A Few Practical Considerations
“I guess by now, you’re wondering how we ‘mere animals’ are able to manage a big organisation like the Pusska Moggyinsky Ballet Company all by ourselves? Well it’s like this:
“FOOD SUPPLIES: Eric and Daisy May, who live at the gardener’s cottage, Smudge from Dower House, guard dogs Gemma McBone and Frances de Wolf, and the animals and birds who live at Pets’ Corner, all have meals from their respective furless folk, though they never turn down the chance of a good old nosh-up from Willamena Wallaby’s well stocked canteen.
“Dishes of food like Pussomeat and Kittybits meant for us, the so-called ‘semi-wild’ Pluckers- Moggs cats who live at Pluckerslea Hall, are left each evening in the stable yard by Charlie the head gardener. We pass these thoughtful offerings to the Little Pussies of the Paw, to sustain the strays and orphans in their care. But don’t worry about us. We company cats feed on real yummy fare provided by Willamena Wallaby through her Tucker Trail, a great system supplying the canteen and just about everything else we need.
Willamena Wallaby does a little late night shopping
“So how does Willamena’s Tucker Trail work? Well it consists of a network of wild and domestic creatures, who collect and deliver supplies. These are specially selected from Salmon and Sons, a most productive fish farm; Melody Moo, an obliging dairy cow and her companions at Primrose Valley Farm; Shop N’ Go, the local village store and post office; the Muddy Donkey Public House and, if you take a short cut through the woods, you come to Tesmorbury’s Hypermarket just off the London Road. It’s truly amazing what can be found dumped at the rear of such grand establishments.
“HEATING AND LIGHT: Quite simple. The underground complex and Crypt Theatre are supplied by a system of hydro-electricity, powered by the swift stream that feeds into Pluckerslea Lake.
“MEDICAL SUPPLIES: All medicines used by Doc Rover and the St. Bee’s Ambulance Brigade – two pygmy goats and a stretcher – are herbal creams and potions made up in Willamena Wallaby’s canteen pharmacy.
“CLOTHING: Day and night wear comes from the sewing room of wardrobe mistress, Mrs Bilda Smudge. Items are made mostly of discarded seconds found at the rear of Sew-and-Sews’ clothing factory next to Pluckers Bottom village hall.
“WOOD: For making furniture and stage scenery, we get materials from off-cuts at the Forestry Timber Yard. Paint, nails and tools etc., can be unearthed from rubbish skips, the local builder’s yard – both real treasure troves for cast-off bits and bobs – and the back of Tesmorbury’s Hypermarket.
“BALLET SHOES: Tucked away behind the mysterious changing room is an incredible store room with shelves and boxes of ballet and character shoes of every size and colour. The strange thing is, no matter how many pairs we take, they never run out – maybe there’s a leprechaun somewhere at work – Ha! Meow, meow!
“BALLET COSTUMES: Like the shoes, who knows? Yet another store room is jammed to the ceiling with bolts of net, satin, lace, silk and brocade for costumes; velvet and gauze for curtains and drapes for the stage. It may seem strange, but we have never really wondered where it all comes from. I suppose, in what you might call our ‘animal simplicity’, we accept it as part of the fantastic mystery that is The Pusska Moggyinsky Ballet Company; just… pure magic... perhaps?
“Well I’m afraid that’s about it for now,” purrs Marmie, just as a clock begins to chime, deep in the underground complex.
“Great fishhooks!” he meows with a start. “Is that the time? You’ll have to excuse me. If I’m late for ballet class they won’t begin and the Maestro will be teased mercilessly by those young pussycats of the Corps de Ballet. Poor fellow, he doesn’t stand a chance on his own; he’s just putty in their paws.
Maestro Erico Poochetti with pussycats of the Corps de Ballet
“Now remember!” Marmie purrs. “Keep your whiskers combed, your ears pricked up and your claws trimmed. And don’t forget… arms open… up on your toes… and keep those paws dancing!
“Oh, and before I go, I’m giving you a little list you might find helpful. It’s taken from the Maestro’s own Pawbook for Pussy Ballerinas and Ballet Boys.
“See you later! Prrrrr…”