Publication Information
Why Still Philosophy
Radio lecture: (shortened version) “Wozu Philosophie heute?” Hessischer Rundfunk, 2 January 1962.
First published version: “Wozu noch Philosophie?” Merkur 16 (1962): 1001–1011.
Earlier translation: “Why Philosophy?” trans. Margaret D. Senft-Howie, in German Opinion on Problems of Today, ed. Walter Leifer, vol. 4, Man and Philosophy (Munich: Hueber, 1964), 11–24; reprinted in Critical Theory: The Essential Readings, ed. David Ingram and Julia Simon-Ingram (New York: Paragon House, 1991), 20–30.
Philosophy and Teachers
Radio lecture: “Lehrer und Philosophie: Ansprache an Studenten,” originally a lecture in the Studentenhaus, Frankfurt; broadcast by Hessischer Rundfunk on 7 December 1961.
First published version: “Lehrer und Philosophie,” Neue Sammlung 2 (1962): 101–114.
Note on Human Science and Culture
First published version: “Notiz über Geisteswissenschaft und Bildung,” in 4 Daten: Standorte—Konsequenzen (Hamburg: Internationaler Studenten-Arbeitskreis, 1962).
Those Twenties
First published version: “Jene zwanziger Jahre,” Merkur 16 (1962): 46–51.
Earlier English translation (shortened version) appeared in The Times Literary Supplement, Friday, 13 October 1961, pp. 716–717. No translator named.
Prologue to Television
First published version: “Prolog zum Fernsehen,” Rundfunk und Fernsehen 2 (1953): 1–8.
Television as Ideology
First published version: “Fernsehen als Ideologie” Rundfunk und Fernsehen 4 (1953): 1–11. The German essay developed out of an American work by Adorno: “How to Look at Television,” The Quarterly of Film, Radio, and Television 8 (Spring 1940): 214–235.
Sexual Taboos and Law Today
First published version: (shorter version) “Sexualtabus und Recht heute,” in Sexualität und Verbrechen: Beiträge zur Strafrechtsreform, ed. Fritz Bauer, Hans Bürger-Prinz, Hans Giese, and Herbert Jäger (Frankfurt: Fischer Bücherei, 1963), 299–317.
The Meaning of Working Through the Past
First published version: “Was bedeutet: Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit?” Bericht über die Erzieherkonferenz am 6. und 7. November 1959 in Wiesbaden veranstaltet vom Deutschen Koordinierungsrat, herausgegeben vom Deutschen Koordinierungsrat der Gesellschaften für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit (Frankfurt: Verlag Moritz Diesterweg, 1959).
Radio lecture: “Was bedeutet: ‘Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit’?” Hessischer Rundfunk, 7 February 1960.
Earlier translation: “What Does Coming to Terms with the Past Mean?” trans. Timothy Bahti and Geoffrey Hartman, in Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective, ed. Geoffrey Hartman (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986).
Opinion Delusion Society
Lecture held in Bad Wildungen during the “University-Weeks for Continuing Education in Political Science,” conference sponsored by the Hessen State government, October 1960.
First published version: “Meinung Wahn Gesellschaft,” Der Monat 14 (December 1961): 17–26.
Notes to Philosophical Thinking
Radio lecture: (shortened version), “Meditationen über das Denken,” Deutschland-funk, 9 October 1964.
First published version: “Anmerkungen zum philosophischen Denken,” Neue deutsche Hefte 107 (1965): 5–14.
Reason and Revelation:
Theses for a discussion with Eugen Kogon in Münster, which was broadcast by Westdeutscher Rundfunk on 20 November 1957.
First published version: Theodor W. Adorno and Eugen Kogon, “Offenbarung oder autonome Vernunft,” Frankfurter Hefte 13 (1958): 392–402 [position papers by both speakers] and 484–498 [discussion].
Lecture at the Münster Philosophers’ Congress, 22 October 1962.
First published version: “Fortschritt,” in Argumentationen: Festschrift für Josef König, ed. Harald Delius and Günther Patzig (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1964), 1–19.
Earlier translation: “Progress,” trans. Eric Krakauer, The Philosophical Forum 15 (Fall/Winter 1983–84): 55–70; reprinted in Benjamin: Philosophy, History, Aesthetics, ed. Gary Smith (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989), 84–101.
Gloss on Personality
Radio lecture: “Persönlichkeit: Höchstes Glück der Erdenkinder?” Westdeutscher Rundfunk, 2 January 1966.
First published version: “Glosse über Persönlichkeit,” Neue deutsche Hefte 109 (1966): 47–53.
