academic discipline, philosophy as
addiction and regression, television and
Adorno, Gretel
Adorno, Theodor W.; “Aberglaube aus zweiter Hand”; Against Epistemology; “Aging of the New Music, The”; “Analytical Study of the NBC Music Appreciation Hour”; Dialectic of Enlightenment, The (with Horkheimer); Dissonanzen; Einführung in die Soziologie; “Einleitung zu Emile Durkheim”; “Empirische Sozialforschung”; Erziehung zur Mündigkeit; “Essay as Form, The”; Getreue Korrepititor, Der; “How to Look at Television”; “Ideology”; In Search of Wagner; “Introduction to Benjamin’s Schriften”; Introduction to the Sociology of Music; Jargon of Authenticity, The; Kierkegaard: Construction of the Aesthetic; Minima Moralia; Negative Dialectics; Notes to Literature; Ohne Leitbild; “On Jazz”; “On Popular Music”; “On the Fetish-Character in Music and the Regression of Listening”; “On the Societal Situation of Music”; “Perennial Fashion: Jazz”; Philosophische Terminologie; Philosophy of New Music; Positivist Dispute in German Sociology, The; Prisms; Probleme der Moralphilosophie; “Psycho-analysis Revised” (“Die revidierte Psychoanalyse”); “Psychological Technique of Martin Luther Thomas’ Radio Addresses, The”; “Punctuation Marks”; “Radio Symphony, The”; “Reflexionen zur Klassentheorie”; “Schema of Mass Culture, The”; “Social Critique of Radio Music, A”; “Soziologie und empirische Forschung”; Soziologische Exkurse; “Sociology of Knowledge and its Consciousness”; “Spätkapitalismus oder Industriegesellschaft”; “Stabilisierte Musik, Die”; “Stars Down to Earth, The”; “Television as Ideology”; Über Jazz; “Vers une musique informelle”; “Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der deutschen Soziologie”; see also Authoritarian Personality, The
Ahlers, Conrad
Aichhorn, August
Allport, Gordon W.
Altenberg, Peter
ambivalence, television and
American Jewish Committee in New York
Anders, Günther
apologetics versus philosophy
appearance and ideology, in television
appeasement, and the past
Aquinas, Saint Thomas
Arato, Andrew
Arendt, Hannah
argumentation, criticism and
Arnau, Frank
art: heroic age of new; and metaphysics, residual; and philosophy; philosophy examination and; and progress; during 1920s; television and
Aue, Hartmann von der
Augstein, Rudolf
authoritarian personalities
Authoritarian Personality, The (Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, Sanford); passim
authoritarian structure of society
authority: Auschwitz and; society and; of teachers; theory and praxis and
autonomy: and adjustment; in Germany; morality and; philosophical thinking and; science and scholarship as medium of; study of philosophy and; subjective; television and
Bacon, Francis
Bahti, Timothy
Bailyn, Bernard
barbarism; Auschwitz and; children and; teaching vocation and
Baudelaire, Charles Pierre
Bauer, Bruno
Bauer, Fritz
beast (Biest)
Becker, Hellmut
Beckett, Samuel
Beethoven, Ludwig van
behavioral sciences
Behemoth (Neumann)
Being: mythology of; philosophy and; positivism and; progress and; pseudo-concretion and; re-education and; and subject; thinking and
Being (Sein) versus being (Seiendes)
Benjamin, Walter; on dialectical images; “Franz Kafka”; on progress; Schriften; “Theological-political Fragment”; on theology; “Theses on the Concept of History”; Understanding Brecht
Bergson, Henri
Berkeley Public Opinion Study Group
Bernstein, J. M.
biphasic behavior
bitch heroines
Blomster, Wes
Blue Angel, The (film)
Boger, Wilhelm
Böhm, Franz
Borchardt, Rudolf
boredom, free time and
Borman, Martin
Bott, Allan
Brecht, Bertolt; Baal; “He Who Says Yes” and “He Who Says No”; Mahagonny; Threepenny Opera, The
Bröcker, Walter
Brühne, Vera
Buchman, Frank N. D.
