Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
AAPL. See American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
abrogation, 149
Abu Ghraib, 30–32, 37, 44, 51
Abu-Lughod, Lila, 104
abuse, 82; of alcohol, 6, 9, 163n4; of detainees, 15, 31, 41; mental, 68; physical, 68
admissions, conducting of, 5
Advisory Committee, 151
Afghanistan, 12, 15, 21, 111, 118, 153
African Americans, 161
Agamben, Giorgio, 50–51
agency, 81
Aggarwal, Neil, 3
aggravated assault, 46
Akhmedova, Khapta, 111, 118
Al-Azhar University, 125
alcohol abuse, 6, 9, 163n4
Algeria, 137
Ali, Ali Abdul Aziz, 107
alien unlawful enemy combatant, 58
al-Qaeda, 31, 47, 55, 141, 154, 159, 167n8; alien unlawful enemy combatants and, 58; Bush and, 53; interrogation methods on detainees of, 32; Kamin and, 76; Mohamed and, 15; as non-state terrorist group, 41; al Qosi and, 70; suicide bombing and, 107, 109, 121, 124–32
al-Qaeda Organization in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), 124–30
Altman, Neil, 92, 100
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL), 23
American Medical Association, 33
American National Institutes of Health, 36
American Protestantism, 108
American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, The, 108
American Psychological Association, 31, 32–34, 43, 48, 110
Amrika, 102
analysis: cultural, 18, 24, 27; psychological, 98; socially responsible psychoanalysis, 95; Talmudic, 84. See also discourse analysis
Annas, George, 37, 39–40, 42, 44, 46, 48
anti-Semitism, 102
appropriation, 26, 49, 104, 123
Apter, Alan, 113, 119
AQAP. See Al Qaeda Organization in the Arabian Peninsula
Arabs, 27, 83, 85, 158, 159–60; cultural differences between East and West and, 89–92; discourse analysis of texts on, 98–106; families and, 94–95; Islamists and, 96–97; Orientalism and, 86; psychodynamic scholarship on, 88–106; suicide bombing and, 114–17; in Western societies, 93–94
Asad, Talal, 123, 132
Ashour, Omar, 137–38, 139, 143
assimilation, 4
asylum seekers, 16
asymmetric warfare, 117
Atlas, Galit, 92, 101
autonomy, 34; individual, 35, 47–48
Awlaki, Anwar al-, 129
Ayurvedic tradition, 24
Bacciagaluppi, Marco, 89, 99
Bagram detention facility, 78
Banna, Ibrahim al-, 125–26
Barnes, Linda L., 85
Beauchamp, Tom, 34
behavioral deradicalization, 137–38
Behavioral Science Consultation Teams (BSCT), 33, 42, 47, 48
Benedict, Ruth, 104, 122, 171n9
beneficence, 34
beneficiaries, 146
benefits system, 12
Benjamin, Jessica, 89, 98
Bhabha, Homi, 160
bin al-Shibh, Ramzi, 107
bin Attash, Walid, 107
bin Laden, Osama, 70, 90, 94, 96, 102, 129
bioethics, x, 30–34, 165n2; construction of issues, 36–43; cultural models of interpretation and, 34–35; cultural values and, 50; discourse analysis of texts, 43–48; dual loyalty and, 36–39, 43–44, 51; force-feeding of detainees and, 39–40, 46; health professionals and, 40–43; interrogations and, 40–43; social science and, 34–36
biological materialism, 130
biomedicine, 105, 161
black sites, 15
Bloche, M. Gregg, 32, 41, 47
Boucek, Christopher, 143
Braddock, Kurt, 147–48
Brenner, Ira, 96
Breuer, Josef, 83
Brunet, Louis, 96, 103
BSCT. See Behavioral Science Consultation Teams
Bureau of Prisons, 39, 46, 166n5
Bush, George W., 15, 50, 53, 91, 107, 142
Butler, Judith, 50–51
Canada, 134
Casoni, Diane, 96, 103
Cassimatis, Emmanuel, 89, 99
CDA. See critical discourse analysis
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 32, 62
