With just four days left until the wedding, Gabe and Ash went out to breakfast, much the way they had before Ashton and Deanne were wed.
“I’m not at the house all the time,” Ashton began, “but it seems as though things are wrapping up very nicely.”
“They are, thanks to Lani and the rest of the church family.”
“When do the Kale and Koma gangs arrive?”
“Melika and Koma come tomorrow, Kale and Lydia on Friday.”
“And that’s why Lily is moving back to Jeff’s?”
“Yes. I wish she could stay, but it is going to be something of a madhouse.”
The men ordered their food and enjoyed their coffee for a time, but Gabe had been heavy on Ashton’s heart for several days, and he wasn’t going to miss this opportunity to find out how he was doing. Everything was moving so fast, especially because Gabe had not planned on getting married on such short notice. Because of that, the family had not been able to leave a cottage open for a year like they had for him and Deanne.
“Are you and Lily going to be all right living up at the house so soon?”
“We’ll be fine. Things will quiet down when everyone goes home, and Evan has already warned Peter and Celia about banging on our door.”
“Are you as tired as you look?”
“I am, yes. I’m busier than I would wish to be. I can tell that both Lily and I are going to be worn out before all of this is over.”
“Then I’d better warn you about something.”
“Take it easy for those few days you’re gone.”
“I think that’s the plan. We’ll probably just lie around the pool.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Gabe looked at his younger sibling. Right now he was the experienced husband. Gabe was very aware that he was not.
“Sometimes I can be rather thick, so be specific with me, Ash,” Gabe commanded. “Very specific.”
“Deanne and I were so tired by the time we left for our honeymoon that I thought we would be on the same page about things that night, but that was before we were alone. Suddenly I had all sorts of energy, and all my bride could do was cry. She wasn’t upset, just exhausted.”
Gabe was surprised but kept quiet, knowing there was more.
“If I had said something stupid like ‘I’ve waited a long time’ or showed Deanne that I was disappointed, I would still be trying to repair the damages. Are you getting my meaning, Gabe?”
“Yes,” Gabe said very slowly and gratefully. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Ash watched his brother take a drink of coffee. For a moment he just stared at him. This was the older brother he adored. This was the man who had battled Satan when he had done everything in his power to discourage Gabe during the cancer ordeal and all it had entailed. It hadn’t worked. This was the brother who had taught him that their God was huge. There was so much Ash wanted to say; he just hoped he could find the words. And then Lily came to mind.
“I hope you know how special Lily is, Gabe, and how much I’m praying for your marriage.”
“She is special,” Gabe agreed quietly. “And I’ll take any and all prayers you want to offer on our behalf. Thank you.”
“It’s a lot of work to love someone in the way that makes them feel loved, Gabe, but it’s worth it.”
Gabe smiled at him. Right now Ashton didn’t seem two years younger. Gabe felt like a kid as he realized this might have been the conversation he would have had with his father had Liho Kapaia been alive. In fact, Ashton looked more like their father than either he or Bailey.
“Where are you two headed on Sunday night?” the younger man asked.
“Kevin gave us a rate at the Ihilani.”
“Oh, very nice. How long will you be gone?”
“Just until Tuesday morning. Owen flies out Thursday, so that will give Lily one more day with him.”
“How do you think she’ll do with his leaving?”
“I think all right. Hopefully we’ll both have gotten some rest.”
It would have been nice to have started on that rest right then, but both men had jobs waiting for them. They talked a bit more as they finished their breakfasts, but it wasn’t long before both were headed out the door and back to work.
“How are you doing?” Jeff asked his sister on Saturday night. That afternoon they had had the wedding rehearsal and a light dinner, but now they were trying to make an early night of it back at Jeff’s apartment.
“I’m all right, I think. A little tired, but all right.”
“Take my bed tonight,” Jeff told her.
“Jeff, you need your rest just as much as I do.”
Jeff smiled just as their father joined them from his room.
“I don’t think I do,” he teased her quietly, and Lily blushed.
“Do you think I have the right shoes?” Owen asked as he brought out the patent leather ones they had given him with his tux. “They pinch.”
“Just wear your tennis shoes,” Lily told him, surprising both her brother and father into laughter. “I’m going to,” Lily added and found both men laughing again.
“You are not!” Jeff said, clearly not believing her.
“I’ll show you tomorrow,” she said complacently.
“Are you wearing tennis shoes?” her father now asked, having taken a seat to try his shoes on again.
“Yes. Bailey did, and she says it’s the only way your feet can survive such a day. It’s too bad you don’t have a dress to cover your feet, Papa.”
“But what about when you sit down,” Jeff argued. “Your feet will show then.”
“Yes, they might, but the shoes are brand new and very nice, and I don’t care if they’re seen.”
Right now Jeff could believe that. Lily was slouched in a corner of the sofa, looking as if she didn’t care about anything. It was too bad that the bride had to get so weary before the big day. Jeff knew that some of it stemmed from the rush of everything, but even brides who took months to plan were usually worn out by the time the ceremony came around. With this thought, his mind naturally went to Annika.
