Chapter 9

Loops, Loops, Loops

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding loops

arrow Exploring the for loop

arrow Creating nested for loops

arrow Working a while loop

arrow Using a do-while loop

arrow Avoiding the endless loop

Programs love to do things over and over, mirthfully so. They never complain, they never tire. In fact, they’ll repeat things forever unless you properly code instructions for when to stop. Indeed, the loop is a basic programming concept. Do it well. Do it well. Do it well.

A Little Déjà Vu

A loop is a section of code that repeats. How often? That depends on how you write the loop. Basically speaking, a loop involves three things:

check.png Initialization

check.png One or more statements that repeat

check.png An exit

The initialization sets up the loop, usually specifying a condition upon which the loop begins or is activated. For example, “Start the counter at 1.”

The statements that repeat are contained in curly brackets. They continue to be executed, one after the other, until the exit condition is met.

The exit condition determines when the loop stops. Either it's a condition that's met, such as "Stop when the counter equals 10," or the loop can stop when a break statement is encountered. The program execution continues with the next statement after the loop's final curly bracket.

warning_bomb.eps Having an exit condition is perhaps the most important part of a loop. Without it, the loop repeats forever in a condition called an endless loop. See the later section Looping endlessly.

The C language features two looping keywords: for and while. Assisting the while keyword is the do keyword. The goto keyword can also be used for looping, though it's heavily shunned.

The Thrill of for Loops

A loop is simply a group of statements that repeats. You may want a set number of iterations, or the number of repeats can be based on a value. Either way, the for keyword helps set up that basic type of loop.

Doing something x number of times

It's entirely possible, and even a valid solution, to write source code that displays the same line of text ten times. You could copy and paste a printf() statement multiple times to do the job. Simple, but it's not a loop. (See Listing 9-1.)

Listing 9-1: Write That Down Ten Times!

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


    int x;


    for(x=0; x<10; x=x+1)


        puts("Sore shoulder surgery");




Exercise 9-1: Create a new project using the source from Listing 9-1. Type everything carefully, especially Line 7. Build and run.

As output, the program coughs up the phrase Sore shoulder surgery ten times, in ten lines of text. The key, of course, is in Line 7, the for statement. That statement directs the program to repeat the statement(s) in curly brackets a total of ten times.

Exercise 9-2: Using the source code from Listing 9-1 again, replace the value 10 in Line 7 with the value 20. Build and run.

Introducing the for loop

The for loop is usually the first type of loop you encounter when you learn to program. It looks complex, but that's because it's doing everything required of a loop — in a single statement:

for(initialization; exit_condition; repeat_each)

Here’s how it works:

initialization is a C language statement that's evaluated at the start of the loop. Most often, it's where the variable that's used to count the loop's iterations is initialized.

exit_condition is the test upon which the loop stops. In a for loop, the statements continue to repeat as long as the exit condition is true. The expression used for the exit_condition is most often a comparison, similar to something you'd find in an if statement.

repeat_each is a statement that's executed once every iteration. It's normally an operation affecting the variable that's initialized in the first part of the for statement.

The for statement is followed by a group of statements held in curly brackets:

for(x=0; x<10; x=x+1)


    puts("Sore shoulder surgery");


You can omit the brackets when only one statement is specified:

for(x=0; x<10; x=x+1)

    puts("Sore shoulder surgery");

In this for statement, and from Listing 9-1, the first expression is initialization:


The value of the int variable x is set to 0. In C programming, you start counting with 0, not with 1. You'll see the advantages of doing so as you work through this book.

The second expression sets the loop’s exit condition:


As long as the value of variable x is less than 10, the loop repeats. Once that condition is false, the loop stops. The end effect is that the loop repeats ten times. That's because x starts at 0, not at 1.

Finally, here’s the third expression:


Every time the loop spins, the value of variable x is increased by 1. The preceding statement reads, "Variable x equals the value of variable x, plus 1." Because C evaluates the right side of the equation first, nothing is goofed up. So if the value of x is 5, the code is evaluated as


The new value of x would be 6.