Chechnya, 111, 118
Cheney, Dick, 53
childhood, 95
Childress, James, 34
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
circular logic, 8
civil forensic psychiatry, 164n12
clinical evidence, 25, 147–49
clinical functions, 23, 164n11
clinical gaze, 19
clinical reasoning, 25–26; Al Darbi and, 68–70; deradicalization programs and, 149–53; Jawad and, 73–75; Kamin and, 76–80; Al-Nashiri and, 63–65, 67; Al Qosi and, 70–72
Clinton, Bill, 15
cocaine use, 6, 9, 10
cognitive behavioral therapy, 138, 172n2
Cole (USS), 62
combustible electrochemistry, 119
Committee for Dialogue, 149–50
common morality, 35
complex personality disorder, 118
conflict-of-interest policies, 10
Congressional Budget Office, U.S., 17
conservation, 26, 49, 103, 122
Constitution, U.S., 39–40, 166n6
Continental Congress, 12
convening authority, 58, 71
core clinical functions, 21
corrective penalties, 145
Crawford, Susan J., 71
criminal forensic psychiatry, 164n12
critical discourse analysis (CDA), 165n18
Crosby, Sondra S., 46
cultural analysis, 18, 24, 27
cultural competence, 16, 160
cultural construction: of illness, 21–22; of medicolegal issues, 24, 58, 137–44
cultural hermeneutic model, 57, 81
cultural meanings, 11
cultural psychiatry, x, 85–86, 104, 106, 157, 160; deradicalization programs and, 134; suicide bombing and, 123–24
cultural values, 158; bioethics and, 50; individual autonomy and, 35; negative, 22; in psychiatry, 135; suicide bombing and, 124, 132
culture, 18, 21–22, 34, 161; differences between East and West, 89–92; Jewish intellectual, 84; models of interpretation, 34–35; multicultural societies, 93; psychodynamic concepts and, 104; of shame, 116–17, 122; studies of, 35
Cumbie, W. Thomas, 77–78, 80
cyberspace, 21
Dab’bagh, Yasser Ad-, 92, 101
Darbi, Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Haza Al, 68, 80
Davar, Elisha, 90, 99–100
Davids, M. Fakhry, 91, 100
Declaration of Tokyo, 41, 47
Department of Defense, U.S., 20, 32
Department of Justice, U.S., 47
Department of Veterans Administration, 12, 13, 17
Department of Veterans Affairs, 12, 80
deradicalization programs, 133–36, 172n1; clinical evidence for, 147–49; clinical reasoning and, 149–53; cultural construction as medicolegal issue, 137–44; forensic functions in, 136–56; legal outcomes of, 153–56; medical standards for, 144–47
detainees, 30; abuse of, 15, 31, 41; cultural competence and, 16; force-feeding of, 39–40, 46; hermeneutical adjudication in specific cases, 60–82; interrogation of, 15, 31–33, 40–43, 48; PTSD and, 16, 18; religious rehabilitation of, 140; with requested mental health evaluations, 61; as text, 56–57; transfers of, 55; violence of, 56. See also Guantánamo Bay
deviance, 20
diagnosis, 9
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), 25–26, 163n3, 171n8
disability evaluations, 10
disciplinary counterlaw, 147
disciplinary problems, 56
discipline: Foucault and, 146–47; psy disciplines, 109, 111, 117, 123, 171n2
Discipline and Punish (Foucault), 135
discourse, 26, 48; nodal, 171n6
discourse analysis, 27–29, 157–58; on Arabs and Muslims, 98–106; of bioethics texts, 43–48; CDA, 165n18; medical, 28–29; on suicide bombing, 117–24
discursive psychology, 106
disengagement, 138–39
DNA profiling, 26
Document for Guiding Jihad in Egypt and in the World (al-Sharif), 150
domain, 49, 103, 122
double personality disorder, 118