Buddenbrooks (Mann)
Bürger-Prinz, Hans
Campbell, Angus
Canova, Antonio
Cantril, Hadley
Capital (Marx)
Carnap, Rudolf
catchwords, discussed
Caygill, Howard
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Chamberlain, Neville
Chave, E. J.
“Child Study” (Frenkel-Brunswik)
Christie, Richard
comic strips. See funnies
common sense; opinion and; philosophical thinking and; social research and; study of philosophy and; teaching vocation and; television and
communications research
Condorcet, Marquis de
consciousness: critical thought and; criticism of; democracy in Germany and; education and; free time and; of needs (Hegel); opinion and; and the past; personality and; study of philosophy and; subjective; television and; of theory and praxis; see also reified consciousness
consumers, television and
contemporary philosophical critique
content analysis; of television
Cook, Peggy
Cook, Stuart W.
Cooper, Eunice
Cornelius, Hans
Cosiolkofsky, Sylvia
Creedon, Carol
critique: and productive unity of history of philosophy; subject and object and
Critique of Political Economy (Marx)
Critique of Practical Reason (Kant)
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant)
Crook, Stephen
cultural conservatism
culture: civilization and; determination of future course of action and; human sciences and; language as locus of; linguistics and; philosophy and; social conditions and; spirit and; and study of philosophy; television and; television censorship and
culture industry
Cumming, John
d’Alembert, Jean Le Rond
“Damrosch Hour,”
decadence, progress and
defensiveness: and the past; reified consciousness and
déformation professionelle
Delius, Harald
democracy: critique; in Germany
democratic pedagogy
Descartes, René; Meditations
developing countries
dialectics: mythology of Being and; progress and
Diary of Anne Frank, The
Diderot, Denis
Dietrich, Marlene
Dilthey, Wilhelm
Dirks, Walter
Division du travail (Durkheim)
Doré, Gustave
Drill, Robert
Dürer, Albrecht
Durkheim, Emile; Division of Labor in Society, The; Rules of Sociological Method, The; Sociology and Philosophy
education: Auschwitz and; see also teachers of philosophy
ego cogitans concept (Descartes)
Eichendorff, Joseph Freiherr von
Eichmann, (Karl) Adolf
Eisenbart, Johann Andreas
Endgame (Beckett)
enthusiasm, study of philosophy and
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus
Erhard, Ludwig
Eschenmayer, C. A.
Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke)
existentialism; progress and
existential philosophy, science as ritual and
expression crisis
expressionism: philosophy examination and; during 1920s
external determination
externalization (in Hegel, Goethe, etc.)
farce, in television
farcical pamphlets
fascism; Auschwitz and; democracy and; and the past; on television
Faust (Goethe)
Fenichel, Otto
Ferbach, Hans
Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb; concept of science of; Deduced Plan for an Institute of Higher Learning to be Established in Berlin; on moral law; Wissenschaftslehre, Die
Finlayson, Gordon
First Contribution to the Psycho-Analysis and Aesthetics of Motion-Picture (Montani, Pietranera)
Fleming, Donald
Fontane, Theodor
foreign words or names, in oral philosophy examination
Forty Days of Musa Dagh, The (Werfel)
Fourier, Charles
France, Anatole
Frank, Anne
Frankfurt Institute for Social Research
Frankfurt School
Frau Jenny Treibel (Fontane)
free atonalism
freedom; aversion to praxis and; personality and; public opinion and; society and; theory and
free time
free will doctrine
Frenkel-Brunswik, Else; “Child Study”
Freud, Sigmund; on adjustment; Civilization and Its Discontents; fore-pleasure term of; Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego; on infantile sexuality; psychoanalysis and; rationalization and; on regression; repression of instinct and; on sexuality; thesis on discontent in culture; transference, concept of
Freyhold, Michaela von
Frisch, Max
Frisé, Adolf
From the Philosophy Corner (Drill)
Fromm, Erich (“Zum Gefühl der Ohnmacht”)
Frundsberg, Georg von
“fully formed society”
fun morality
Gauguin, (Eugène Henri) Paul
Gebhardt, Eike
Giese, Hans
Goebbels, Paul Josef
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von; on the past; and progress; television and; theology and; West-östlicher Divan
Goffman, Erving
Gontard, Jakob
Gontard, Susette (Diotima)
Görres, J.