Free Time
Radio lecture: “Freizeit: Zeit der Freiheit? Leben als Konterbande,” Deutschlandfunk, 25 May 1969.
Earlier translation: “Free Time,” trans. Gordon Finlayson, in The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture, ed. J. M. Bernstein (London: Routledge, 1991), 162–170.
Taboos on the Teaching Vocation
Radio lecture: “Der Lehrerberuf und seine Tabus,” Hessischer Rundfunk, 9 September 1965.
First published version: “Tabus über dem Lehrberuf,” Neue Sammlung 5 (1965): 486–498. With the following preface by Adorno: “The lecture here printed was completely freely improvised on 21 May 1965, in the Institute for Pedagogical Research [Institut für Bildungsforschung] in Berlin. The author, who strictly distinguishes between the written and the spoken word, abstained from any attempt to give the lecture retrospectively the consistent and integral character he necessarily demands of a text and restricted himself to absolutely minimal corrections. Even the loose, associative transitions, which may be permitted in extemporaneous speech only, have been kept here. The author is all too aware of the resultant deficiencies. Yet perhaps precisely these deficiencies may benefit its practical effects.”
Education After Auschwitz
Radio lecture: (shortened version) “Pädagogik nach Auschwitz,” Hessischer Rundfunk, 18 April 1966.
First published version: “Erziehung nach Auschwitz,” in Zum Bildungsbegriff der Gegenwart, ed. Heinz-Joachim Heydorn, Berthold Simonsohn, Friedrich Hahn, and Anselmus Hertz (Frankfurt: Verlag Moritz Diesterweg, 1967), 111–123.
On the Question: “What is German?”
Radio lecture: “Was ist Deutsch? Versuch einer Definition.” A contribution to the series of the same title. Deutschlandfunk, broadcast on 9 May 1965.
First published version: “Was ist deutsch?” Liberal 7 (1965): 470–479.
Earlier Translation: “On the Question: ‘What is German?”’ trans. Thomas Y. Levin, New German Critique 36 (Fall 1985): 111–131.
Scientific Experiences of a European Scholar in America
Radio lecture: (shortened) “Wissenschaftliche Erfahrungen in den USA,” Hessischer Rundfunk, broadcast on 31 January 1968.
First published version: “Wissenschaftliche Erfahrungen in Amerika,” Neue deutsche Hefte 122 (1969): 3–42.
Earlier translation: “Scientific Experiences of a European Scholar in America,” trans. Donald Fleming, Perspectives in American History 2 (1968): 338–70; reprinted in The Intellectual Migration: Europe and America, 1930–1960, ed. Donald Fleming and Bernard Bailyn (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press and Harvard University Press, 1969), 338–370. This is a very reliable translation of the radio version of the article.
On Subject and Object
Earlier translation: “Subject and Object,” in The Essential Frankfurt School Reader, ed. Andrew Arato and Eike Gebhardt (New York: Urizen Books, 1978), 497–511.
Marginalia to Theory and Praxis
Eingriffe and Stichworte have appeared in French translation in a single volume: Modèles Critiques, trans. Marc Jimenez and Eliane Kaufholz (Paris: Payot, 1984).
Critical Models 3
Radio lecture: “Kritik,” broadcast in the series Politik für Nichtpolitiker by Süddeutscher Rundfunk, 26 May 1969.
First published version: “Kritik,” Die Zeit, 27 June 1969: 22–23; reprinted in Politik für Nichtpolitiker: Ein ABC zur aktuellen Diskussion, ed. Hans Jürgen Schultz (Stuttgart/Berlin: Kreuz Verlag, 1969), 1:261–267.
Radio lecture: “Aus gegebenem Anlaß,” broadcast by Sender Freies Berlin, 9 February 1969.
First published version: “Resignation,” in Politik, Wissenschaft, Erziehung: Festschrift für Ernst Schütte (Frankfurt: Verlag Moritz Diesterweg, 1969), 62–65.
Earlier translation: “Resignation,” trans. Wes Blomster, Telos 35 (1978): 165–8; reprinted in The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture, ed. J. M. Bernstein (London: Routledge, 1991), 171–175.
Appendix 1
From the first published version of the essay, “What Does Coming to Terms with the Past Mean?” Was bedeutet: Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit? Bericht über die Erzieherkonferenz am 6. und 7. November 1959 in Wiesbaden, veranstaltet vom Deutschen Koordinierungsrat, herausgegeben vom Deutschen Koordinierungsrat der Gesellschaften für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit (Frankfurt: Verlag Moritz Diesterweg, 1959), here pp. 24–33.
Appendix 2
Reprinted in GS 10.2:816–817.