DSM-IV. See Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
dual loyalty, 36–39, 43–44, 51
East Coast Veteran Affairs Medical Center (ECVA), 1–4, 12
Echo of Epic Battles, The (online magazine), 124
ECVA. See East Coast Veteran Affairs Medical Center
Edmondson, John S., 39
Egypt, 137, 149
Eighth Amendment, 39, 166n6
emergency room physicians, 8
emotional control, 11
enemy combatants, 51; alien unlawful, 58; unlawful, 169n5
enhanced interrogations, 31, 33
Enlightenment, 89, 98, 130
episteme, 158
ethnographies, 161
European integration, 93
evidence: clinical, 25, 147–49; rules of, 60
evidentiary liberalization, 17
explanatory model, 22
extradiscursive transformations, 158
Fairclough, Norman, 88, 110, 165n18, 171n6
families, Arab and Muslim, 94–95
Faruq, ’Umar al-, 125
Fayek, Ahmed, 91, 100
female suicide bombers, 113, 118
Ferguson, James, 130
flashbacks, 62
folie à deux (shared psychotic disorder), 117–18
folie à plusieurs (madness of many), 117–18
folie partagée (shared madness), 111, 117–18
force-feeding, of detainees, 39–40, 46
forensic functions, 26–29, 60, 135, 164n11; in deradicalization programs, 136–56
forensic hermeneutic model, 57
forensic mental health, 21–26
Foucault, Michel, ix; corrective penalties and, 145; discipline and, 146–47; discourse and, 26, 48; on imprisonment, 136; on legal reforms, 135, 142; on psychiatrists, 137; on racism, 161; recidivism and, 153–54; on religion, 139–40; on subsidiary authorities, 141–43
French Revolution, 18
Freud, Sigmund, 83–84, 170n7
functionalism, 164n10
fundamentalism, 98, 101; terrorism, 93
Gabbard, Glen, 83
Gates, Robert, 54
Gelfand, Michele, 145, 148
Gendron, Angela, 143
general criteria, 22
Geneva Conventions, 41, 165n1, 166n4, 166n7, 167n9; bioethics and, 51; dual loyalty and, 37, 44; force-feeding and, 39–40; Guantánamo and, 54; interrogations and, 32
Ghaneabassiri, Kambiz, 93, 101
Gillespie, Katherine, 143
Glantz, Leonard H., 46
global free markets, 15
globalization, 161, 172n3
Good, Byron, 57, 81
Good, Mary-Jo, 57, 81
government restrictions, 157
Greece, 24
Greek philosophy, 130
Grimland, Meytal, 113, 119
Guantánamo Bay, 15–16, 27, 42, 50, 52–56, 134, 159, 161; bioethics and, 30–31; as context, 56–57; detainee as text, 56–57; detainees with requested mental health evaluations, 61; dual loyalty and, 37; force-feeding at, 39, 46; hermeneutical adjudication in specific detainee cases, 60–82; legal basis as illness context, 57–60; meaning of symptoms and, 56–57; 9/11 suspects at, 109–10; Obama and, 54–55; prison policies and, 46; PTSD and, 18
Gulf War Syndrome, 163n5
Gunaratna, Rohan, 140–41, 143–45, 148
Gupta, Akhil, 130
Gutheil, Thomas, 43, 48
Hadith, 149
Hamas, 97, 121, 154
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 41, 167n9
Hasan, Nidal Malik, 93
Hassan, Mukhtar, 127
Hawsawi, Mustafa Ahmad al-, 107
Haynes, William J., II, 167n8
healing, 20, 23, 85
health professionals, 40–43
Hell Room, 70
Henley, Stephen, 75, 107–8
hermeneutic adjudication, 57, 60–62; of Al Darbi, 68–70; of Jawad, 72–76; of Kamin, 76–82; of al-Nashiri, 62–68; of al Qosi, 70–72
Hezbollah, 121, 154
hierarchical medical teams, 19
hijacked religion, 100
Hippocratic Oath, 34, 42
Hollander, Nancy, 95, 103
Hood, Jay, 42, 47
Horgan, John, 138–39, 143, 147–48
Hough, George, 90
Howe, Edmund, 38–40, 46–48
Howell, Alison, 109–10, 123
HR-6166. See Military Commissions Act of 2006