Gotha Program (Lasalle)
Grabbe, Hans Christian
Graf, Herbert
Grassi, Ernesto
Gross, Felix
Grosz, George
Grounding of the Metaphysics of Morals (Kant)
Group Experiment (Pollock)
guiding image
guilt: Auschwitz and; and the past; and violence, and the past
Guttman scale
Haag, Karl Heinz
Habermas, Jürgen
Hacker, Frederick
Hacker Foundation
Haggin, B. H.
Hahn, Friedrich
Hartman, Geoffrey
Havel, F.
healthy sex life
Hebbel, Friedrich
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich; on argufying; on common sense; compared with Schopenhauer; concept of science of; on “consciousness of needs”; on critique; dialectical theory of; doctrine of individual of; Encyclopedia Logic; on externalization; freedom toward the object and; on morality; objectivity of truth and; Phenomenology of Spirit; philosophical thinking and; philosophy examination and; Philosophy of Right; on progress; on public opinion; Science of Logic; subject and object and; on temporal nucleus of truth; on transience of art
Heidegger, Martin; Being and; Being and Time; Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics; on ontology; primordiality and; Question Concerning Technology, The; “Why Do I Stay in the Provinces?”
Heimpel, Hermann
“Herr von Ribbeck of Ribbeck in Havelland” (Fontane)
Hertz, Anselmus
Heydorn, Heinz-Joachim
hidden messages, in television broadcasts
Himmler, Heinrich
historical continuity
historical-philosophical concept
historical separation of subject and object
history: opinion and; of persecution; progress and; subject and object and; theory and praxis and
Hitler, Adolf; atrocities of; contempt for human life of
Hobbes, Thomas
Hoffmann, Kurt
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von
Hofstätter, Peter R.
Hölderlin, Friedrich
Holz, Arnold
Horkheimer, Max; “Authority and Family”; “Aktualität Schopenhauers, Die”; Dialectic of Enlightenment, The (with Adorno); “Egoism and the Freedom Movement”; “Montaigne and the Function of Skepticism”; on philosophy general test; “Schopenhauer und die Gesellschaft”; on torture
Höss, Rudolf Franz
Humboldt, Wilhelm von
Hume, David
Husserl, Edmund; on consciousness; on verification of propositions
Ibsen, Henrik
idealism: Auschwitz and; critique of; former philosophical relevance of; in Germany; subject and object and
identity, positivism and
identity thinking, subject and object and
ideology: suspicion of; teaching vocation and; television as; total
IGNM festival (Frankfurt, 1927)
images: guiding image; teaching vocation and; and television
imagination, free time and
impressionism, philosophy examination and
Institute for Pedagogical Research
Institute for Social Research; see also Frankfurt Institute for Social Research; Frankfurt School
integration of society (Hitler era)
intellectuals: complicated thinking of; (Intellektuelle), National Socialism and; philosophy examination and; role in philosophy of; teaching vocation and
intentio recta
interventions: discussed; illegal, described
Introduction à la Métaphysique (Bergson)
“Invitation to Music” (Suchman)
Jaensch, Erich
Jäger, Herbert
Jahoda, Marie
Jaspers, Karl
Jerschke, Oskar
Jimenez, Marc
Jochmann, Carl Gustav
Johst, Hanns
Jonny (Krenek)
Just, Saint
Kadelbach, Gerd
Kaduk, Oswald
Kafka, Franz; America; “Country Doctor, A”; Trial, The
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry
Kandinsky, Wassily
Kant, Immanuel; on autonomy; categorical imperative of; on character and freedom; on consciousness; critical path of; Critique of Practical Reason; Critique of Pure Reason; Dreams of a Spirit-Seer; epistemological theory of; ethical theory of; on freedom; Grounding of the Metaphysics of Morals; “Idea for a Universal History”; Logik; metaphysics and; on moral law; on necessitation; on personality; philosophical thinking and; on primacy of object; on progress; Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics; subjectivity and objectivity; “What is Enlightenment?”
