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Plate 1: 1b MOSFILM/The Kobal Collection; 2b State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia/The Bridgeman Art Library; 3t Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia/The Bridgeman Art Library; 3c Clive Barda/ArenaPAL; 4tl Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany/The Bridgeman Art Library; 4tr Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia/The Bridgeman Art Library; 4b Borodino, Mozhaysky, Moscow Oblast, Russia/The Bridgeman Art Library; 5t Private Collection/Archives Charmet/The Bridgeman Art Library; 5b Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia/The Bridgeman Art Library; 6tl Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia/The Bridgeman Art Library; 7t Topfoto; 7c Getty Images; 7b Private Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library; 8tl Topfoto; 8tr Topfoto.

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