All told, I read the expression this way:

for(x=0; x<10; x=x+1)

“For x starts at 0, while x is less than 10, increment x.”

Listing 9-2 shows another example of a simple for loop. It displays values from -5 through 5.

Listing 9-2: Counting with a Loop

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


    int count;


    for(count=-5; count<6; count=count+1)






Exercise 9-3: Type the source code from Listing 9-2 into a new project. Build and run.

Exercise 9-4: Create a new project using the source code from Listing 9-2 as a starting point. Display the values from 11 through 19. Separate each value by a tab character, \t. Use the <= sign for the comparison that ends the loop. Clean up the display by adding a final newline character when the loop is done.

check.png The for statement uses two semicolons to separate each item, not commas. Even so:

check.png technicalstuff.eps It's possible to specify two conditions in a for statement by using commas. This setup is rather rare, so don't let it throw you. See the later section Screwing up a loop for an example.

Counting with the for statement

You'll use the for statement quite frequently in your coding travels. Listing 9-3 shows another counting variation.

Listing 9-3: Counting by Two

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


    int duo;









Exercise 9-5: Create a new project using Listing 9-3 as your source code. Compile and run.

The program's output displays even values from 2 through 100. The value 100 is displayed because the "while true" condition in the for statement uses <= (less than or equal to). The variable duo counts by two because of this expression:


In Line 9, the printf() function uses \t to display tabs (though the numbers may not line up perfectly on an 80-column display). Also, the putchar() function kicks in a newline character in Line 11.

Exercise 9-6: Modify the source code from Listing 9-3 so that the output starts at the number 3 and displays multiples of 3 all the way up to 100.

Exercise 9-7: Create a program that counts backward from 25 to 0.

Looping letters

Listing 9-4 shows another way to "count" using a for loop.

Listing 9-4: Counting by Letter

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


    char alphabet;









Before you type the source code from Listing 9-4, can you guess what the output might be? Does it make sense to you?

Exercise 9-8: Use the source code from Listing 9-4 to create a new project. Build and run.

Exercise 9-9: Modify the printf() function in Line 9 so that the %d placeholder is used instead of %c.

remember.eps Computers see characters as numbers. Only when numbers are displayed and they fall in the ASCII code range for characters do characters appear. (See Appendix A for the list of ASCII character codes.)

Exercise 9-10: Using Listing 9-4 as your inspiration, write a for loop that "counts" backward from z (lowercase Z) to a (lowercase A).

Nesting for loops

One thing you can stick inside a for loop is another for loop. It may seem crazy to loop within a loop, but it's a common practice. The official jargon is nested loop. Listing 9-5 shows an example.

Listing 9-5: A Nested Loop

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


    int alpha,code;








        putchar(‚\n');      /* end a line of text */




Don't let all the indents intimidate you; they make the code more readable. Indents also help show which statements belong to which for loop because they line up at the same tab stop.

Line 7 in Listing 9-5 begins the first, outer for loop. It counts from letters A to G. It also contains the second, inner for loop and a putchar() function on Line 13. That function helps organize the output into rows by spitting out a newline after each row is displayed.

The printf() function in Line 11 displays the program's output, specifying the outer loop value, alpha, and the inner loop value, code. The \t escape sequence separates the output.

Exercise 9-11: Type the source code from Listing 9-5 into your editor. Build and run.

Here’s the output I see on my computer:

A1  A2  A3  A4  A5  A6  A7

B1  B2  B3  B4  B5  B6  B7

C1  C2  C3  C4  C5  C6  C7

D1  D2  D3  D4  D5  D6  D7

E1  E2  E3  E4  E5  E6  E7

F1  F2  F3  F4  F5  F6  F7

G1  G2  G3  G4  G5  G6  G7

A triple nested loop contains three for statements, which continues the cascade shown in Listing 9-5. As long as you can match up the curly brackets with each for statement (and that's easy, thanks to modern text editors), it's something you can accomplish quite readily.

