
Thank you, Radclyffe, for the opportunity to keep telling the stories that crowd my head, and thanks to Sandy for all you do for everyone in the BSB family. I appreciate all you do to keep me on track even when I turn in the wrong thing.

A big thanks to my editors, Victoria Villaseñor and Ruth Sternglantz. Victoria, thank you for your ongoing lessons that make the writing as well as editing process fun. Ruth, with your help, the final product is something I’m proud of. You two are the best team in the business. Thank you to Sheri for another great cover.

Thank you to my beta readers Cris Perez-Soria, Lenore Benoit, and Kim Rieff. You can’t know how much I appreciate you all.

To the readers: You know every word is written with you in mind. Thank you for all the encouragement to keep going.

This book was tough to write in that it deals with domestic violence, which is a subject not easy to talk about. Abuse isn’t ever acceptable and something no one should have to endure. If you need help, reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. Their motto is “You aren’t alone,” and if you call, their volunteers are willing to listen as well as reach out to our local program that can help you. I’m pledging a portion of each sale to my local program for all they do in the rebuilding and saving of lives.

Thanks to my quarantine partner, C. You do make every adventure fun. Verdad!