Mitch opened the second package after his shower and found more cookies, more pictures, and more drawings. This carton included more cookies, some containing what smelled like cinnamon and too many others to try to determine what they were. Not even in a bakery had he seen such a vast array of enticing creations. With a sigh of contentment, he selected a treat at random and bit down. And savored every flavor as it burst onto his taste buds.
Subject: I got two packages!
Dear Lainy,
I got back from our job and discovered not one, but two packages. (Nice.) And both contained cookies. The big one, I'm assuming from your grandmother, held every toiletry necessity we've been in sore need of here, as well as some much needed clothing I wouldn't have thought to ask for. In addition to those things, did you know Steve added his Game Boy, battery pack, and some cartridges for me?
Laurie included a note about how Steve realized the Marines over here had to sacrifice and he couldn't do any differently, so he sent this most prized possession to me. I'm overwhelmed. I couldn't believe he'd send me something like this.
By the way, his mother said there's a new Game Boy already wrapped and waiting for his birthday, so don't worry about that. She told me, so I'll tell you, in the event you hadn't heard.
Your Steve sounds like a very mature young man. I don't know many nine-year-olds who would do such a thing. As a matter of fact, I don't know many adults who would sacrifice like that.
His mother didn't include an e-mail or snail mail address, so if you could be so kind? I plan to send him a personal and heartfelt thank you. I'm sure I'll get a lot of use out of the thing. Providing Al doesn't figure out I have it, first.
I've decided I'm going to be possessive, but that doesn't mean I still won't lose the Game Boy. He's pretty persuasive. Of course, the problem will be that he has his own and will want to play me all the time. And he's had about ten years more practice than me. I can't let Steve down. Think he can give me some pointers?
Or you can give me some pointers? Laurie mentioned how you added to Steve's device and I definitely saw some evidence of this. I'm assuming the battery pack is one of your patents? It's amazing by the way. I had to take it apart, as these things intrigue me.
I'm a civil engineer. Did I forget to mention that? I'm a Marine reserve, but in my civilian life I work as an engineer for the federal government. I enjoy my job, so anything that takes engineering genius, like your battery pack, interests me.
Unfortunately, I'm not an electronics guy, so I can't say I understand much except that you're a genius. This pack is a revolutionary marvel. Please don't tell me you designed this while still in high school. I don't think my male ego could take it. <g> What got you interested in electronics?
I had a really inspirational physics teacher in high school who steered me into engineering. He said my mind worked along engineering lines. I don’t know. He helped me get into Penn State and directed me in the classes I needed. I’m grateful to him as I really enjoy my civilian job. (Guess he was right.)
Please tell the bakers thank you for me. I'll send along e-mails, too, as I think I know most of them now, but I don't think it hurts to express one’s gratitude several times when one lives in a sandy, dry area and has less than stellar cooks in the kitchen. We survive, but trust me, I'm not about to gain weight, even with your family's largesse.
Al just showed up. He smelled my cookies. It's sad to see a grown man cry every time I get these packages, but he seems to appreciate my bounty, too. His mom sends packages from time to time. He's a bit jealous at the number I receive, so I have to share. <smile>
I need to run (I’m late!) to a debriefing. Hoping this finds you well. Give Bentley a big hug for me. I assume he’s earning his keep by freeing your yard of vermin? And The Terror. You haven’t explained exactly why this cat is so called.
He snorted to himself. Yours. If only she knew that he really was hers. Somehow, through her kindness, brilliance, sense of humor, and utter lack of artifice, this woman had wowed him. She was everything a woman should be. At least everything he thought a woman should be.
Lainy Morrison seemed to have nothing lacking. Of course, from the little he picked up from her family, he wondered if she considered herself different than the rest of them. How this was possible with eight hundred relatives, he didn’t know, nor did he have time to contemplate.
Before he left he checked the bottom of both boxes and was grateful he had. At the very bottom of the second carton, he found several DVDs. Each of them was labeled with a family event, and with a sense of anticipation, Mitch’s hand tightened on the discs. These must be those family home videos Lainy had warned him about. He’d never seen ducks poop, but he figured it must be more interesting than watching sand blow.
Subject: Steve!
Dear Mitch,
Thank you for telling me about Stevie giving up his Game Boy. That sounds exactly like him. He's very understanding. Perhaps too understanding in some instances. But such a sweetie. He did love his Game Boy. I'll improve the new one for him, too, so no worries.
He's so going to be like me when he grows up. He loves anything electronic. Like me, he always has. I don't remember a time when I wasn't fascinated by circuitry and electricity. (Don’t ask my mom about the earlier years, it wasn’t pretty.) This utter wonder has always been with me, and with Stevie, too. He's a great kid. Not too good at sports, like me, but a good sport. Unlike me... <bg>
He actually gave me the idea for the battery pack, so unbeknownst to him I set up a college fund for him. Actually, I've set up college funds for all the kids. Many of the older rellys have contributed, which is nice. This way, the kids won't have a really nice car payment worth of student loans awaiting them. (And can therefore buy the really nice car upon graduation from college.)