human rights, 31, 44
Human Rights Watch, 18
Hussain, ‘Umar, 126
hybridity, 106
hyperarousal, 11
hypothyroidism, 2
ideological deradicalization, 137–38
illness: as context, 57–60; cultural construction of, 21–22; meanings of, 19–20
inactive patients, 11
indefinite detention, 50
India, 87
individual autonomy, 35, 47–48
individualism, 85
indoctrination, 118
Indonesia, 114, 134, 145–47, 151–55
informed consent, 30
inpatient units, 2, 3–4, 5, 11
“Inquiry Into the Mental Capacity or Mental Responsibility of the Accused,” 59
Inspire (magazine), 124
interdiscursive transformations, 158
International Criminal Court, 37, 44
international law, 44
International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism, and Security, 113
interrogations, 15; bioethics and, 40–43; enhanced, 31, 33; Geneva Conventions and, 32; torture and, 48
intradiscursive transformations, 158
intrusive memories, 62
invisible visibility, 19
Iran, 97
Iraq, 6, 8–9, 12, 21, 31
Isikoff, Michael, 70
Islam. See Muslims
Islamists, 96–97, 103, 137, 149
Israel, 92, 97, 103, 110
Istanbul Protocol, 71
Jarrar, Adib, 92, 101
Jawad, Mohammed, 72–76, 80, 82
Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), 114, 120, 151–52
Jewish intellectual culture, 84
JI. See Jemaah Islamiyah
jihadism, 111, 114, 116, 118, 133, 154
Jones, James, 96, 103
Jordan, 149
justice, 34
Justice and Development Party, 149
Kamin, Mohammed, 76–82
Kanazawa, Satoshi, 114, 120
Kaplan and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 108
Kassim, Sadik, 117
Kerkhof, Ad, 113, 119
key activities, 4
Khadr, Omar, 133
Khalid, Uday, 95, 102
King, Michael, 114, 120
Kleinman, Arthur, 21–23, 164n10
knowledge, power and, 27–28, 85–88
Kobrin, Nancy, 94, 102
Koenig, Barbara, 36
Koran. See Quran
Kruglanski, Arie, 112, 116, 118, 143, 145, 148
Kushner, Harvey W., 108
Laird, Lance Daniel, 85
Lankford, Adam, 143
large-group identity, 90, 100
law, 24, 45, 161; disciplinary counterlaw, 147; international, 44
legal basis, as illness context, 57–60
legal infractions, 48
legal reform, 135
legal regulation of psychiatry, 164n12
legal standards, 25, 85, 109
legal texts, 56
Lester, David, 113, 118
Liddle, James, 116, 121
Lifton, Robert Jay, 32
Limburg (MV), 62
Long Study Sessions, 151
Machluf, Karin, 121
madness of many (folie à plusieurs), 117–18
major depressive disorder, 2, 6
Malaysia, 134, 151, 155
Marazziti, Donatella, 111, 118
marijuana, 9
market patriotism, 15
Marks, Jonathan H., 41, 47
Marrais, Justine de, 85
marriage, 95
Marshall, Patricia, 35–36, 43
martyrdom, 108–9, 125–27
Masjid el Noor Mosque, 134
Massad, Joseph, 97, 103
MCA 2006. See Military Commissions Act of 2006
Mead, Margaret, 104
meanings: cultural, 11; of illness, 19–20; of symptoms, 56–57
medical anthropology, 157
medical discourse analysis, 28–29
medicalization, 110, 131, 159
medical narratives, 16
medical Orientalism, 87
medical standards, 25, 85, 109, 144–47
medical systems, ix
medical teams, 19
medications, 84
medicine: biomedicine, 105, 161; psychodynamic scholarship and, 85–88
medicolegal issues, 165n15; bioethics and, 34–36, 39; clinical evidence for, 25; clinical reasoning for, 25–26; cultural construction of, 24, 58, 137–44; deradicalization programs and, 135, 137–44; dual loyalty and, 39; interrogations and, 42; medical and legal standards for, 25, 85, 109; suicide bombing and, 108–9
MedLine, 21
memory, 26, 49, 103, 122; intrusive, 62