Exercise 9-12: Write a three-letter acronym-generating program. The program’s output lists all three-letter combinations from AAA through ZZZ, spewed out each on a line by itself.

technicalstuff.eps I wrote a program similar to the solution to Exercise 9-12 as one of my first programming projects. The computers in those days were so slow that the output took about ten seconds to run. On today’s computers, the output is nearly instantaneous.

The Joy of the while Loop

Another popular looping keyword in C is while. It has a companion, do, so programmers refer to this type of loop as either while or do-while. The C language is missing the do-whacka-do type of loop.

Structuring a while loop

The C language while loop is a lot easier to look at than a for loop, but it involves more careful setup and preparation. Basically, it goes like this:





The condition is a true/false comparison, just like you'd find in an if statement. The condition is checked every time the loop repeats. As long as it's true, the loop spins and the statement (or statements) between the curly brackets continues to execute.

tip.eps Because the evaluation (condition) happens at the start of the loop, the loop must be initialized before the while statement, as shown in Listing 9-6.

So how does a while loop end? The termination happens within the loop's statements. Usually, one of the statements affects the evaluation, causing it to turn false.

After the while loop is done, program execution continues with the next statement after the final curly bracket.

A while loop can also forgo the curly brackets when it has only one statement:



Listing 9-6: The while Version of Listing 9-1

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


    int x;





        puts("Sore shoulder surgery");





The while loop demonstrated in Listing 9-6 has three parts:

check.png The initialization takes place on Line 7, where variable x is set equal to 0.

check.png The loop's exit condition is contained within the while statement's parentheses, as shown in Line 8.

check.png The item that iterates the loop is found on Line 11, where variable x is increased in value. Or, as programmers would say, "Variable x is incremented."

Exercise 9-13: Create a new project, ex0913, using the source code from Listing 9-6. Build and run.

Exercise 9-14: Change Line 7 in the source code so that variable x is assigned the value 13. Build and run. Can you explain the output?

Exercise 9-15: Write a program that uses a while loop to display values from –5 through 5, using an increment of 0.5.

Using the do-while loop

The do-while loop can be described as an upside-down while loop. That's true, especially when you look at the thing's structure:




} while (condition);

As with a while loop, the initialization must take place before entering the loop, and one of the loop's statements should affect the condition so that the loop exits. The while statement, however, appears after the last curly bracket. The do statement begins the structure.

Because of its inverse structure, the major difference between a while loop and a do-while loop is that the do-while loop is always executed at least one time. So you can best employ this type of loop when you need to ensure that the statements spin once. Likewise, avoid do-while when you don't want the statements to iterate unless the condition is true. (See Listing 9-7.)

Listing 9-7: A Fibonacci Sequence

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


    int fibo,nacci;







        printf("%d ",fibo);


        printf("%d ",nacci);


    } while( nacci < 300 );





Exercise 9-16: Type the source code from Listing 9-7 into a new project, ex0916. Mind your typing! The final while statement (refer to Line 16) must end with a semicolon, or else the compiler gets all huffy on you.

Here’s the output:

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233

The loop begins at Lines 7 and 8, where the variables are initialized.

Lines 12 through 15 calculate the Fibonacci values. Two printf() functions display the values.

The loop ends on Line 16, where the while statement makes its evaluation. As long as variable nacci is less than 300, the loop repeats. You can adjust this value higher to direct the program to output more Fibonacci numbers.

On Line 18, the putchar() statement cleans up the output by adding a newline character.

Exercise 9-17: Repeat Exercise 9-14 as a do-while loop.

Loopy Stuff

I could go on and on about loops all day, repeating myself endlessly! Before moving on, however, I’d like to go over a few looping tips and pratfalls. These things you should know before you get your official For Dummies Looping Programmer certificate.

Looping endlessly

Beware the endless loop!

warning_bomb.eps When a program enters an endless loop, it either spews output over and over without end or it sits there tight and does nothing. Well, it’s doing what you ordered it to do, which is to sit and spin forever. Sometimes, this setup is done on purpose, but mostly it happens because of programmer error. And with the way loops are set up in C, it’s easy to unintentionally loop ad infinitum.

Listing 9-8 illustrates a common endless loop, which is a programming error, not a syntax error.

