I never dreamed this book would be so long in the making, but at last it’s here. I’m not the same person I was when the idea was conceived. Thankfully, God never gives up, but keeps honing and changing me for His service. I would like to thank the people who have aided in that process.
Roxane Carley. When I told you the short story about a woman’s visit to see her brother in Hawaii, you told me it should be a full book. Thank you for your wisdom. It’s been a wonderful journey to that end.
Pam Jeffcott and Joy Inafuku. I didn’t get to Hawaii as I planned, so your technical support was wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. I hope you can forgive me in the areas where I guessed. The Hawaii I wrote about might not really exist, but I still hope and pray that you enjoy the book.
Connie Handel. Thank you for the medical facts and info. It’s so nice having someone with your expertise and willingness to help right up the street. You are dear to me.
Pastor Mark Cymbalak. Thank you, Mark, for helping me to see how personal God’s Word is, and how seriously He takes grumbling and complaining.
Cathy Yasick. You are so precious to me, Cathy. Thank you for your wonderful, warm spirit, encouraging attitude, and your determination to keep on. You have taught me so much. I love you, dear friend.
The children in my fourth, fifth, and sixth grade Sunday school class. Thank you for the laughter and fun. Thank you for good questions and using the great minds God has given you. I’m learning so much from you and pray that your hearts are being changed forever as we look into God’s Word.
Randy Vesperman. I need to thank you for sharing Mary with me and supporting the work we’re doing. But mostly, Randy, I want to thank you for your wonderful sense of humor and your kind friendship through the years.
Phil Caminiti. Thank you for the song on page 147, and for being one of the most perspicacious persons I know.
My son, Timothy. There are no words to describe my joy in you. I would have been weak. I would have given up. Thank you for playing hard and keeping on. I love you.
And always, my Bob. You’re a part of every romance I write. When the male lead is strong, patient, humorous, and working hard to be God’s man for the job, I just have to look to you for an example. Thank you for being my very own to keep.