
A book is always the work of a team. In this case, God handpicked the best, and we’d like to express our gratitude.
A heartfelt hurrah to our super editor and friend Liz Heaney, who waded through this book concept by concept, line by line. Your exceptional talents made this a better book. Thank you to the original team who worked on this book at NavPress —Dan Rich, Terry Behimer, and the entire creative group. All of you supported the vision of this book with your talents. May God be glorified through the final work.
Thank you to the lively group that sacrificed many Wednesday evenings to field-test the Bible study: Brian and Pam Clifford, Mic and Sharon Davis, John and Valorie Havercamp, Phil and Karla Kroeker, David and Julie Kuss, Ron and D. J. McCormack, Terry and Sherry Middleton, and Doug and Tina Van Schooneveld. We laughed much together, didn’t we?
Thank you to Kim Troyer for her insights and suggestions. We want to especially thank Don and Sally Meredith and the ministry of Christian Family Life for their impact on our lives and marriage ministry focus. Some of the insights from the Song of Solomon in this book were originally in Christian Family Life messages.
Thank you to the thousands of women at the Intimate Issues conferences who openly and honestly shared their stories with us, and to the men at Tri-Lakes Chapel who provided input on sensitive subjects.
Thank you to Barry and Tamra Farah for a quiet place to write.
And finally, we give thanks to God for the privilege of commenting on His Word. Truly, God’s Word is living and active and profitable for every aspect of life!