Kästner, Erich
Kaufholz, Eliane
KdF [“Kraft durch Freude”]
Keller, Gottfried
Kempski, Jürgen von
Kenyon Review,
Kierkegaard, Søren
Kirchheimer, Otto
Klee, Paul
Kleist, Heinrich von; Michael Kohlhaas
Kloo, Elfriede
knowledge: in philosophical sciences; philosophy and; practicality and; of reality; religion and; social; subject and object and; subjective relativity of; teaching vocation and
Kogon, Eugen
Kohn, Rose
Kracauer, Siegfried
Krakauer, Eric
Kraus, Karl; Morals and Criminality; on treatment of minors
Krenek, Ernst
Kristallnacht (pogrom, 1938)
Kugelmann, Ludwig
Kürnberger, Ferdinand
language; German; television and
La Rochefoucauld
Lazarsfeld, Paul F.
Lebensphilosophie (philosophy of life)
Lectures on the Method of Academic Study (Schelling)
legislation: progress and; of sexuality
Legman, Georg
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von
Leifer, Walter
Leites, Nathan
Lenau, Nicolaus
Lenya, Lotte
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Levin, Thomas Y.
Levinson, Daniel
Likert scale
linguistic expression, philosophy examination and
Linn, Michael von der
Locke, John; Essay Concerning Human Understanding
logic, integration and
logical positivism: introduced; opinion and
Lolita (Nabokov)
lonely crowd
Los Angeles Television (Campbell, Smythe)
Löwenthal, Leo
Löwith, Karl
Lukács, Georg
lunatic fringe
Luther, Martin
Luxemburg, Rosa
MacDougald, Duncan, Jr.
majority opinion
Manet, Édouard
manipulation, by television
Mann, Heinrich
Mann, Thomas
Mannheim, Karl
Marcuse, Herbert
Marischka, Ernst
Martens, Frederick H.
Marx, Karl; Capital: A Critique of Political Economy; Critique of the Gotha Programme; dialectical theory of; “Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, The”; Holy Family, The (with Engels); “Letter to Ruge”; progress and; “Theses on Feuerbach”
Marxism, as ideology
Matière et mémoire (Bergson)
Maximes (La Rochefoucauld)
McLuhan, Marshall
Meditations (Descartes)
memory destruction
Merton, Robert K.
metaphysics: progress and; residual, as art
Michael Kohlhaas (Kleist)
minor children, sexuality and
Monet, Claude
Montaigne, Michel de
Montani, Angelo
Montesquieu, Charles Louis De Secondat
morality: legislation and; religion on television and; sexuality and
Morals and Criminality (Kraus)
Morgenstern, Soma
Morrison, David E.
Morts sans sépulchre (Sartre)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Müller, Richard Matthias
murder: legislation of; ritual
music: Adorno and; American light; free time and; in Germany; progress and; during 1920s
Musical Youth Movement
“Music Appreciation Hour”
musique informelle
Musil, Robert
Mussolini, Benito
Nabokov, Vladimir
naive reasoning
naiveté versus non-naiveté
narcissism; Auschwitz and; German collective; of National Socialism; opinion and; subject and object and
nationalism: as absurd opinion; genocide and; German; in Germany; political necessity of; slogans and
National Socialism; authority and; and Berliner Tageblatt newspaper; childhood development and; cultural terrorism, slogans of; double hierarchy in schools and; euthanasia murders and; legislation of murder and; and the past, passim; political implications of; repression of the arts by; service before self, slogan of; sexual prejudice and; violence and
naturalism, philosophy examination and
natural sciences, opinion and
nature, progress and
Neumann, Franz
Nibelungenlied, Das
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm; on backworldsmen; Beyond Good and Evil; on despiritualization; ideal of being hard of; Gay Science, The; Human, All Too Human; On the Genealogy of Morals; on love of strangers; pessimism and; on redemption; on retribution; subjectivity of truth and; Thus Spake Zarathustra; on truth; Twilight of the Idols; Untimely Meditations
Nisbet, H. B.
