My thanks go out to many people who helped me along the way. I am especially grateful to Dave Nyblom and his assistant coaches, Pedro Correia, Keith Moors, Jim Black, and Rob Whalen. They always made me feel welcome and have my enduring thanks. The Hope players could not have been better. They invited me into their world even in the most difficult of times, and if I got to know some better than others, they all have a piece of my heart.

David Vigliano has been my agent for almost thirty years now and always has been my advocate. He has my gratitude. I am fortunate to have once again worked with George Witte at St. Martin’s Press. His insight, talent, and support made this a better book. He understood this project right from the beginning and no writer can ask for more. And also a public thank-you to Sara Thwaite at St. Martin’s Press, whose patience, unfailing courtesy, and expertise helped to make this book a reality. Finally, I am once again indebted to Liz Abbott for her patience, support, and wise counsel.