It's sunny today, which is the first. If we don't have rain, we have overcast skies, so we're grateful to have some actual sun. Of course, the herd is out en masse, and Bentley is enjoying the romp with them. There's even a squirrel in the yard, but he's having way too much fun to notice.
I imagine I'll have a rather wet dog to sleep with tonight as the kids are going to a relly’s pool. (I'll have to bathe him, since chlorine isn't one of my favorite smells. Combine that with wet dog, and well... you get the picture.)
I might even end up with some wet kids, too. One of my cousins is due to go into labor at any moment, and if so, I'll probably get her three kids. (We do seem to have big families. Most of my sisters and cousins have at least three kids.) My sister Laurie had her baby. A girl! So at least Destiny has company now - she's fifteen and has six little brothers.
I've attached some pictures from our time in the park. Bentley rid the place of squirrels, birds, chipmunks, and most of the butterflies, too. He had a busy day. Plus, he played every game with the kids and even had time with the other dogs.
He was so tired I thought I'd have to carry him. Which wouldn't have worked. I think he weighs as much as I do. I coaxed him into the house, but he didn't sleep with me for the first time ever. He was too tired to climb the stairs. Instead, he curled up on his bed down here and sacked right out. <g> What a dog!
I’m working on another project for a client, so I'd better get back to that. Glad you're back safely from your work. We're all praying you come home safely.
P.S. I'm scared to ask, but have you received the videos yet?
Laughing out loud at her last comment, and sniffing a bit from her praying for his safe return, Mitch swallowed the tear producing emotions and enjoyed the laughter. He could almost hear her trepidation. Since his debriefing was over and he had a few free days, he wanted to sleep, eat cookies, and watch her family videos. But he needed the sleep more than he needed to watch the Morrison Family antics, or ducks poop, or whatever.
He clicked on the attachments and opened the pictures she'd sent. Sure enough, when the pictures formed on his screen he saw lots of kids and a few brown blurs. The kids and Bentley looked awfully happy and something swelled inside.
He was fighting to keep these kids safe. To protect them from the atrocities of terrorism and war. So they could laugh and play and learn and not have to experience firsthand the horror of terrorism. Some of them were old enough to remember September eleventh, but they might not understand what that one act of cowardice meant.
Mitch did. He'd understood then he'd be going to war. He'd known he'd have to give up Bentley. But he’d come to this place because his country asked him to.
Flipping through the photos again, he reaffirmed his reasons for living halfway around the world in a hot, sandy place not of his choosing. Mitch reconfirmed why he'd been willing. With deep thanks for the reality check, he yawned, tired but happy for the work already accomplished.
He did snap a quick reply to Lainy.
Subject: I got the videos.....
and don't mind watching ducks poop. It's got to be better than watching the sand blow.
Hello Lainy, <bg>
I need sleep more than I need to watch these videos right now, but I'll get to them tomorrow. I'll let you know what's on them. Plus, I have cookies and popcorn to eat. Al's sister doesn't bake, but she did send a huge box of popcorn, so I'm going to swipe some of his stash.
This'll be just like going to the movies at home.
I'm looking forward to seeing the DVDs, but am about ready to drop. We didn't get much sleep on this mission, so I need to catch up.
There're a few videos from the lake, so I'll start with those. Should I be worried?
P.S. Sorry about Bentley sleeping with you. He couldn't with me, because I only had a slightly larger than twin bed, so there was no room for him. He snores, if I remember right? Sorry. <g> Of course, Al is in the next bed, so it's not like I'm not hearing my fair share.
With a chuckle at what he thought would be her response, he tugged his favorite picture from the desk and took it to his cot. He climbed in, gazing at the woman laughing back at him, her arm slung around his dog. He loved how her eyes sparkled with mischief and intelligence. He liked the laugh lines around her lips and the way her lips, when not stretched into a smile, were full and lush. Just like her chest and bottom.
Groaning, he set the picture aside, afraid he'd end up with sexy dreams. He wanted Lainy to be a conscious, completely willing partner if and when their relationship matured to that step. That step, in his opinion, came after marriage.
He thrust his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling, trying to envision her asleep on her bed with his dog snuggled up against her. It wasn't hard. Except that they wouldn't be sleeping now as they were hours behind Kuwait. She’d be eating or seated in front of her computer, typing out a message or working on a project. Lainy might even be opening the door for Bentley to chase squirrels. Or she could be corralling the herd. Smiling, Mitch's eyes drifted shut and soon he was enveloped into a deep sleep.
He dreamed of laughing children colored like butterflies chasing brown dogs and a tall, lusciously curved woman with intelligent eyes who directed them with an electronic device and a sweet smile.