“Is there anything fun on television tonight?” Lily asked, wanting to just lie back, relax, and not think about what did or did not get done.
“I’ll check.”
There wasn’t, so they ended up watching a Hallmark movie that Jeff had on video. It was both funny and poignant, and Lily cried at the end.
“Go to bed, Lily,” her father told her, albeit kindly.
“You’re sitting on my bed,” she told him through her sniffles, as he was on the other end of the sofa.
Jeff reminded her that she was taking his bed that night. And because even Lily could see that she was on the verge of falling apart, she took the offer without another word of argument.
To Lily’s amazement, she was able to concentrate on the sermon by making herself ignore the flowers and bows they had already placed in the sanctuary the day before. They had come to early service, as did the rest of the wedding party, and other than Celia yawning a few times, everyone looked alert and ready for the big day.
After Sunday school, Bailey, who was Lily’s matron of honor, saw Lily into a special room so she could dress. She left Celia with her—the little girl was Lily’s bridesmaid—and for a time the two sat and talked.
“What did you learn in Sunday school today?”
“We had candy.”
“Why did they give you candy?”
“For a verse.”
“You said a verse?”
Celia’s head bobbed.
“What verse was it?”
The four-year-old frowned in concentration, and Lily had to bite her lip to keep from laughing at her earnest face. The little girl finally started the verse and had just finished it when Bailey returned, Deanne behind her.
“Time to get to work,” Bailey proclaimed.
“What did you do with Sarah?”
“My mom has her. Do you want to hit the bathroom one more time before you climb into that dress?”
“Oh, maybe I’d better.”
To the strains of the organ that signaled the start of second service, the women went to work. They had plenty of time, which was a good thing as it was hot and no one wanted to rush.
“How are the guys doing?” Bailey wondered out loud at one point.
“Shall I go check?” Deanne asked. She did not have to change her dress, so she seemed the most logical person to go.
“How are you doing?” Bailey asked Lily when only Celia was with them. The little girl had found a flower to play with and wasn’t attending to their discussion.
“I’m fine,” Lily said cheerfully. “Not even tired.”
“Good. Have I told you how honored I am to stand up with you?”
Lily smiled at her. “I wouldn’t have anyone else.”
The women embraced before Lily stepped into her gown. Bailey blinked like mad to keep from bawling, and Deanne came back just in time.
“Oh, Deanne, help Lily before I sob all over the place!”
“Oh, Lily,” Deanne said softly. “You look beautiful.”
“Will Gabe like it?”
“Gabe will love it!”
To Lily’s relief the time moved swiftly. Running only seven minutes late, she stood at the back of the church and watched Celia walk down the aisle, holding her Uncle Ashton’s hand. Bailey went next, her hand tucked into the crook of Jeff’s elbow.
Lily glanced up to see her father looking down on her, his eyes intent.
“Are you all right, Papa?”
“Just memorizing your face.”
It was almost more than she could take. With a huge effort she didn’t cry. A moment later the music sounded, and they started forward.
Had Lily been aware of anything save the man waiting for her at the front of the church, she would have heard sniffles and gasps all the way down the aisle. The church family had fallen in love with this sweet woman, and most of the them thought she looked like an angel in that white dress.
Owen stood proudly as he escorted Lily along, but he was very aware of the way she’d begun to tremble.
“Are you all right?” he asked softly.
“I think so.”
“You’ll do just fine.”
Lily wasn’t so sure about that, but Gabe was suddenly there, taking her hand and smiling down at her. She heard a baby cry, and then Pastor Stringer began. It was not a long service, but one that told of Gabe and Lily’s commitment to Christ before they committed themselves to each other. Lily’s voice was wobbly and just above a whisper as she repeated her vows, but she meant them with all her heart. Gabe felt her tremble, and when Pastor Stringer prayed, asked if she was all right. Lily nodded, and Gabe prayed that they would both make it.
And make it they did! When they turned to the congregation to be presented as Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kapaia, everyone cheered. Gabe and Lily laughed in delight as they moved down the center aisle.
The wedding party had been gone only a short time when the bride and groom returned to personally dismiss the rows and thank each person for coming. It took some time to accomplish this, and then it was time for pictures. What seemed like a long time later they were headed to the parking lot of the church for a luau, a feast provided by almost all who attended. For the next four hours they visited and laughed in celebration before Gabe bent and told his bride that it was time to go.
Alone for the first time all day, Lily changed her clothes very slowly. The family would be coming to take everything home, so she packed what she could and was still moving at a thoughtful pace when Gabe came for her.
Their car had been hidden away from “decorators,” so it was very hot after sitting in the sun, but neither one noticed the heat much. Gabe held Lily’s hand as they pulled away from the church, a CD playing softly in the background.
“Where are we headed?” Lily asked.