object, primacy of
objective reason, opinion and
objective state of mind, opinion as
objectivity: research and; subject matter and; teaching vocation and; see also subject and object; subjectivity
“Ode to Joy” (Schiller)
off-limits sector; see also red light district
ontology: versus metaphysics; provincialism of; subject and object and; teaching vocation and; thinking and
opinion: authority and; as criterion of truth; delusion and; knowledge and; leaders; prejudice and; versus reasoned insight; subject and object and; see also public opinion
Other: differentiation and; genital sexuality and; introduced; progress and
Our Fathers (Bott)
Pareto, Vilfredo
Paris Commune
Parsons, Talcott
Pascal, Blaise
Pascha, Enver
Pascha, Talaat
pathological projection, described
Patzig, Günther
pedagogy. See teachers of philosophy
Penguin Island (France)
personalities; technology and
Pfitzner, Hans
philology: compared with philosophical self-reflection; as philosophical authority; teaching vocation and
philosophy: the Absolute and; art and; consciousness and; as critique; current opinions about; as delusional system; freedom and; general test in; versus idealism; of identity; methods of learning; versus natural sciences; positivism and; progress and; as refuge for freedom; as specialized discipline
phony psychological process
Picasso, Pablo
Pietranera, Guilio
Podszus, Friedrich
politics: critique; praxis and; in theater; see also democracy
Politics (Aristotle)
Pollock, Frederick
pontifical posture
“Popular Music Industry, The” (Mac-Dougald)
positivism: actionism and; authoritarian personality and; division of labor and; versus metaphysics; versus ontology; opinion and; progress and; as reified consciousness; theology and; thinking and
power; authority and; children and; deception and; personality and; progress and; of teachers
practical progress, study of philosophy and
Praun, Otto
primordiality: human sciences and
Princeton Radio Research Project
principium individuationis
productivity, free time and
Professor Unrat (Mann)
program analyzer
progress, concept of
progression of philosophy
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics (Kant)
prosperity, discomfort and
Pross, Harry
prostitution: males and; persecution of; during 1920s
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The
psychoanalysis: collective delusions and; objective opinion and; repression of; sexuality and; teaching vocation and; television and
psychology: Auschwitz and; destruction and; opinion and
public opinion; versus private opinion
Pushkin, Aleksandr
Radio Research 1941: “Popular Music Industry, The”; “Radio Symphony, The”
rationalism, revelation and
rationality, opinion and
reasoned insight: Auschwitz and; versus opinion
red light district: sexuality and; see also off-limits sector
re-education; in Germany
reflective thinking: Auschwitz and; as expansive concentration
regression: consciousness and; personality and
reification: of labor; opinion and
reified consciousness; human sciences and; identity thinking and; philosophy examination and; positivism and; study of philosophy and; theory and praxis and
Reisman, David
Reiss, Hans
religion: reason and revelation and; sexuality and; television and
repression; theory and
Republic (Plato)
research terms
res extensa (extended substance)
restitution phenomena
revelation, reason and
Rimbaud, (Jean Nicholas) Arthur
Robespierre, Maximilien
Rockefeller Foundation
Rottweiler, Hector (pseudonym)
Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Ruge, Arnold
Russell, Bertrand
Sade, Marquis de
safety first
Salomé (Wilde)
Sanford, Nevitt
Sargeant, Winthrop
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Scheler, Max
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von
Scheuermann, William E.