mental abuse, 68
meta-ethnography, 28
Mexico, 21
Middle East, 86, 98. See also specific countries
Miles, Steven, 37, 40–41, 44, 47, 166n4
Miliora, Maria, 89, 98
Military Commissions Act of 2006 (MCA 2006), 57–58, 60, 74
Ministry of the Interior, 150
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, 10
Moghaddam, Fathali, 114, 120
Moglen, Seth, 91
Mohamed, Binyam, 15–18, 20, 23
Mohammed, Khalid Shaikh, 107
monthly disability compensation, for PTSD, 13, 14
moral advocacy, 44
moral outrage, 48
moral treatment, 159
morning rounds, 5, 10
multicultural societies, 93
Muslim Brotherhood, 149
Muslims, x, 24, 27, 85, 158–60; cultural differences between East and West and, 89–92; discourse analysis of texts on, 98–106; families and, 94–95; Islamists and, 96–97, 103, 137, 149; Orientalism and, 86; psychodynamic scholarship on, 88–106; suicide bombing and, 114–17, 120–22; in Western societies, 93–94. See also deradicalization programs
Myers, Charles, 18
narrative flow, 81
Nash, Jo, 90, 100
Nashiri, Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu al-, 62–68, 80
National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2013, 54
National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2014, 169n3
National Institute of Military Justice (NIMJ), 170n9
National Post, 32
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Navy, U.S., 30
negative cultural values, 22
neurobiology, 113, 119
neurology, 2
Newsweek (magazine), 70
NIMJ. See National Institute of Military Justice
9/11 terrorist attacks, ix, 53, 91, 100, 107–10, 124, 160
nodal discourse, 171n6
nonmaleficence, 34
Noricks, Darcy M. E., 144
normalcy, 20
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 9
not guilty by reason of lack of mental responsibility, 58
Obama, Barack, 17, 21, 54–55, 169n3
Occidentalism, 86–87, 130
OCO. See overseas contingency operations
Oedipal complex, 94, 105, 170n7
Office of Military Commissions (OMC), 57, 62, 108, 159
Okie, Susan, 42, 48
Olsson, Peter, 95, 102
OMC. See Office of Military Commissions
Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, 37, 44
organizational deradicalization, 137
Orientalism, 85–88, 106, 159, 161, 170n4
Orientalism (Said), 90, 100
outpatient units, 2
overseas contingency operations (OCO), 17
Pakistan, 21, 111, 118, 134
Palestine, 92, 97, 101–2, 110–11, 118
Palmer, Ian, 115, 120
Parger, Jeffrey, 94, 102
Paul, Nancy, 72
peer-reviewed journals, 88
pensions, 12
PEP Web. See Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing Web
personality traits, 10
Philippines, 145–47, 154
physical abuse, 68
physical disengagement, 138
physical torture, 81
Physicians for Human Rights, 32
Pinel, Phillipe, 18
Pivens, J. S., 96, 103
pleasure-seeking pathways, 113
Pohl, James, 65–66, 67
political economy, 11
political sociology, 109
Pope, Kenneth, 43, 48
Porges, Marisa L., 148
Post, Jerrold, 113, 115–16, 119, 121
postpartum depression, 22
post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 6, 8–12, 158, 163n3; asylum seekers and, 16; benefits system and, 12; diagnostic criteria for, 7; differential use of, 164n9; DSM-IV and, 25; evidentiary liberalization and, 17; Guantánamo Bay detainees and, 18; Gulf War Syndrome and, 163n5; intrusive memories and, 62; meanings of, 19–20; monthly disability compensation for, 13, 14; psychiatry and, 17; torture and, 15–16, 18, 23, 81