“To the other side of the island.”
“To a nice place?”
“For both nights?”
“Yes. In fact, we’ll probably wish we could stay longer.”
“Oh, I can’t wait. What is it called?”
“The Ihilani Resort and Spa.”
“Sounds romantic,” Lily said softly, and Gabe smiled at her.
They finished the drive with quiet talk, just glad to be alone, Gabe holding Lily’s hand all the time he drove. During times when only the CD could be heard, Lily let her heart be amazed. Just three months ago she hadn’t thought she would ever see this man again. As Gabe had a tendency to say, God had gone before them.
“This doesn’t sound good,” Evan said as he walked into the bedroom to find his very weary wife working to feed their equally weary daughter. Bailey had delayed nursing her so she could take care of it in the privacy of their home, but now one-month-old Sarah was past the point of consolation.
“Hey,” Evan said as he took her and bounced her a little, “Mama’s trying to feed you.”
His deep voice seem to calm her just long enough to get her back into Bailey’s arms. It was with blissful relief for both mother and daughter when Sarah finally settled in and began to eat.
Evan sat next to his wife, taking in the front of the top she’d changed into. The side he could see was soaked with milk. Bailey herself was drooping a bit, but as always, Evan found her lovely.
“You were wonderful today.”
“Thank you, and thanks for all your help.”
Evan smiled. “I couldn’t decide who I liked looking at more: our frowning Celia who kept adjusting her sash, or her lovely mother.”
Bailey laughed. “Wasn’t she funny? I wondered about that when we picked out that dress, but she liked it so much.”
“Well, it’s a done deal. How do you think they’re doing?”
“I don’t know. Lily was awfully tired.”
“We’ll just have to pray,” Evan said, and as though on cue the room became quiet, allowing both of them to do just that.
The room they would have at the resort for two nights was all Lily could have dreamed of. Done in soft pastels, the suite was clean and spacious and sported a huge bed flanked by nightstands and lamps, and a small living room area. But the best parts were a window and balcony that gave a fabulous view of the ocean. Lily didn’t even need to go outside; she was happy to stand at the glass and look.
Gabe stood with her, but once their bags had been delivered, he said he was going to get ice.
“Should I stay by the door?” Lily asked.
“No, I’ll have my key, so don’t worry about it.”
The ocean view kept Lily completely captivated while her husband was away. It was different from the view at the resort, and Lily was still taking it in when Gabe returned, coming up to put his arms around her from the back.
Lily gladly turned in his embrace, and it wasn’t long before Gabe was shutting the drapes.
“Are we going to turn out the lights too?” Lily asked in between kisses.
“Do you want the lights out?” Gabe asked her.
“I thought they were supposed to be.”
“What made you think that?”
Lily bit her lip, looked uncertain, and shrugged a little.
“Come here a minute,” Gabe invited, “and sit on the bed with me.”
Gabe took her hand and together they climbed into the middle of the king-size bed. They faced each other, legs crossed and knees touching.
“Do you remember that day you came to my office and brought me the papers that Evan sent over?”
“Do you remember the way I couldn’t take my eyes off you?”
Lily thought a moment. “I do remember that.”
“Other than a few times in your swimsuit, that was the first time I could see your figure.”
Lily’s eyes widened a little. “That outfit is immodest?”
“Not at all, but there’s no comparison to it and the rather baggy clothing you used to wear from Kashien. Your new clothing lets me see your shape.”
Lily nodded a little and asked slowly, “And that’s why we should have the light on?”
Gabe leaned forward to kiss her before he went on.
“There is no way to describe to a woman how fascinated men are with women, including their bodies. I’ve saved myself for marriage, Lily, but not just physically. I’ve tried not to look at women who don’t have enough on. I’ve worked to keep my thoughts pure and not be distracted by nudity—not easy to do when you own a resort. Now I have a wife, and I can finally look—at her.
“I’ll understand if we need a little time to get used to the idea, but you’re my only option, Lily, just as I’m your only option. Don’t hold yourself back from me. I want to look and touch. I want you to look and touch me. And since the Bible says our bodies are not our own, we need to be very nurturing with each other in this area.”
Lily nodded, even as she said, “The book didn’t cover that.”
“What exactly?”
“How interesting women are to men. Why is that?”
Gabe smiled. “You’re soft and not built the same way. Let me tell you, that’s a pretty heady combination.”
Lily nodded, but she was quiet, trying to take it all in. Finally she asked, “Did you say something about taking some time?”
“Yes, I think that’s pretty normal.”
“So does that mean we can work on having the light on, but it doesn’t have to be right now?”
Gabe smiled again. “I think that would be just fine, a good goal for us.”
“Do you know how sweet and patient you are, Gabe?”
“I’ve waited years for you and for this night. I wouldn’t want to do anything to spoil it for either one of us.”
Lily knew a contentment she didn’t think was possible. And when her husband did turn the lights out and she went into his arms, the contentment only grew deeper.