- At the beginning of this story Faith and David find a box of letters. Faith realizes that while she sometimes wishes the Amish
weren’t so old-fashioned, she’s glad they still practice writing to one another. Do you remember receiving letters in the
mail? How did it make you feel?
- Faith admits to herself that she is more comfortable around animals than people. Do you know anyone like this? What do you
think is the best way to relate to someone who is inherently shy or introverted?
- Peter finds comfort in the book of Job. Have you read it lately? Read chapter thirty-eight. How does this scripture make you
feel? How does it speak to the omnipotence of God?
- When David is looking up at the stars, he feels like he is in the palm of God’s hand. Does nature bring you closer to God,
and if so, how?
- David reminds Faith that she is perfectly made by God. Sometimes it’s hard to wrap our minds around that. What Bible verses
can you think of that tell us God has designed us perfectly and wants the very best for us?