power, 11, 19, 81; differentials of, 16; global structures of, 36, 49–50; knowledge and, 27–28, 85–88; patient-clinician relationship and, 23–24
power cultural, 99–100
power intellectual, 99–100, 103
powerlessness, 16
power moral, 99–100, 103
power political, 100, 103
Preti, Antonio, 115, 121
principlism, 34–35
prison policies, 46
progress notes, 6
Protestantism, 108
psychiatric intake evaluation, 11
psychiatry, 17, 20, 84, 105; civil forensic, 164n12; criminal forensic, 164n12; cultural values in, 135; legal regulation of, 164n12; suicide and, 108; suicide bombing and, 109. See also cultural psychiatry
Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing Web (PEP Web), 27, 88
psychoanalytic treatment, 170n1
psychodynamic scholarship, 83–85; on Arabs, 88–106; Arabs and Muslims in Western societies, 93–94; cultural differences between East and West, 89–92; families and, 94–95; Islamists and, 96–97; medicine and, 85–88; on Muslims, 88–106; Orientalism and, 85–88; power and knowledge, 85–88
psychodynamic theories, 88, 105
psychological analysis, 98
psychological deterioration, 56
psychological disengagement, 138
psychological injury, 64
psychological rehabilitation, 140
psychology, discursive, 106
psychopathology, 127–28
psychotherapist-patient privilege, 69
PsycINFO, 21, 27, 110
psy disciplines, 109, 111, 117, 123, 171n2
PTSD. See post–traumatic stress disorder
PubMed, 21, 27, 36
punishment, 145
purposive social action, 17
Qaeda, al-. See al-Qaeda
Qahtani, Mohammed al-, 41
Qosi, Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al, 70–72, 80, 82
Quran, 102, 114, 126, 149–50, 152, 172n4
Rabasa, Angel, 144
racialization, 110, 114–17, 159, 161, 171n3
RAND Corporation, 143, 144
reactivation, 26, 49, 104, 123
recidivism, 136, 144, 151, 153–55
Red Cross, 31, 42, 47
reductionist norms, 35
Reed, Walter, 72
Reformation, 89, 98
reformative routines, 145
refugees, 16
Regional Counsel, 166n5
rehabilitation, 140–41, 150, 152, 155
Religious Committee, 150
religious rehabilitation, 140, 150, 155; model, 141
Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG), 152
reputation, 119
Reshetnikov, Mikhail, 93, 101
retraumatization, 62–63
Revolutionary War, 12
Rhodes, Lorna A., 170n7
Rice, Condoleezza, 53
RMC. See Rules for Military Commissions
Rome, 24
Rosner, Richard, 164n12
RRG. See Religious Rehabilitation Group
Rubenstein, Leonard, 39, 41, 42, 46, 47
Rules for Military Commissions (RMC): Rule 504, 58; Rule 706, 59–60, 67, 75, 77–79, 170n7; Rule 907, 73; Rule 909, 59, 77
rules of evidence, 60
Rumsfeld, Donald, 53
Sada al-Malahim (online magazine), 124
Said, Edward, 86–87, 90, 98, 100, 170n3
Salib, Emad, 111, 117
Sapir, Edward, 104
Saris, Jamie, 81
Sarraj, Iyad, 108
Saudi Arabia, 134, 143, 146, 148–51, 153–56
sayable, 26, 48, 103, 122
scheduling, 4
scientific-juridical complex, 135
Scopus, 21
SDTP. See Special Day Treatment Program
secret written ballot, 58, 60
secularism, 99
secular psychological rehabilitation model, 141
security checkpoints, 1
self-death, 108–9
self-defense, suicide bombing as, 128–30
September 11, 2001. See 9/11 terrorist attacks
Sessums, Laura, 38, 45
706 board, 59, 66–67, 74–75
sexuality, 92
Shackelford, Todd K., 121
Shaikh, Mohammed, 134
shame cultures, 116–17, 122
shared madness (folie partagée), 111, 117–18
shared psychotic disorder (folie à deux), 117–18
Sharfstein, Steven S., 32
Sharif, Sayyid Imam al-, 150