Schiller, Friedrich von
Schlageter (Johst)
Schlüter, Franz Leonard
Schnitzler, Arthur
Schönberg, Arnold
Schopenhauer, Arthur; World as Will and Representation, The
Schramm, Siegfried
Schriften (Benjamin)
Schubert, Franz Peter
Schultz, Hans Jürgen
science, concept of
science as measurement
Science of Logic (Hegel)
scientific dogma, opinion and
scientivism, philosophical critique of
self-alienation: of society; study of philosophy and; subject and object and
self-consciousness: opinion and; philosophical thinking and; study of philosophy and; subject and object and; see also defensiveness
self-cultivation versus specialized training
self-determination, Auschwitz and
self-reflection; compared with philology; drama and; nationalism and; study of philosophy and; subject and object and
self-rightousness, opinion and
Sellitz, Claire
Senft-Howie, Margaret D.
sexuality; erotic dimension of teachers and; taboos and; television and
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper
Simmel, Ernst
Simonsohl, Berthold
Simpson, George
slogans; do it yourself; nationalism and; opinion and; progress and; youth and culture
Smythe, Dallas W.
social research
Socialist German Student Association (SDS)
societal consciousness; see also consciousness; reified consciousness
society: Auschwitz and; critical theory of; free time and; progress and; rules of
Sonnemann, Ulrich
Spengler, Oswald
Spiegel affair
Spinoza, Benedict
spirit: concretism and; culture and; natural sciences and; nostalgia of 1920s and; opinion and; progress and; radicalism of; teaching vocation and
sponsors on television
sports: fair play and; as training for labor
SS State, The (Kogon)
Stalin, Josef
Stanton, Frank
Stauffenberg, Claus Schenk Graf von
Steinert, Heinz
stereotypes: narcissism and; in school; on television
Sternberg, Joseph von
Strauss, Franz Josef
streamlining of the state
Studies in Philosophy and Social Science
“Studies in Prejudice” (Horkheimer)
Studies on Authority and Family (Horkheimer)
stupidity in thinking
subject and object; false identity of
subject, turn to the
subjectivity; Auschwitz and; opinion and; reasoning and
success story, on television
Suchman, Edward
Summa Theologica (Aquinas)
Sumner, William Graham
system of checks and balances
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich
teachers of philosophy
technology: gadgeteering and; progress and; veil of
television: Adorno and; barbarism and; compared with films; compared with literature; intimacy and; screen size of; social influence of; study of
theater: Goethe description of; during 1920s
theory and praxis
“Theory of the Self-Cultivation of Man” (Humbolt)
“Theses on the Concept of History” (Benjamin)
thinking: armchair; mythology of Being and; objectivity of; Other and; philosophy and; progressive knowledge and; prohibition on; subject and object and; theory and praxis and
Thomas, Martin Luther
Thorwaldsen, Bertel
Threepenny Opera, The (Brecht)
Thurstone, L. L.
Thurstone Scale
Tillich, Paul
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Tolstoy, Lev
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de
Trabant, Jürgen
transcendental subject
Traumulus (Holz and Jerschke)
truth: versus opinion; opinion and; philosophical thinking and
Tucholsky, Kurt
Über Deutschland (Müller)
unconscious mind, television and
underlying population
unfreedom and oppression, philosophy and
Unitary Reason
unity, Being and
Valéry, Paul
value judgments
Vienna Circle
violence: legislation and; regressive tendencies and; teaching vocation and; on television
Voegelin, Eric
Voltaire; Dictionnaire philosophique
Wagner, Cosima
Wagner, Richard
Weber, Max; Methodology of the Social Sciences, The; Protestant Work Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The
Weigel, Hans
Weill, Kurt
Werfel, Franz
wide open city: sexuality and
Wiggershaus, Rolf
Wilde, Oscar
Williams, Raymond
Williams, Tennessee
Wir Wunderkinder (film)
Wissenschaftslehre, Die (Fichte)
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Woermann, Emil
Wolf, Christian
Wolfenstein, Martha
working proposition
“Work of Art in the Age of its Technical Reproducibility, The” (Benjamin)
worldviews: authority and; philosophy examination and; positivism and
Wrightman, Lawrence S.
Wyneken, Gustav
Young Turks
Youth Movement
Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung
Zenge, Wilhelmine von
Zohn, Harry