Listing 9-8: A Common Way to Make an Endless Loop

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


    int x;




        puts("What are you lookin' at?");




The problem with the code in Listing 9-8 is that the for statement's exit condition is always true: x=10. Read it again if you didn't catch it the first time, or just do Exercise 9-18.

Exercise 9-18: Type the source code for Listing 9-8. Save, build, and run.

The compiler may warn you about the constant TRUE condition in the for statement. Code::Blocks should do that, and any other compiler would, if you ratcheted up its error-checking. Otherwise, the program compiles and runs — infinitely.

check.png tip.eps To break out of an endless loop, press Ctrl+C on the keyboard. This trick works only for console programs, and it may not always work. If it doesn’t, you need to kill the process run amok, which is something I don’t have time to explain in this book.

check.png Endless loops are also referred to as infinite loops.

Looping endlessly but on purpose

Occasionally, a program needs an endless loop. For example, a microcontroller may load a program that runs as long as the device is on. When you set up such a loop on purpose in C, one of two statements is used:


I read this statement as "for ever." With no items in the parentheses, but still with the required two semicolons, the for loop repeats eternally — even after the cows come home. Here's the while loop equivalent:


The value in the parentheses doesn't necessarily need to be 1; any True or non-zero value works. When the loop is endless on purpose, however, most programmers set the value to 1 simply to self-document that they know what's up.

You can see an example of an endless loop on purpose in the next section.

Breaking out of a loop

Any loop can be terminated instantly — including endless loops — by using a break statement within the loop's repeating group of statements. When break is encountered, looping stops and program execution picks up with the next statement after the loop's final curly bracket. Listing 9-9 demonstrates the process.

Listing 9-9: Get Me Outta Here!

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


    int count;


    count = 0;



        printf("%d, ",count);

        count = count+1;

        if( count > 50)






The while loop at Line 8 is configured to go on forever, but the if test at Line 12 can stop it: When the value of count is greater than 50, the break statement (refer to Line 13) is executed and the loop halts.

Exercise 9-19: Build and run a new project using the source code from Listing 9-9.

Exercise 9-20: Rewrite the source code from Listing 9-9 so that an endless for loop is used instead of an endless while loop.

remember.eps You don't need to construct an endless loop to use the break statement. You can break out of any loop. When you do, execution continues with the first statement after the loop's final curly bracket.

Screwing up a loop

I know of two common ways to mess up a loop. These trouble spots crop up for beginners and pros alike. The only way to avoid these spots is to keep a keen eye so that you can spot ’em quick.

The first goof-up is specifying a condition that can never be met; for example:


In the preceding line, the exit condition is false before the loop spins once, so the loop is never executed. This error is almost as insidious as using an assignment operator (a single equal sign) instead of the “is equal to” operator (as just shown).

Another common mistake is misplacing the semicolon, as in



    puts("Sore shoulder surgery");


Because the first line, the for statement, ends in a semicolon, the compiler believes that the line is the entire loop. The empty code repeats 13 times, which is what the for statement dictates. The puts() statement is then executed once.

warning_bomb.eps Those rogue semicolons can be frustrating!

The problem is worse with while loops because the do-while structure requires a semicolon after the final while statement. In fact, forgetting that particular semicolon is also a source of woe. For a traditional while loop, you don't do this:



    puts("Sore shoulder surgery");


The severely stupid thing about these semicolon errors is that the compiler doesn’t catch them. It believes that your intent is to have a loop without statements. Such a thing is possible, as shown in Listing 9-10.

Listing 9-10: A for Loop with No Body

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


    int x;






In the example shown in Listing 9-10, the semicolon is placed on the line after the for statement (refer to Line 8 in Listing 9-10). That shows deliberate intent.

You can see that two items are placed in the for statement's parentheses, both separated by a comma. That's perfectly legal, and it works, though it's not quite readable.

Exercise 9-21: Type the source code from Listing 9-10 into your editor. Build and run.

remember.eps Though you can load up items in a for statement's parentheses, it's rare and definitely not recommended, for readability's sake.