Sheehan, Michael, 21
shell shock, 18
Sherman, Nancy, 42, 48
sign out, 3
Silverman, Helen, 94, 102
Singapore, 134, 151–53, 155
Singh, Jerome, 37, 43–44
Sinn Fein, 172n1
social action, 17
social exclusion, 11
socially responsible psychoanalysis, 95
social norms, 24
social rehabilitation, 140
social relationships, 19
social science, 24; bioethics and, 34–36
social transformations, 135
solitary confinement, 73
Somalia, 21
source materials, ix–x
space, transgressions of, 6
Special Day Treatment Program (SDTP), 1–2
“Specialized De-Radicalization Intervention Program,” 134
Speckhard, Anne, 111–12, 116, 118, 122
Sri Lanka, 110
stereotypes, x, 90, 96, 103, 154
Stern, Jeffrey, 95, 102, 140
Straits of Hormuz, 68
Strenger, Carlo, 97, 103
Studies on Hysteria (Breuer and Freud), 83
suicide bombing, 94, 107–9, 171n1; discourse analysis of texts on, 117–24; mental health constructions on, 110–17; nodal discourse and, 171n6; pathology and, 109–10; psychopathology and, 111–14; al-Qaeda and, 107, 109, 121, 124–32; racialization of, 114–17; as religious act, 125–27; security and, 109–10; as self-defense, 128–30; as willful and rational act, 127–28
Sullivans, The (USS), 62
supersidiary authorities, 142–43, 155
symptoms, meaning of, 56–57
systematic review, 28, 165n3
Taliban, 15, 50, 58, 167n8
Talmudic textual analysis, 84
terrorism, 89, 103, 113–14; Arab fathers and, 95; fundamentalist, 93; hijacked religion and, 100; management of, 159; 9/11 attacks, ix, 53, 91, 100, 107–10, 124, 160. See also suicide bombing; specific groups
texts: on Arabs, 98–106; on bioethics, 43–48; detainee as, 56–57; legal, 56; on Muslims, 98–106; Talmudic textual analysis, 84. See also psychodynamic scholarship
therapeutic outcomes, management of, 23
time, transgressions of, 6
time-space continuum, 4
top-down training, 118
torture, 32, 38, 45, 82; of Al Darbi, 68–70; interrogations and, 48; of Jawad, 73–75; of Kamin, 79; of Al-Nashiri, 62–64, 67; PTSD and, 15–16, 18, 23, 81; of al Qosi, 70–71
total institution, 5
Townsend, Ellen, 113, 119
transgressions, 9; of time and space, 6
trauma, 80, 158; mental health evaluations and, 82; retraumatization and, 62–63; suicide bombing and, 111–12, 118–19; torture and, 81. See also post-traumatic stress disorder
traumatic effects, 64
Turkey, 149
Turner, Leigh, 18
Twemlow, Stuart, 90
United States Southern Command, 31
unlawful enemy combatant, 169n5; alien, 58
Unlicensed to Kill: Countering Imam Samudra’s Justification for the Bali Bombing, 152
USA Patriot Act, 50, 160
values. See cultural values
Veterans Health Administration (VHA), 17
Veterans Service, 10
VHA. See Veterans Health Administration
Victoroff, Jeff, 113, 119
Viennese Jewish intellectual culture, 84
Vietnam War, 18, 80, 158
violence, 3, 102; of detainees, 56; Islamists and, 96; Muslims and, 89, 99; Orientalism and, 88. See also terrorism
vocational rehabilitation, 140
Volkan, Vamik, 90
Wahhabi Islam, 101, 149
Walsh, Patrick, 54
Walsh Report, 54
war neuroses, 18
Washington Post, 54
welfare benefits, 20
Welner, Michael, 133–34, 156
Western societies, Arabs and Muslims in, 93–94
“What to Expect in Jihad” (Hassan), 127
whiteboard, 4
World Medical Association, 41
World War I, 18
World War II, 50
Wuhayshi, Abu Basir Nasir al-, 128
Wurmser, Leon, 89
Xenakis, Stephen, 133–34, 156
xenophobia, 101
Yemen, 21, 124, 134, 149–51, 153, 155–56
Yoo, John, 167n8
Young, Robert, 93, 101