throughout the preparation of this new edition, Senior Editor Constance Ditzel, of Routledge, has provided the assistance and support that every author needs to bring a book to fruition. I enthusiastically offer thanks to graphic artist Pamela Burgess for her creative artwork and photography and to Nick Bacchetto for his specialized help with engraving the music notation.
Special thanks always go to my husband Al and son David for their help, understanding, and support as The Musical Classroom has developed over the years.
Finally, I am incredibly indebted to my original coauthors on this text—the late Pat Hackett and the late Jim Harris. The development of TMC began some 40-plus years ago when the three of us, with a shared vision, decided to tackle the project of creating a textbook that would engage students preparing to teach music in the elementary classroom. We shared our "tried and true" teaching strategies from years of teaching, compiled information on the various teaching approaches and curricular designs, prepared instructional models for learning to read music and play instruments, and selected the most exciting music from around the world to include in our teaching strategies and song section. While Pat and Jim are no longer here to continue sharing their insights and visions, their spirit and contributions are forever evident throughout the text. Their voices enlightened this edition as they have all past editions. It is to these two cherished colleagues and friends that this ninth edition is dedicated.
Carolynn A. Lindeman
February 2018